<>stream Counsel may also learn the results of the "call" by consulting the Law Journal. xS*r To the extent possible, motions submitted in Room 130 will be decided "on the papers." {I8X$r_hEPw>@*kG~ [ 4T04QI2T0 t((l`nfP_T_ZTZTWlbfgjP^^PR 9 [DOCUMENT] Donald Caufield v. Consolidated Rail Corporation, American Premier Underwriters, Inc. fka The Penn Central Corp., individually and/or as successor-in-liability and/or interest to Penn Central Transportation Co., Pennsylvania RR, New York Central RR, Lehigh Valley RR Co., Erie-Lackawanna Railway Co., Erie-Lackawanna, Inc. [DOCUMENT] Davidoff Hutcher & Citron Llp v. Maria Del Pilar Nava Parada. /BaseFont /Helvetica (Gruenfeld v. City of New Rochelle, 72 A.D.3d 1025, 1026 [2nd Dept. Accessing Verdicts requires a change to your plan. Prac. 8 0 obj endstream ADA accessibility: 60 Centre Street: n\)J%w@h6L{MF8vET{D>^I9"+a;+Wu/o ^hw/xYZKq,PUH7nmy4h]o'4k.9/X/D.8 cG(q$2AN,fxuLG]e}5x <>stream Courtesy copies are not required nor accepted, but working copies are required by certain Justices in e-filed cases. See Section E. The results of the submission process for all motions "called" in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom have been published in the New York Law Journal two days after each return date. endobj <>/K 7/P 54 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> stream endstream Sharon A.M. Aarons. endobj It was determined after a thorough investigation thatOVER 420,000 ballot affidavits failed signature verification in the 2020 Election. Investigators extrapolatedthis data and concludedthat there were a total of 290,644 failed signatures in the 2022 Election., The Appeals Court dismissed the lawsuit and signature verification claims, stating, at best, Lakes signature-verification claim attacked Maricopa Countys process for verifying signatures that first-level reviewers questioned a challenge to the Countys election procedures, not a claim that overall procedures were violated.. x}=O0Wq EDM 43R(>RUY\.aK_T ;Gumt7k0v|vc+.Wc##. 5 0 obj Lake recently revealed new findings that Maricopa County kept a map of Republican voters on the wall, which lined up almost perfectly with the locations of election day machine failures. The party filing the paper must retain the original paper for 60 days in case any issue should later be raised about the PDF copy submitted. Therefore, the court will not require counsel to file multiple sets of the same motion papers, including possibly numerous and lengthy affidavits, affirmations and briefs. 32 0 obj Corp., 18 N.Y.3d 499, 503 [2012]. Subsequent Papers on Motions Returnable in Room 130: Cross-motions, papers in opposition, and reply papers on motions/petitions on notice returnable in Room 130 in a hard-copy case shall be submitted to the Motion Submission Part Courtroom (Room 130) on the final return date of the motion/petition and will not be accepted until that date. <> If argument is directed, it will take place on an announced date shortly after the day of submission. (Recommended). SHOW YOUR SUPPORT and get your Kari Lake Won Shirt at THEGATEWAYPUNDITSTORE.COM, https://thegatewaypunditstore.com/collections/apparel/products/kari-lake-won-az-classic-tee. The staff of that office will inspect the papers for form as noted above. % 4 0 obj Court. Description. /Creator <> All motions/proceedings brought on by notice of motion or notice of petition, in both assigned and unassigned cases, shall be made returnable in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom (Room 130) on any business day at 9:30 A.M. << ), If the moving party produces the requisite evidence, the burden then shifts to the non-moving party to establish the existence of material issues of fact which require a trial of the action. (Vega v. Restani Constr. *dKTF-~v$OmA~}- <>/K 5/P 54 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> endobj Parking: Metered parking across from 100 Centre St. endobj 130, to be held in and for the County of New York, at the Courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York on the 15th day of December 2020 at 9:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an Order, pursuant to CPLR 3215 as follows: (a) Directing the Judgment Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County to enter a Judge Name. 6 0 obj If you purchase something from these links we or the owners of those links COULD get paid for that. 4P04QI2T0 t(P@H!$K#(,3%5E!R91'D3$X\P/9?5+ 9 Furthermore, an applicant must, by phone, fax, e-mail, or mail transmitted with adequate lead time, advise all parties who have not consented that an application will be made, and the affidavit or affirmation must provide specifics on this as well. Any appearing party is expected to give notice to all parties and an announcement to this effect is made in Room 130. 22 0 obj A motion fee must be paid on motions made in writing by notice of motion, order to show cause or ex parte after the commencement of an action. <> *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. c x}N0{8$.(hHET8\f>Ab_pDR@Q'$6p7kp8=fl7,,X2{lu@oxEJps%H'UNl2N\4s nJD' QDCzIKf|GgV=@UqU|z~?0bzw]c7"vrTlk'a*i\;d;/Sn /Producer <504446204D656C64202D20467954656B2C20496E632E2028687474703A2F2F7777772E667974656B2E636F6D29> endobj <>stream PrintServer150 Proof of timely service on the other parties must accompany the proposed order in a hard copy case. endobj Subsequent documents on motions/petitions in e-filed cases shall be e-filed in a timely manner. <>stream :.OfN%7.l(]3ZXtMRHlI"*;- I 4}[XiXH}gX Sj,}:xvP_zwss\MnEN6~6j6%e75mQ:v;RCflYF dm| cg]8O&0+juhy*Kgr>tj1 Vw\@2PYzAh9QCMi6XD#(aY$UH*@"aRVLoC. 4 0 obj Vineyard, 61 N.Y.2d 106, 112 [1984].) Counsel/parties must advise the court, either between 9:00 A.M. and 9:30 A.M. or at the "call," of all motions or cases that have been resolved by counsel/parties themselves and all motions that the movant no longer wishes to pursue. endobj 17 0 obj Read our Pledge HERE. The submitting party should prepare a long form order and make it returnable without notice. 2 0 obj xS*r endobj 202.5-a (b). . If the Commercial Division Addendum is not submitted, the clerk will assign the case at random to a non-Division Part. 3 0 obj endobj Prac. endobj %PDF-1.4 The settlement process takes place there. <>stream Applications for adjournments that are not properly supported will not be entertained. Want to share news with us? Index Number Application (PDF) (Fillable PDF File) Index Number Application (DOC) (Doc File) This form is necessary to commence a civil court action. endstream The General Clerk's Office will process the RJI and, via computer, randomly assign the case. no . (f) (1). To obtain notification of the argument date and other developments, counsel should use e-Track (see above). 713984/2020 MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT BELKIN BURDEN GOLDMAN, LLP Attorneys for Defendant 270 Madison Avenue New York . endobj 31 0 obj endobj (31 Chambers, 7th Fl.) xuKj0>J~1!Hh 4$dw$Y*^e}Uj#]I r[$%Ack"<9kiJ 7p~\l%^l3s f}k{;7y}H8YZdZU7XsVU%H#{X9/`#D9;xsV` Visit e-Track to sign up. <>/K 10/P 54 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> This review will be conducted prior to the payment of the motion fee in order to ensure that fees are not paid with respect to motions that are defective (e.g., motions lacking proof of service or noticed for a date when the court is closed). <>stream <> endobj The case may be put over for three days to allow compliance with those procedures, as described further below. 16-621(E), 16-449, 16-452(C), argues Lakes attorneys in their Petition for Review., The court of appeals Opinion denying petitioner Kari Lakes appeal ruled that Arizona election laws dont matter.. endobj However, counsel should understand that requests for adjournment by stipulation or on consent recorded in an affidavit/affirmation of counsel will be granted if the request complies with the procedures of the Courtroom, including that with such adjournment there be no more than three adjournments for a total of no more than 60 days. ), New York courts have consistently denied summary judgment motions as premature when discovery has not yet taken place. endobj endobj 9 /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 9 AM - 4:30 PM, Public Access Law Library 33 0 obj 19 0 obj 17 0 obj Notice of the issuance of the decision/order is also recorded in the court's case management system. Basic Procedures in Room 130 -- Collection of Papers: The purpose of the Room 130 procedures is to achieve an easy and efficient means for attorneys to submit and the court to collect all motion papers (e.g., affidavits/affirmations in support or memorandum of law in support) not submitted with the initial papers used to calendar the motion, and opposition, cross-moving and reply papers in connection with hard copy motions on the calendar, as well as working copies in e-filed cases where such copies are required. On occasion, attorneys may wish to make a motion in more than one case on a single set of papers. stream New York, NY10007 Except as to decisions that call for settlement of an order or judgment, the decisions as posted generally bear the County Clerk's entry stamp so that counsel may serve a notice of entry promptly and without having to make a trip to the courthouse to retrieve a copy of the decision with entry stamp. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. endstream Any attorney may list one case with e-Track or all of his or her cases pending in the court, and in other courts as well. 19 0 obj Counsel should not contact Chambers for information about decisions and orders. | 14 0 obj See Uniform Rule 202.8(d). When the fee is paid, the County Clerk will place on the back of the first page of the notice of motion proof of payment in the form of a cashiers receipt stamp. Decisions: Issuance, Processing, Access to Copies with Entry Stamp, and Public Information: In e-filed cases, all decisions on motions and related orders are posted to the NYSCEF system (and entered when the County Clerk affixes a "Filed" stamp thereto in NYSCEF) and notification of the decision and order (which does not constitute notice of entry by any party) is sent immediately to all e-filing parties by e-mail. endobj <>stream The next motion/petition presented to the court in that matter will be assigned the next sequence number in numerical order. /Name /fytekpgnum2 in E-Filed Cases in Room 130: An attorney who wishes to submit a stipulation for an adjournment, an application for an adjournment, or notice that a motion is being withdrawn must take care to designate correctly the applicable document type from the menu in the NYSCEF e-filing system. Some Justices require that working copies of e-filed motion papers be submitted. stream 3 0 obj 1000 Indeed, attorneys are encouraged to use service or clerks to deliver papers or working copies, or to agree among themselves to have one of them deliver papers for all parties by service or a clerk. Proposed orders or judgments that did not arise out of a formal motion (e.g., out of a conference or trial) should be submitted to the Part of the assigned Justice. <>stream First, the threshold is not applicable and the case may be assigned to the Division if it seeks equitable or declaratory relief. Formal changes may be made by the staff directly on the order/judgment. We hope you dont mind as its expensive to pay for bandwidth and time to do this. >> % endobj endobj Assistant Law Clerk to Kathy J. 23 0 obj xS*r Privacy Policy <> 1-25 of 1712 results in NY. endstream endobj A motion that is the initial application in a case commenced by the filing of a summons and complaint would require a motion fee since the filing of the summons and complaint rather than the application itself would require the purchase of an index number. % Adjournments by Stipulation: Specifically, a party seeking an adjournment must contact all other parties in an effort to obtain consent and demonstrate that that was done. <>stream endobj An ex parte application for pre-action disclosure (CPLR 3102 (c)) would likewise not require payment of the motion fee. Adjournments by Affidavit/Affirmation of Consent: If all parties consent to an adjournment as allowed by these rules but a written stipulation cannot be obtained in time for submission, the applicant for the adjournment on consent may submit an affidavit or affirmation reciting that such consent was obtained. xn0yI(Jak5AhD! m;(? Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. Analytics. oKJ` { :ZjoL`08.r.sQkNAHe&/,UT5^(uHIwsbv=S K^4K;:~o-tU"c3JTJS*y5BG/GeO2bIs6Jmdng 6o/ Uniform Rule 202.70 (d). No Judge is present. %PDF-1.6 <>stream Counsel who wish oral argument must so request conspicuously on the front of their papers. Local Rule 6.1(d) - No ex parte order, or order to show cause to bring on a motion, will be granted except upon a clear and specific showing by affidavit of good and sufficient reasons why a procedure other than by notice of motion is nece ssary, and stating whether a previous application for similar relief has been made. Working copies when required shall be submitted to Room 130 on the final return date. 11 0 obj The clerk will calendar the motion for the Motion Submission Part Courtroom (Room 130) for the return date selected. 7 0 obj Counsel should deliver the proposed order to the Order Section of the appropriate back office, except in an e-filed case, when it shall be submitted electronically. Dec. 2018). <>/K 4/P 54 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> Maricopa County clearly disenfranchised tens of thousands of voters on election day with deliberate machine failures targeting Republican voters. endobj County Clerk Archives (31 Chambers, 7th . Rulings of the Administrative Judge have been posted on the Division website (under Decisions Online on the New York County home page). Where counsel seeks to make a motion affecting more than one case using a single set of papers, the moving papers should bear only one caption and index number, that of the case in which the motion is being made, which may be the principal case of the group involved. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK VALENTINO U.S.A., INC., Plaintiff, - against- 693 FIFTH OWNER LLC, Defendant. Motions made by notice of motion and petitions and notices of petition in special proceedings are processed by the General Clerk's Office (Room 119) and are to be made returnable in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom (Room 130) on any business day of the week at 9:30 AM. On directions to settle or submit an order, see David D. Siegel & Patrick M. Connors, New York Practice Sect. endstream The court must allow Lakes team to inspect the 2022 ballot signatures! 9 AM to 5 PM. << /Length 10 /Filter /FlateDecode >> X "T$NI\/ RtwdKBpV89z[ `4?-0#y|JtN?N[X 90-u$(Q"WxAy} :xZv!1 WktAssMTMyiF2 S[16. Because hundreds of motions appear on the Room 130 calendars every day, motion papers (other than part of the moving papers as described above) cannot be accepted on any day prior to the return date. endobj The General Clerk's Office prepares calendars for the motions that appear in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom daily: a Paper Motions Calendar and a separate E-Filed Motions Calendar. A duplicate original of the petition, the original notice of petition, and an original affidavit of service in a special proceeding, and a duplicate original of the 3213 papers and an original affidavit of service in any such motion-action shall be filed with the General Clerk's Office or e-filed when required. 4V04QI2T0 t(P@H!$K#(,3%5E!R91'D3$X\P/9?5+ :h See E-Filing for information on the requirements of Justices in this regard. 37 0 obj New York County Courthouse NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2022 10:21 AM: . 9 AM - 3 PM, County Clerk Archives 42 0 obj x+ | endobj x}N0sKuE% 1st Judicial District - New York County Supreme Court, Civil Term , Department Part 14 Rm. xS*r Self-represented parties, however, are not required to e-file unless they choose to do so and if not participating do not have to attach the Notice of Hard Copy Submission. To make a motion in more than one case on a single set of papers. who wish oral must... 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