the fact that it was the battle of waterloo , which resulted in napoleon's permanent removal from french throne, cemented them together in history as enemies. Whose deaths does he speak for? Ender explains that he's young and inexperienced. Ender also utilizes Bean's strengths; he puts Bean in charge of a special unit, he understands that Bean is just as smart as he is, and through Bean, Ender is able to gain a more extensive perspective. Ender's feet-first attack position is effective because his legs and feet can be hurt but he cannot be shot through the shield. What is surprising about Ender's promotion is that he is mad about the promotion because everything was about to go well, he was making a new friend, he was liking Bernard, and people were finally respecting and noticing him. Chapter 11: Veni Vidi Vici 1. Describe the battleroom. He separated him from the other boys and made it hard for him to get close with them. How does he react? for a customized plan. For the last 10 years or so, I'd kept checking to see if 'Alive' was being released. What names do Peter and Valentine establish for themselves on the net? It takes Ender years of study and practice before he's fully ready to be a leader; that is, to command an army of his own. In Ender's experience, nobody can be fully trusted, but everyone is basically a friend or an enemy. What is the boys name? Ender threw him and broke Bernard's arm. Why is Ender promoted? And Ender knows also that the teachers can no longer hurt him. He asks him to think of strategies, and train 5 soldiers. It got chopped up into two books, Shadows in Flight, and now, The Last Shadow. In what ways does Ender treat Bean exactly the way Graff treated Ender when he came to Battle School? In Chapter 9 of Ender's Game, how does Peter plan to take over the world? becasue she reminds him of Valentine Why did the Wiggin family move from the city to rural North Carolina? This is the only way that Graff believes Ender will be able to reach his fullest abilities. victory he has ever had? What lesson does this teach Ender? Es interesante? Create your own unique website with customizable templates. ANA MARIA (7) Y t? How does Enders discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? What does Ender ask Bean to do? Ender understands that Graff isolated him to make him the best soldier he could be, and he is now doing it to Bean. 1. How did the buggers control Ender's computer game? Contact us eventually win? Graff, by contrast, saves his praise of Ender for public forums where he can use it. Wed love to have you back! After finishing the book, respond to these . Renews March 8, 2023 Qu notas sacaste t? What does Ender reveal to Bean about the game's importance? A waves too rough to navigate B awesome character C hollowed-out shape D area too vast to determine. While Graff's treatment of Ender requires secrets and manipulation for Ender's good and success, Ender . What lesson does this teacher Ender? %PDF-1.5 % paciente-divertido-deprimente-caro-hablador-curioso-gracioso- tmido-emocionante-difcil-aburrido-valiente-peligroso-variado-alegre. What does he see when he looks in the mirror after? How does Ender's discussion with ean show what he has learned from Graff? Valentine says, to keep herself safe, all she had to do was to make sure it was more in Peters interest to keep her. Why can't Ender come back to earth? In what ways does Ender treat Bean exactly the way Graff treated Enderwhen he came to battle School? 0 Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. . 3. learning have? Latest answer posted May 17, 2017 at 12:53:37 PM. How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? In what way does Ender treat Bean exactly the way Graff treated Ender when he came to 4. In what ways does Ender treat Bean exactly the way Graff treated Ender when he came to Battle School? The only way for him to be a great commander is for him to hate the teachers, to blame them for what he has been forced to become, and he is right to do so. he discovered it wasn't a game when mazor rackham informed him, peace was established when ender stayed on eros and peter stayed on earth or else peter would've controlled ender. Continue to start your free trial. Why can't Ender beat the giant at first? How does he 3. In what way does Ender treat Bean exactly the way Graff treated Ender when he came to Battle School? What valuable skill does she eventually teach Ender? Why can't Ender beat the giant at first? To protect him until it is removed. How does Ender inspire confidence and loyalty in the soldiers in his army? Answers vary - he is accepting, he is nervous; he will do it to save Valentine, etc. Are his actions appropriate for his age? The space suits are where the equipment is. Ender treats Bean the exact same way in which Graff treats him. What importance do gravity, lasers, and spacesuits have there? To monitor him. $24.99 Subscribe now. Want 100 or more? Internal: External: 4. Why does Ender practice with his original Launchie group? Ender says Bean is the only one who knows what he is doing. false identities? "Bean looked at him and realized that the impossible was happening. What surprising opinion does he have about the Bugger Invasion? Describe where Ender is in the computer game. behind the mirror? Tasha listed these sports as way cool: golf, skateboarding, karate, and fly fishing. game's importance? You can also discuss these questions with your reading partners. What does this indicate about Ender? How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? Alguna vez se fueron de viaje? 4. A tall, attractive boy approaches Ender and asks him for his name and combat experience. 2. children with these implants are "protected" from harm since the fleet is keeping a constant eye on them. He shows them that gravity has no meaning in the battleroom and they must leave it behind; the only thing that matters is the direction of the enemy, which he says is always down. Why has Ender been on earth for two months instead of the originally planned two days? Nobody is going to protect him and putting him by himself makes him stronger because he has to fight for himself. Before Ender could change the rules, he had to first learn the rules. It is clearly worth it to them to mistreat children if it makes them into the fighters they will need to save the rest of humanity, but it does not make it any easier to do so. How is Rat Army different from Salamander? They make Ender the commander of Dragon Army, an army that has been defunct for several years, and give him an army of mostly untrained Launchies with several veterans. will help you with any book or any question. Why are adults the real enemies? 6-years-old. answer. 3. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. How does Ender defeat the computers security system? Chapter 11: Veni Vidi Vici. becasue no body practices with him in salamander army do he teaches the other boys the technices the older students taught him but Bonzo is mad because ender isn't practicing with his army. How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? HSko0iTUjj[-*hB@kihiD">9(nx|)J;7"}_NN/U; V8KEjL(da(5&]](=*6uSu| \"SJH.AD They can only use the fact that they are saving the world as justification for what they are doing. What does Ender ask Bean to do? What surprising opinion does . The boy is cocky and good, and Ender tells him he will be made a toon leader if and when he proves himself as a soldier. Just because Bean is smarter than the other kids and has more potential, Ender points it out and makes the ot hHRD PKn.x.A1/#qbVpp]{PWPM{ 1uZUg~i{[Tt=nf0 \CCr | P[(hprlt]qhf+P9mS^;lvS=nOsvCsR]zqO~nq'2qT\G:va y#%OKz*U8}+`$R_${=WQ@9x3kh How does Bonzo feel about Ender's practices? How is the fight with Bonzo similar to the earlier fight with Stilson? valentine was a pawn. How did Ender change throughout Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card? Ender learns that he has to be a good commander, and that one must learn the rules, give everyone a fair chance to show what they are capable of, and that to be condecending towards your team is the only way in which they will respect you. A week later, I am utterly disappointed in this novel. 4. What is the boy's name? Ender explicitly praises Bean privately when giving him the assignment, too. paciencia-curiosidad-gracia-timidez-dificultad-valor-peligro-alegra-jugadores-ritmo-sol-nieve-habitantes-sabor. Describe the battleroom. What does he see in the mirror after he defeats the snake? 1. What is the opposite of the word terminar? When he does this he notices the others' resentment of Bean. He makes Bean seem like he is the best. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Why is Petra the wrong kind of friend to have? Who becomes Ender's first friend? Ender froze several army soldiers before, when Ender joins in the fighting, his standing goes back to fourth place, but he soon learns enough to make it back to first place. Chapter 4 - "Launch" Why would Ender be disorientated before he even leaves? After practice, Bean confronts Ender. comes to visit him? What happens to the boy? Graff is never that straight forward with Ender ever. Knowing the I.F. Ender threw Bernard and broke Bernard' arm. Other questions may require. 5. Summarize Dink's discussion with Ender as they float in the battleroom's anti-gravity. Ender treats Bean with respect. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! He had to first learn the unfamiliar controls. The Warsaw alliance is undermined by antagonism between Muslim and non-Muslim allies. What does it first seem Graff has arrived to do? on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Why doesn't Graff stop the boy from hitting Ender on the head? a. How does he react? he's a great fighter and advanced in thinking at a quick rate, Describe the end of the world on enders computer game, what part of the computer game can ender not defeat, he tried to pry open the mortar but the water would leak through and drown him, why according to valentine does ender see peter in the mirror, ender is beginning to see himself as a killer instead of a boy, superstition because they never won 1/3 of their battles, why did graff give ender all new soldiers he had worked with in the past. endstream endobj 289 0 obj <>stream What is being discussed in the dialogue at the beginning of the chapter? Complete el dilogo que oy Pepe mientras esperaba en una oficina, usando correctamente una forma de las expresiones de la columna de la derecha. So excited, I purchased the Kindle version of the book and dove in. Sometimes it can end up there. Graff agrees but states that war is not fair, and that Ender must be ready to face anything. . List the internal and external conflicts Ender has encountered in this chapter. SECRETARIA: Lo siento, pero l __________ salir de la oficina. Does Ender believe him? It is also a way of clearly showing respect for Bean's intelligence. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Tashalistedthesesportsaswaycool:golf,skateboarding,karate,andflyfishing.\underline{\color{#c34632}{Tasha~ listed~ these~ sports~ as~ way~ cool:~ golf,~ skateboarding,~ karate,~ and~ fly~ fishing.}} Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Ender killed both of them. Escoge una caracterstica que se destaca (stands out) entre los grupos a continuacin y expresa la diferencia que notas entre ellos. He is now forced to give orders, to be a disciplinarian. 2. Nobody is going to protect him and he knows his standards & makes him stronger because he has to fight for himself . Ender understands that Graff isolated him to make him the best soldier he could be, and he is now doing it to Bean. English 8-Honors Name:_____ Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card Summer Reading Assignment . question. (6). Ender and Bean soon forge a relationship based on trust. Why was this name retired in the past? Ender? Who Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Write something about yourself. Second, he realizes more fully that the other armies, the other children, are not the enemies. enderwrote a boo about the buggers and how they lived since he killed them he thought it was his resposibility to write for them thtas why he signs it "speak for the dead", Chapter 13: Atmosphere and Climate Change, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, BIO 1801 final review (all KDAs) - not includ, Word problems 2nd grade (without regrouping). Why doesn't Graff stop the boy from hitting Ender in the head? Graff's relationship with Ender, on the other hand, requires mostly blind trust and hope that everything will turn out okay. Does Ender believe him? ender askes bean to come up with new and stupid ideas to have an advantage on the other team he makes special toons for this task and he asked bean because he is smarter and faster. The battle room is where they practice. This indicates thatEnder is really smart and does whatever it takes to get what he wants. Be thorough in your answer, as this will change. At the same time, they are only doing what they need to do. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. Dr=~l3PIY5W9`4%p4*-\Mz|N~[&GviG| o Z Because he didn't grow up fast because he wasn't on Earth. ender wins by killing all the queens he didn't even kno he was fighting buggers which made it and unexpected victory What happens to the boy? Because they are being trained to be soldiers. MIGUEL Oye, qu nota tienes en tu clase de ciencias naturales? Orson Scott Card and Ender's Game Background. Some questions may only require short answers. They shoot the lasers at each other, causing the person to be frozen. When used without a hyphen, the Latin prefix ex-means "out; out of; away from." enders first principle at the battle school Mazer Rackham hero of the Second Invasion Major Anderson Second in command only to Colonel Graff at the Battle School, Major Anderson is in charge of setting up battleroom scenarios. Ender thinks that Bean in the only one who knows what he is doing. 3. In pairs, read the following poem aloud, paying attention to the poem's punctuation and musical devices. He doesn't play by the rules, but he ends up killing the giant. In Ender's Game, what did the scene with the snake and Peter's reflection represent? What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them? Why can't Ender beat the giant at first? He drills his army, learning about each of the soldiers as he does. He hustles them out the door to practice after just three minutes, despite the fact that some of the boys are still naked. Describe where Ender is in the computer game. What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them? colonel graff had to convince him to come back He stacks the odds against Ender, and Ender views him almost as an enemy, but, like Graff, Anderson feels for Ender. Although he should feel enlightened, he hates his life. They use them to speak their mind and not be ignored due to the fact that they are merely children. hk0=n`}Xf+l}X:(}Q~wgIQM6!tw:I_+g9&SRC+Pv$(&Q,;vgnONzT-&87\i0)phnzhcC^f=r4hjFb3R]gM9GdV1]6;+"SLlU5U;=$i1Z$aZ7i%id_Jo!.6Lb:zL7Vs7EDi6$E1 Dont have an account? After Anderson leaves to go get Ender, Graff says to himself that he hopes Ender has enjoyed being happy, because things are about to get considerably worse for his brilliant student. Discuss the significance of Ender's monitor. Because of this, he is more successful with his army, and later, at Command School, has built a trust with Bean that ends up saving him. he is in a game called the end of the world and after defeating the snake he sees peter in the mirror and thinks he is turning into him. them? Why is Petra Arkanian exactly the wrong kind of friend to have? they make fake names so nobody could know their age. She teaches Ender how to aim. When Ender arrives at his army's barracks, he immediately goes to work forming them into a respectable force. Because she is an outcast. What instructions does Bonzo give Ender concerning battles? Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. Why is Ender's feet-first attached position so effective in battle? 297 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<65938BC17829AE4094D2526FA9559C54><3FED92A2370E7341B5A7F58B74644262>]/Index[284 24]/Info 283 0 R/Length 71/Prev 26515/Root 285 0 R/Size 308/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream What importance do gravity, lasers, and spacesuits have there? Ender's promotion to commander changes both his military and psychological status. How does he explain the fact that he is still the mischievous greek god of love; cupid in roman mythology, a political and military alliance established on may 14, 1955 beteen the soviet union and several eastern European contries, a german politician who was the leader of the nazi party, roman politician, one of the leaders in the conspiracy that assassinated julius caesar, english philosopher his work lie at the foundation of modern philosophical empiricism and political liberation, never met each other but fought only one battle against each other. When Ender first sees the the brilliant, undersized youngster Bean included in his army, he treats him very much like Graff treats Ender. Petra Arkanian is exactly the wrong kind of friend to have because she reminds Ender of his sister Valentine. 65. in what ways does ender treat bean exactly the way graff treated ender when he came to battle school? What is surprising about his promotion? (These answers may very - a good discussion point) Ender's world has just been turned upside down. No longer hurt him due to the fact that they are only doing what need. Understands that Graff isolated him to think of strategies, and why do you think the teachers change the.... Where he can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership him for his and! Turn out okay into two books, Shadows in Flight, and spacesuits have there a. 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