Are they buttering you up for a favor instead? This means that when you swipe right on someone you really like, you have to put effort into showing them you are a date worth keeping and make yourself stand out from the crowd. Trying to decide what to do with my free time, do you have any suggestions? You are a crazy person and you make me laugh all the time., 22. If a guy texts you a day or two before to confirm your arrangements for the evening out and then tells you hes thinking about you, you can respond with, cant wait to see you.. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Kind of want to remember the way . Whats the context? Make your lover smile with these flirty responses to "what's up". Receiving such a loving message could be just what someone needs after a long day at work or when feeling overwhelmed by life. I love hearing that you were thinking of me; it makes me feel special. This kind of reply provides a great opportunity to make use of this lighthearted emoji. This is usually used in motivational speaking when talking about achieving personal and career goals. Wendy L. Patrick, J.D., Ph.D. on September 11, 2022 in Why Bad Looks Good. When you want to share something they pay attention and make you feel heard. This lets the other person know that youre busy but still interested in talking. People flirt by text for many reasons: fun, relaxation, escape, connection, affection. If youre head-over-heels for a guy, you can go all in with this bold reply to thinking of you. You might like: 21+ Flirty Responses to How was your day?. Just hanging out with my girls, but I wish you were here! Youve eyed someone who has potential. Dating and relationships have always fascinated me. showed that while the ability to heal others was top choice with 34 percent, the ability to read peoples minds was the fifth most popular, with 15 percent. If your guy has done a great job of impressing on a first date, and you are definitely interested in pursuing things, this is a great way to show where youre at. Your email address will not be published. With such conditions, it must be a specific and satisfying answer for cherishing them. Sending this phrase isnt just about saying kind words; its about showing care and compassion for another person when words alone no longer suffice. If you agreed to a date days in advance and have your plans all lined up, youll probably have been looking forward to it. You always know the perfect thing to say. A successful flirty encounter seems to happen in three stages. It works in a flirty manner by turning the statement back around on the original texter. Exploring motive to gauge if someone else is interested in you. The ways people communicate interest are deeply rooted in human nature. If a guy who you really like as a friend seems to have taken your kindness the wrong way, dont be too harsh. With you I feel like Im living the best time of my life., 7. In a lot of friendships between men and women, awkwardness arises when neither party is clear about what they want. Well, that makes two of us, then! There are only so many hours in the day, and you shouldnt spend yours talking to people who arent filling you with excitement. "I'm actually blessed." 13. 60. The simple yet meaningful phrase, thinking of you may be just what someone needs after a difficult day or during hard times. Of course, Ive been thinking about you as well. Related content:What to Say When a Guy Calls You Pretty29+ Funny Responses to Compliments22+ Funny Responses to Are You Pregnant? (From Polite to Blunt), Image credits Photo by Francisco Venncio on Unsplash. I created Positive Scope to provide the necessary tools and resources to help you take control of your personal growth and improve your overall wellness. As long as youve given it enough time to let yourself feel comfortable at that stage of your relationship, this question works well. Its so sweet and romantic; its no wonder why people love hearing it! If you want to avoid the blame and fault game altogether, you can tell a guy that you think the two of you are on different pages about the nature of your relationship. What does this reply to Im thinking about you mean? Here are our 30 flirty responses to i was thinking about you that make them swoon: Hearing someone tell us that they are thinking of us can be an incredibly romantic and heartwarming gesture. Getting a message that says, thinking of you is the modern equivalent of the old-school phone call, just to say hi., When a guy you like sends you a text to tell you that youre on his mind, what hes really saying is I care about you, and I cant wait to see you.. and you half-heartedly entertained a conversation for a while but have now grown bored of him. Not all guys are good at communicating their feelings. Burned out from online dating? If you find yourself wanting to cancel a date, you know your interest is probably beyond saving. Not always PG, either. Although flirting is most often viewed through the lens of sexuality or a new fling, its also important in long-term relationships. If youre working on being your funniest, cheekiest, and most confident self, this message is certainly a good way to go. Use a playful, lighthearted tone to show that you are being playful and not serious. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. the upside-down smiley emoji when flirting. Been thinking about you all day. Go on is a similar response to do tell. It leaves the ball in the court of the texter, allowing them to elaborate on what they might be thinking.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'grammarhow_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-medrectangle-4-0'); While thinking of you can be an innocent comment, its still worth trying to find out what kind of thoughts crossed their minds. This is good to use when someone doesn't remember giving you certain instructions, and you want to let him/her know that you were doing as instructed. I know what your thoughts can be like when youre left alone with them. I know youve got something juicy going on in that brain of yours! If you dont want to flirt but you want to make the other person smile, here are some humorous replies you can use: Did you send that message to the right person?., I think about you sometimes, like when Im on the toilet., Is there really nothing more interesting going on for you?. I wish you were here. Two surprising predictors that someone may want to be more than just friends are having conversations about the nature and future of the relationship (strictly platonic friends dont seem to engage in those discussions) and, perhaps surprisingly, being uncomfortable when mistaken for a couple in public (platonic friends dont seem to be bothered by that). So, if you want to hear a load of nice things about yourself, just keep pushing the chat forward. If they say it after a date or an interaction, its likely theyre interested. This slight variation of a common idiom will let your match know hes. Then, try these: With such replies, you encourage them to keep working on their passion and support them in. You might enjoy: 20+ Flirty Responses to You cant handle me! If someone says this to you, they clearly have strong feelings for you. guy says "do u have a dog?". It gives them a chance to explain what you really mean to them, which could be a really nice thing to hear. There are many shades of infidelity. I hope we get to see each other again soon. Relational reasons to turn an acquaintance or friend into a partner. If youre the insecure or nervous type, you might wonder, Is he thinking about me because he is thinking about sending a rejection text?. But, if you began dating her and when you respond this way, youre definitely not going to see her again. If I be honest with it, you wont talk to me again., 26. Have you ever been asked If you could have any superpower, which power would you choose?. Theresa E. DiDonato Ph.D. on September 29, 2022 in Meet, Catch, and Keep. If your sense of humor is your strong suit, one of these sample responses will probably strike a chord with you. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Animal courtship varies tremendously between species, ranging from subtle movements to lavish displays. Only good things, I hope. With the right attitude, anything can be flirty. You are an honest person and stay true to the face, that is what I like about you the most., 16. , countyourself lucky. This would be the perfect response when your girlfriend asks what you like about her. If he writes to you saying that he is thinking about you, you'll know he's also totally into it and you don't have to worry about getting a rejection text from a guy. People most often flirt to convey interest in someone and potentially build a relationship. Of course, when you love someone, that person feels different than anyone in the world. Youre such a loving girlfriend that loves me more than anyone else., 8. The most important thing is that you reciprocate the sentiment if you feel the same way, and that you are clear about where you stand if you dont. I was scrolling through my phone when I received a message that said I was thinking about you. This is good to use when you're busy and can't respond immediately. Thank god you finally noticed me! Required fields are marked *. If he writes to you saying that he is thinking about you, youll know hes also totally into it and you dont have to worry about getting a rejection text from a guy. There is a risk that it could be misunderstood as a dirty reply to what do you like about me the most?. Thats a nice reply, but a bit narcissistic. When a guy keeps you guessing by being mysterious and. If youre a confident gal who doesnt need to be asked twice to show interest, this is an ideal reply to being told a man has you in his thoughts. Mark Travers Ph.D. on September 24, 2022 in Social Instincts. Asking a guy to respect your boundaries is never a bad thing and being assertive about what you do and dont want in your inbox can be very empowering. Its not just me, but my family also likes you., 23. You can use humor to do this or opt for a more serious tone, but either way, you should leave the guy messaging you in no doubt about the fact that you dont want him to, Well, lets just say we could all learn a lot from. Ill make sure of that! Its much more than sending flirty texts or sweet responses; its about showing genuine care and understanding when words no longer suffice. I look forward to seeing you again soon to talk about these things. Have you ever tried to flirt, only to have your efforts fall flat? Bower birds use leaves, grass, and twigs to construct elaborate nests. Pick a flirty route that's being well received, make eye contact, try and put on a . 20 Flirty Responses to What are you up to? The guy youre texting will appreciate that he isnt being told off, and your friendship will be stronger for having had such an honest exchange about where you both stand. Read next:Why Are You Still Single? If you went out with a guy who acted like a gentleman on a date and blew you away from the word go, you dont have to play it cool. Aw. Its so sweet of you to think of me I love it! Alina Liu Psy.D. (111 Perfect Ways). Ive been thinking of you too is a simple response. I just want to cuddle. Here are 20 flirty responses to thinking of you: Hearing someone tell us that they are thinking about us is an incredibly romantic gesture that can instantly put a smile on our faces and make our hearts flutter with joy and excitement! Are you finding your match on hinge? It suggests that youre interested in taking your romantic relationship of conversation to a sexual level. This slight variation of a common idiom will let your match know hes dating a smart girl. Go on. Its hard to pick just one., 10. Watching a moviecare to join me? With you around me, everything is always perfect. If a guy lets you know youre on his mind and you are genuinely dying to know what a guy is thinking about you, you can ask him if those thoughts are worth sharing. In fact, a lot of men out there are non-committal about what they want, with the result that a lot of women spend their time wondering what to text to get a guy to chase you. To tickle their egos, here are the best answers to What do you like about me? question from your partner, friend, or crush. Only good things, I hope. If youre feeling flirty, there are a few ways you can respond that will let the person know youre interested. Im about to go to bed, what are you up to? Spending time with you is so much fun, youre awesome., 12. Its a sign that the other person is thinking of you and cares about you deeply. What youre essentially saying is, Id genuinely love to know what, This reply isnt for the faint of heart. Grand claims and statements naturally cap a text exchange, so to keep your chat going, encourage the guy youre talking to to say exactly what hes thinking about you. However, if he wants to keep the ball rolling and plans on. So, what can you say in response? You could also use this opportunity to ask the other person about their day or plans. If you went out with, a guy who acted like a gentleman on a date. Read next:How To Answer Why Do You Love Me? Surprisingly, this response has nothing to do with religion. It shows youre really happy to be with them and do enjoy every minute of it. For starters, you can keep it light and playful by saying something like, oh, just the usual. At its best, flirting can be high art, whether the flirter is vying for a soul mate, manipulating a potential customer, or just being playful. For . It must be your strong brother, independent sister, or best friend who always stays positive and helps you with. I mean, after all, he could be thinking anything about you. 12. Do tell. I was thinking about how much I want to kiss you. Does perspective-taking inoculate against the appeal of alternative partners? Express how special and relaxed if feel when you have someone who is an understandable and active listener. How do you get the ball rolling? Adding too to the end of the sentence is all you need to do to show that youre returning the kind words to them. Because he/she is a caring, funny, and dependable person. I wish you were here. Just wanna get this off my chest: I think about you all the time. Plus, itll probably turn into one of those situations where a guy is explaining why he likes a girl, and hell shower you with compliments. marks the beginning of a great relationship as pals. And, most importantly, have fun! 28 "I'll explain in a second.". "I'm great, How are you doing?" 6. I really cant wait to see you again. You: Just thinking about you has me all hot and bothered. 6. In friendship, you generally dont expect any extra thing from one another. It shows your respect and appreciation for the competency they have acquired in the industry. Fun to have a playful, exciting interaction. Where's the line when it comes to cheating? Some claim that she's a progressiv. Use these flirty responses to the question what are you up to the next time youre texting with that special someone and see where the conversation takes you. Its your knowledge and expertise that makes me a fan., 15. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. If you want to up your flirting game, there are a few ways you can respond. They've already opened up the conversation and are showing an interest in how you're feeling. Even if youve already been on a date with him, there is no shame in, Youre both looking for love, and if it isnt there for you, thats not your fault. I dont know why youd think about. Just got out of the shower, what are you up to? Itll get them to think about you even more, as theyll be thinking about when they might get the chance to see you. The process of flirting allows a person to signal interest in small increments, and enables both parties to gauge the interest level of the other. When you respond with this one, no matter if its your boyfriend or best friend, you are showing them youre a fan of their honest nature. I don't know how I got so lucky. Thats so sweet. Trying to decide what to wear on our next date. I hope it was. Im cooking dinner. What do you think about when you think of me?, Youre always on my mind, especially when Im trying to sleep!, Then why dont you ask me when we can meet up?, Thats so sweet, why dont you give me a call?, Related content:15+ Flirty Responses to How Was Your Day?37+ Witty Responses to Personal Questions!11+ Funny Responses to Tell Me a Secret. They are: 1) Head turned to one side 2) Chin tilted down slightly 3) Slight smile 4) Eyes turned to the other person. Crafting the perfect flirty text is an art formbut we've made it easy for you with these ideas guaranteed to strike just the right note. By starting your message with, Oh yeah? you are clearly indicating that you are here for a flirty back and forth. It could be a funny, hot, or pleasant dream; whatever the case, this is a fun way to let your crush know that they're in your head . , you have to make your company worth his while. When someone texts you, What are you up to? theyre usually looking for one of two things: an opportunity to join you in whatever it is youre doing, or a way to start a flirty conversation. I wish you were here is a good loving response that works well. Does the information that a guy is thinking about you make you nervous? It's up to you to read the situation, so pay attention to how the other person is responding. Flirting combines body languagesuch as smiling, If You Need to Pull an All-Nighter, This Should Be Your Diet, Mass Shootings Are a Symptom, Not the Root Problem. And, on asking, why do you like me?, youd better show that its not just attraction, but a genuine love for them, as this reply means. I'm Sergios Rotar, a 21 years old personal development enthusiast. Thank you for being so loving. Especially to your best friend or office colleague who always listens to you and helps you out, this one is the right answer when they ask what makes you like them. Learn how to tell the difference. With such replies, you encourage them to keep working on their passion and support them in the morning hustle they follow. Flirting is not restricted to humans; it has many parallels in the animal world, seen in the behavioral displays many animals engage in to signal their availability and suitability. By acting like you have innocently misunderstood his text, you can worm your way out of this tough spot. 49 Tinder Topics To Talk About With Your Match To Fix A Date, 121 Flirty Would You Rather Questions For Crush To Couples. Receiving a message like I was thinking about you can be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. If you can follow it up with something that shows you care or that youre interested in them, youll be able to spare their feelings. Just think of your response as a reply to a compliment for a guy, because ultimately, thats what thinking of you is. 4. Some people might think this is an easy way out. What are you up to? Its a simple question, but it can be loaded with meaning. The alchemy of creating connection between two people can be subtle, enthralling, warm, humorous, and even thrilling. I mean, you know yourself that guys who call you sweet are a dime a dozen online, which makes pursuing them less interesting. The bed feels so cold without you. Ketan P. is a head writer and founder of 'Monk at 25', he also writes for multiple lifestyle blogs. "You'll see me soon" is a good flirtatious response that shows you're open to meeting the person you're texting. Flirting can take place without any words at all. You're so good to me. Although these tips may seem a bit stereotypical, research that observed women in bars and social settings bears out that the following can be successful flirting techniques for women:giving the person a short sideways glance, swaying with the music, smiling, laughing, nodding, and leaning forward toward the other person in conversation. Esteem motive to reinforce ones own self-esteem. "I could be doing a lot of things right now. ), 26 Things You Shouldnt Say On A First Date. It doesnt directly suggest that they are in your thoughts, but it is implied through the context of the text conversation. Telling a guy that you wish you were together will let him know youre on the same page and that you feel just as enthusiastic about him as he does about you. I was thinking about you tooall night long! or was rude. 4. The food, that you share with me all the time., 19. This reply gives him an easy out if hed rather not delve into what and why youre at the top of his mental list. Just remember to choose your words carefully and let your personality shine through in your response. Like what do you think like I have a tendency to talk a lot when people ask me questions or talk to me and I small talk lots and am friendly to everyone but a guy I'm talking to (talking for a while but not relo) says that I'm flirty when I overshare. Thats so sweet. Well, a study of the preferred superpowers of Americans showed that while the ability to heal others was top choice with 34 percent, the ability to read peoples minds was the fifth most popular, with 15 percent. If a guy texts you telling you hes thinking about you and youve been thinking about him all day too, you might be wondering whether telepathy exists. Have you ever wondered why someone is flirting with you? In either case, hearing that you are on the mind of a guy youd rather not think about isnt a hugely fun experience. Women often smile, arch their eyebrows and widen their eyes, tuck their chin down and turn slightly to the side, toss their hair, put their hands near their mouth, and laugh. I felt my heart skip a beat and my palms start to sweat. If youre caught off guard by a guy telling you that youre currently the main character of his internal dialogue, you might struggle to come up with a good response. Specifying the time (or the time and place) youre going to meet up is a nice touch that makes your message more personal. "I'm well." 3. You have to make sure youre ready for this before using this response. You know, work, work, work.. Feeling pretty beautiful/handsome today, but not as beautiful/handsome as you are! This response to Im thinking about you is also not one for the faint of heart. This will hopefully prevent you from hurting anyones feelings or ruining your connection. Ive been thinking about you too. Sometimes, a friend just knows exactly when you need them. If you want to show that you are interested and like the flirty side of texting, it might be worth including a little bit extra after the original message. When this profound experience happens between two people, it is essential to follow up with the perfect flirty response! on September 18, 2022 in A Therapist's Education. So, if your person of the moment lets you know youre currently occupying a lot of their headspace, opt for one of these stimulating replies. I wish you were here. What are the nonverbal cues associated with love and seduction? Ive been thinking of you too. Letting him know you're turned on is going to immediately turn him on, trust me. The alchemy of creating connection between two people can be subtle, enthralling, warm, humorous, and even thrilling. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. All humans come equipped with the language of flirtation, from ways of glancing to movements such as licking one's lips, to meet nature's most basic commandfind a good mate and multiply. I wont keep you waiting for long. 59. 10 Funny Responses to 'Thinking of You' If you don't want to flirt but you want to make the other person smile, here are some humorous replies you can use: "Should I be worried?" "Did you forget something?" "I hope it's not scaring you!" "What did I do this time?" "Did you send that message to the right person?." Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. If you suspect that the guy you like is messaging you to suggest getting together but doesnt want to come right out and ask, you can reply with this text. At the end of the day, it isnt your fault that he feels the way he does about you, and if you havent led him on, you shouldnt be apologizing for being a nice and friendly person. 2. The moment these words reach your ears, your whole mood can instantly become uplifted and you will feel a spark of joy course through you. If you want to spur on the text exchange and are also just genuinely curious what the guy youre chatting to is thinking, this makes a good response to thinking of you.. , and theres something to be said for playing dumb and feigning oblivion. is thinking about sending a rejection text? are a dime a dozen online, which makes pursuing them less interesting. If hes going out of his way to let you know youre on his mind, hell appreciate knowing that youre grateful for how affectionate he is. When you are just starting a relationship and your significant other asks what you like about them, this is a cute answer to respond with. I am good, paving my way to your heart. 11+ Funny Responses to Tell Me a Secret, What to Say When a Guy Calls You Pretty, 22+ Funny Responses to Are You Pregnant? (From Polite to Blunt), My Roommate Gives Me Anxiety! You are my best friend, did you forget that?, 21. This one works best when you've already arranged a time when you might meet the texter again. I really miss you too. When a guy keeps you guessing by being mysterious and responding to questions with maybe, youll probably be intrigued and want to keep texting. How To Answer Why Do You Love Me? If youre trying to convince someone to date you, you might feel the need to pull out all the stops. Whatever you do, avoid giving a boring or generic answer like Not much. Take the opportunity to stand out and show your personality. Thats so sweet is a simple response that works well. Most people that are interested in you would then elaborate on their thoughts to show you that they are only good things. I dont think I can wait any longer. 42 Great Ways to Respond when a Guy Says Im hungry, 41 Things to Say to a Girl Who is Mad at You, Copyright @ 2023 | UpVision GmbH | Privacy Policy | Contact. Here are 46 flirty texts to send your new crush, adorable boyfriend, or the man you've loved for years I'm still wearing that smile you gave me I've been crazy busy ALL day Wanna come distract me? The ball flirty response to what are you thinking about and plans on ready for this before using this response spending time with you going on that... Create English lessons that are interested in you would then elaborate on their passion and support them.. Oh, just keep pushing the chat forward express how special and relaxed if feel when you want to your. ; re so good to use when you have any suggestions about me the most? time you. Case, hearing that you share with me all the time., 22 this off my chest I... Soon to talk about these things my phone when I received a message that said I thinking. This profound experience happens between two people can be like when youre left with! Someone and potentially build a relationship just got out of the shower, what are you up?... 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