Prerequisites: Consent of the department chairperson, or instructor, or enrolled in the Applied Community and Economic Development sequence. Students pursuing a B.A. Description: This course focuses on genocide/mass violence and political, legal, and societal responses to it. Multiple enrollments are allowed if content is different; maximum 6 hours. Also offered as SOC 467. Prerequisites: CJS 200; 45 hours completed. First aid requires such little effort, it's ridiculous. Special attention is paid to the persuasive process of political campaigning focusing upon the role of the media, the candidate, image creation, and other selected topics on political campaign communication. Major or minor only or consent of the department advisor, or graduate standing. Description: The focus of this course is on dispositions and strategies of school leaders working toward socially and just schools, where every student can achieve. Description: Procedures, methods, and professional issues relevant to matching job candidates personal attributes to the requirements of specific jobs; emphasis is on personnel selection, training, and EEO legal compliance. There comes a time in our college career at Drexel where we just want to take an easy class, especially in the spring term. Depending on their major, students may be exempted from one General Education category (maximum of one course) because of disciplinary expertise gained in their major. Description: Examination of the student diversities found in classrooms and the impact of diverse learners on curricular and instructional practices. Description: A study and critical analysis of historical and contemporary issues in international justice, human rights, and conflict resolution. Topics include physical characteristics, history, social, political, intellectual life, and cultural change. Students atISU look for easy courses or bird courses to take as electives in order to get higher GPA. I took all three of those my last semester as well lol. Elective courses are intended to allow you to pursue areas of study that will compliment your intended career goals. When combined with a packed schedule, an easy or interesting elective can make a big difference on our stress levels. PSY 263 is recommended. my name is brooke hughes and i am from newnan, georgia! Description: This course examines how humans have interacted with the natural world and methods historians have used to study those interactions. Description: Advanced treatment of gerontological topic or issue explored by integrating classroom learning with intergenerational service-learning experiences. Description: An introduction to contemporary theories of culture including ethnography, Marxism, feminism, semiotics. Description: Critically examines recent issues in environmental philosophy, e.g., animal minds/rights, climate ethics, food ethics, conceptions of nature, ecofeminism, ecosocialism. Each individual investigation is to culminate in a comprehensive written report and/or examination. The following courses can be counted towards the Fine Arts category. Description: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the ideology, motivation, and methods of the numerous terrorist groups in existence over the last two centuries in order to provide a basis for an understanding of contemporary terrorist organizations and their impact on the national security of the United States. Description: Examines theoretical, pedagogical and research issues in family literacy, particular emphasis on cultural contexts in which children live. Formerly INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL DISABILITIES. Description: This course introduces the knowledge and skills for a school leader to meet the needs of a diverse student population. - foreign language degree requirement: LAN/FRE/GER/SPA/ITA/JPN/POR 115 (or equivalent). Prerequisites: PSY 110 or 111; PSY 231; BSC 101 or 196; or graduate standing. Because of laboratory or recitation requirements, some courses are listed as four or five credit hours in this catalog. Description: A survey of the relationship of the brain to various behavioral systems with particular emphasis on the developing brain. Criminal Justice Sciences - All major programs - None, Human Development and Family Science - SS, Information Technology - All major programs - SMT, Technology and Engineering Education - SMT, Biological Sciences - All major programs - SMT, Communication Sciences and Disorders - All major programs - SMT, Environmental Systems Science and Sustainability - QR, Interdisciplinary Studies - European Studies - LH, Politics and Government - All major programs - None, Special Education - All major programs - None, Music - All major programs (except teacher education) - FA, Theatre and Dance - All major programs - FA, Nursing - All major programs (one course only) - NS, A 2-course, first year sequence integrating, Courses approved for the M1 904 Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) category will satisfy Illinois State University's General Education Program Mathematics category. Depending on your area of specialization, you will be required to take one or two elective courses. Field trips required. Examines individual, interactional, institutional and social change processes. Indirect experience as group member and group leader through role-playing and experiential exercises. I love yoga, going out, exploring nature and travelling! Description: Administration of early childhood programs and community services responsible for guidance of young children. Description: Research methods and results concerning social psychology of work organizations. Prerequisites: Graduate music major or consent of the instructor. 3. Not for credit if had FCS 395. I love to chat and make new friends, and also have my own non-profit called Jars of Joy :). Courses with AMALI designation, indicating a focus on cultures of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, or the indigenous peoples of the world. Description: The seminar will review the theoretical and applied literature on community development, investigating strategies in both domestic and international contexts. ENG 145 - Writing In The Academic Disciplines. Description: This course provides exploration of leadership applications of educational neuroscience to enhance learning capacities from early childhood through adulthood. Campus Box 2202 Description: Impact of visual impairments on development; basic anatomy of the eye; types, causes, and educational implications of eye disorders; educational programming. Description: Introduction to rhetorical and critical communication criticism. Description: Analysis of sex offender prevalence and typologies. Description: Analysis of major theoretical formulations concerning personality with emphasis upon their current status and evidential bases. Description: Purposes and processes of school-community relationships and how to build community engagement through collaboration and partnerships to support student learning. Provides a comparison of varying systems of justice in selected countries. These skills and abilities provide an essential grounding for work in the students major as well as transferable skills that will be applied in a future career. Also offered as ANT 338. Spring term is a time to enjoy the fresh air and sit outside, not stay indoors and study for those hard classes. Description: Cellular and molecular aspects of neuronal function; neurotransmitter families; central nervous system development, anatomy, and function; and neuropathology. The following guides provide articulation information from Illinois Community Colleges to Illinois State University. Description: Intensive review and analysis of critical global problems and strategies for dealing with them. Description: Survey of various explanations of judicial processes and policies. Description: In-depth study of some aspect of Spanish and/or Spanish- American culture. Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) facilitates the transfer of students from one Illinois institution to another. Understand the principles of structural behavior. Im Zoe and a sophomore student at UCLA! General Education Program Description: Principles, tools, and models of local economic development, with an emphasis on practical application and examples. Hereis a list of 10 of the easiest classes atIllinois State. Not for credit if had FCS 310. Appropriate Use Policy Certain majors require a Natural Science Alternative course that substitutes for the courses above. Tutoring Services at Illinois State University. Description: Examination of concepts and relevant issues of bereavement, grief, and loss. Prerequisites: Graduate status and consent of the instructor. Prerequisites: ENG 241 or 243 or 341, junior/senior standing or graduate standing; or consent of the instructor. Description: Principles of behavior modification with an emphasis upon their use in a variety of educational and clinical settings. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the social work program or consent of the instructor. Prerequisites: SOC 106 or 108. Hit me up @zozobun and lets be friends! Also offered as SWK 411. I plan on majoring in marketing and am definitely rushing! Graduation Requirement AMALI (formerly Global Studies) Science, Math, Technology (SMT) Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access in U.S. Society (IDEAS) - for all students, starting with students following the 2023-2024 catalog Fall 2023 Fall Courses Fall GenEd Courses Fall IAI Courses Summer Courses Summer GenEd Courses Summer IAI Courses Description: Theories, methods, and research on social movements in the United States and on transnational social movements, including the women's movement. Prerequisites: Graduate standing, 6 hours of other electives with focus on aging, or consent of the instructor. Description: Select, implement, and evaluate equitable and accessible educational technology and their relation to diverse learners. While this may seem like a lot, it makes the approach to class much easier and more intriguing. Appropriate Use Policy Description: Application of theory and research to campaign strategy and message design. If you are interested in working with youth in foster care, First Star Academy has independent study opportunities available. Of course, difficulty is a subjective term, so some of these might need more work than you think. Description: Conflict resolution, communication, and mediation skills are applied to different areas of professional practice and restorative justice throughout communities. Includes clinical experience. This is Bowling 1. LH - Language in the Humanities Description: Theory and research in group dynamics and techniques of group therapy and counseling. Description: Theories and research regarding human development and family dynamics and their relationship to historical time, society, and culture. Kate is the Associate Editor of Her Campus. Math Courses at Illinois State University. Description: Theoretical frameworks of comparative politics for examining development, democracy, and governance. Create a construction project safety plan. Prerequisites: One PHI course or consent of the instructor; or graduate standing. Description: Social significance of language variation -regional, social, ethnic dialects; attitudes toward variation. Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at Illinois State. Some of my hobbies are watching football, playing basketball and just having a good time with friends! Offered as POL/SOC 470. Of these total hours, the Construction Management major requires 93 credit hours of coursework. Descriptions of practices in organizational psychology. There are a number of elective options outside the School of Social Work. Who doesnt love music? Description: Substance abuse research and policy, and the implications and options for prevention and treatment. Also offered as POL 470. Prerequisites: Any 200-level Art History course or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. C1 901R Writing Course Sequence. Students must complete at least one course from two different sciences. Description: Explores the concepts, theories, and methods sociologists utilize to study the body in social life. For MUSC 190, no experience is necessary. Students should consult with their advisor. Depending on a students major and interests, they may be taken in the first year. Description: An intensive analysis of correctional institutions and jails focusing on management issues, inmate subcultures, and prisonization. The major hours are divided into four areas: General Education, Construction Management Core, Construction Management Electives, and Management Core courses. Offered as ANT 342 and ENG 342. Not for credit if had PSY 480.09. Prerequisites: Consent of the graduate advisor. These are general requirements for all students. See individual major requirements. Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Description: theories of law and research on law in society. Description: Legal aspects of Illinois public education with emphasis on constitutional law and rulings and rights/responsibilities of school partners and community. The General Education Program at Illinois State University is an integrated multi-disciplinary set of courses that focuses on the development of communication and problem-solving skills and abilities, such as persuasion, listening, and argumentation; logical and quantitative thinking; and understanding varying perspectives on issues. Prerequisites: SED 101 or consent of the department chair or graduate standing. Description: Advanced treatment of selected subjects in gerontology. Description: Research in the interdisciplinary field of LGBT/Queer Studies, emphasizing how queer theory informs a variety of academic disciplines and discourses. Multiple enrollments are allowed if content is different, maximum 9 hours. Prerequisites: CJS 101; 45 hours completed. Prerequisites: A minimum of 75 hours completed or consent of the instructor. H - Humanities Description: Development of collaborative relationships between families and professionals serving young children who are blind or visually impaired. Prerequisites: 45 hours completed. Privacy Statement Majors-Only Courses. Upholds the goals of the UIS mission statement: The University of Illinois at Springfield provides an intellectually rich, collaborative, and intimate learning environment for students, faculty, and staff, while serving local, regional, state, national, and international communities. Description: This course summarizes the theory and research that informs our understanding of the aging process and the role of communication in the lives of older adults. Formerly PSY 480.28. C1 901R Writing Course Sequence. Description: Provides an overview of theory and research on interpersonal communication with emphasis on the knowledge and skills necessary to develop, maintain, and terminate social and personal relationships. FA - Fine Arts Description: Analysis of contending theories and ideologies concerning the role of race and ethnicity in American politics and public policy. CM Major Sheet. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in ECO, POL, or SOA or consent of the instructor. Not for credit if had FCS 305. Description: Examination of theoretical, methodological, and applied issues relevant to the study and practice in psychology in multicultural settings. students/interns. Communication and Composition (3 courses required) A grade of C or better required in ENG 101 and 145 or equivalents Mathematics (1 course required) May repeat if content different. Description: Selected advanced topics covering specific topics in American Government. Accessibility, ENG 101 - Composition As Critical Inquiry, ENG 101a10 - Composition As Critical Inquiry, ENG 145 - Writing In The Academic Disciplines, ENG 145a13 - Writing Business & Government Organizations, COM 110 - Communication As Critical Inquiry, COM 110a01 - Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education, THE 154 - Introduction To Black Drama And Theatre, HIS 104a05 - History Of South & Southeast Asia, HIS 135 - History Of The United States To 1865, HIS 136 - History Of The United States Since 1865, ENG 165 - Introduction To African-American Literature & Culture, ENG 160 - Introduction To Studies In Women's Writing, ENG 110 - English Literature And Its Contexts, ENG 170 - Foundations In Literature For Children, ENG 131 - American Culture: Traditions And Texts, HIS 131 - American Culture: Traditions And Texts, BSC 101 - Fundamental Concepts In Biology, BSC 101a01 - Fundamental Concepts In Biology: For Future Elementary Teachers, BSC 197 - Molecular And Cellular Basis Of Life, PSY 138 - Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics, ECO 138 - Economic Reasoning Using Statistics, MAT 152 - Dimensions Of Mathematical Reasoning, MAT 113 - Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning, MAT 113a01 - Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning: With Math Principles, CHE 112 - Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory, GEO 100 - Introduction to Environmental Systems, PHY 110 - Physics For Science And Engineering I, ANT 185 - Cultures Of The World: An Introduction To Cultural & Linguistic Anthropology, ANT 102 - Human Origins: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology, POL 106 - United States Government And Civic Practices, POL 151 - Introduction to International Relations, POL 140 - Introduction To The Politics Of Africa,Asia, & Latin America, SOC 108 - Contemporary Social Problems In Global Perspective, FCS 224 - Enduring Issues For Couples And Families, SOC 264 - Racial, Social Class, And Gender Inequality, F1 905D Ethnic Traditions in American Music, F1 909D Ethnic Traditions in American Theatre, H2 909D Hist Cult Ethnic Minority Groups in US, H3 918 Introduction to Children's Literature, M1 903 Math for Elementary Teaching I and II, S1 901N Cultures of the World: An Intro to Cul, S1 902 Human Origins: An Intro to Biol Anthrop, S5 900 American/U.S. i will be attending the university of alabama double majoring in management information systems and marketing in the fall! Not for credit if had MQM 221 or 421. Description: Examines the initiative and referendum process in the U.S. Evaluates how citizen-sponsored ballot measures impact policy and society. Prerequisites: MUS 253 and 254, or equivalent or graduate standing. Includes a hands-on disaster experience. Depending on their major students may be exempted from one General Education category (maximum of one course) because of disciplinary expertise gained in their major listed in the table to the right. Description: Examination of how gender shapes and is shaped by the public policy formulation and implementation in different political and state contexts. Office of the University Registrar Not for credit if had FCS 363. NS - Natural Science Pick up some of the classes mentioned above and enjoy the sun before it gets too hot! Description: Theories and research relating to face-to-face communication among people from different cultural, national, ethnic, or racial backgrounds. or the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.). Because of laboratory or recitation requirements, some courses are listed as four or five credit hours in this catalog. Description: Selected topics focusing on specialized aspects of Latin American politics. Formerly STUDIES IN WOMEN AND LITERATURE. Emphasis on developmental tasks, needs, and decision-making issues of aging family members. Description: Examines the structure of social interaction in everyday and institutional contexts, and its role in the organization of social life, identities, and institutions. Description: A consideration of historical and contemporary theories of learning and cognition, and their relationship to experimental data at the biological, behavioral, perceptual, cognitive, and social levels of analysis. While it is a lot of information, there are field trips to complement what you are learning in class. Prerequisites: PSY 110 or 111; PSY 231; or graduate standing. Basic knowledge and concepts of use of resistive exercises to increase muscular strength and endurance. Some professors expect a lot more work than we are willing to put in for a 101 class, however, Jessica A. Cohen is said to be a great professor for this course. Not for credit if had FCS 309. Prerequisites: HIS 135 or 136 or consent of the instructor; or graduate standing. Description: A critical examination of selected topics in women's and gender studies. Enhances opportunities for research and publication. 2023 Illinois State University, Normal, IL USA | Contact Us, Privacy Statement | Cookie Statement | Identity Standards | Appropriate Use Policy | IBHE Online Complaint System | ISU Complaint Resolution | Accessibility | CARESActReporting, SMT - Science, Mathematics, and Technology, composition, communication, critical thinking, and information fluency, Center for Integrated Professional Development, Disciplinary and Criminal Activity Disclosures. I like surfing and going to the beach. Description: Explores youth issues in politics, media, economic, and education systems. Heya! Maegan is a sophomore History major at Drexel University who constantly contemplates double majoring or double minoring. Illinois State University (ISU) Past Exams 2019. While some specific courses are important to take as part of preparation for a major (such as certain mathematics or science courses), the choice of which course to take in each category is a decision for students to make. Prerequisites: COM major or graduate standing. This class will cover relevant topics like climate change, current agriculture practices, and basic environmental concepts. You may find majors, sequences, and minors within each department or school. University Studies majors may take courses that are open to all students, providing they meet the prerequisites. May be repeated if topic is different; a maximum of 6 hours. Understand different project delivery methods. I plan on majoring in marine biology. Description: Medical, psychological, and sociological aspects of behavioral disorders of children. Prerequisites: 45 hours completed. Description: Urban structure and dynamics stressing human ecological theories, power, and cultural forces affecting architecture and social interaction. COM 150 is an overview of mass media in the United States, something that, as a college students, we arevery familiar with. Privacy Statement Students will take most General Education courses during their freshman and sophomore years, along with some courses in their major or other elective courses. Description: Theory and research related to the practice of public relations across cultural and national boundaries. Articulation changes may occur after the PDF was printed. The catalog year begins May 18, 2022. Description: Theory and research in vocational development and counseling. Sample 4-Year Plan of Study If you are lucky enough to get into the online section, this class will be a complete breeze! Most 101 classes in any major are easy no matter the professor, watch out for SOC101 classes. Description: Advanced overview of interdisciplinary feminist paradigms, emphasizing English Studies and literature, theory, and social discourse. Description: The study of the language development of children who are deaf and hard of hearing compared to normal language development. Specific classes that i took which were insanely easy were ACC 167 or 8, BUS 100, and MQM 100. you want other easy classes just look for the KNR or rec courses, bowling and billiards is a goddamn joke lol. Description: The study of intimate pairing; establishing relationships and effective intimate communication; an overview of marriage enrichment, practice, theory, and research. Prerequisites: Graduate standing; not for credit if had GEO 326. Specific questions should be directed to the student's advisor. Description: Analysis of the impact of alcohol and drugs on crime and the criminal justice system. Description: Includes attention to social and psychological bases of public opinion, current trends, methods of measurement, and opinion-policy linkages. Description: Historical and theoretical perspectives and contemporary trends concerning women and crime and processing of women by the criminal justice system. Maximum of 6 hours in decimal versions PHI 360. Description: Overview of interdisciplinary field of sexuality, gender, and gender identity studies. Not for credit if previously had ANT 308. Formerly COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Description: Survey of major issues and theories of American politics, including related to presidency, Congress, political parties, and elections. In addition to her work with Her Campus, Kate has been a Sex & Love stringer . The second way is to complete the Illinois Transferable General Education Core Curriculum available through the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) (see below for details). Prerequisites: Completion of 60 hours, POL 100, 106, or 138 or consent of the instructor, or graduate standing. Multiple enrollments are allowed for credit if content is different for a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Psychology or consent of the department. Feel free to send a DM or a friend request. Description: A selected topic, e.g., presidency, Congress, mass political behavior, selected policy problems, etc. May be repeated once if the content is different. Formerly RULES OF EVIDENCE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. All four or five hours will be credited toward graduation requirements, but only three hours will be credited in General Education for these courses. Graduation Requirement AMALI (formerly Global Studies) Science, Math, Technology (SMT) Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access in U.S. Society (IDEAS) - for all students, starting with students following the 2023-2024 catalog Fall 2023 Fall Courses Fall GenEd Courses Fall IAI Courses Summer Courses Summer GenEd Courses Summer IAI Courses Description: An interdisciplinary study of methods, theories, analyses and critiques used by feminist scholars to study feminist issues within and across a range of traditional disciplines. Apply basic surveying technology for layout. Description: Recent developments, new concepts, and special topics in the field of human development and family sciences. Instead you trade a pen and notebook for protective shoes, and pick up a bowling ball as you "participation". Provided different material is covered, a seminar/topic may be repeated. Certain majors require a Natural Science Alternative course that substitutes for a Natural Science course. More information Description: First Amendment rights. Prerequisites: Open only to graduate students who have completed considerable work in a degree program, who are in academic good standing, and who have demonstrated ability to profit from independent study. It's one credit hour and lasts half a semester. Formerly CJS 389.22 CRIMINALIZING THE MENTALLY ILL. Prerequisites: Major or minor only or consent of the department advisor, Description: A broad study of criminal behavior analysis and investigative techniques as they apply to predatory and frequently violent offenders. Description: This course focuses on a critical theoretical and applied exploration of the origins and solutions to environmental justices. Major focus on use of current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Description: Political nature, legal principles, and juridical procedures and cases of contemporary international law. May not be taken for credit if taken COM 352. 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Joseph Stonestreet Obituary, Alexandria, Mckenzie And Megan Calabrese, Lake Jackson Sinkhole Bodies Found, Articles E