0000052718 00000 n series; Purdue officials responded that he had grown too frail. 0000062821 00000 n 0000041553 00000 n 5In 1832, under Chief Justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court promoted tribal sovereignty, which recognized Native American tribes as domestic dependent nations. The court asserted in Worcester v. Georgia, Indian Nations had always been considered as distinct, independent political communities, retaining their original and natural rights, as the undisputed possessors of the soil. 6The Marshall Courts opinions were overlooked in nearly all forms of territorial expansion (most notably by the Jackson Administrations Trail of Tears), including future land policy such as Lincolns Homestead Act of 1862 that continued to promote the growth of agriculture. 115-334, Enacted December 20, 2018] 1970 Farm Bill - Agricultural Act of 1970 1965 Farm Bill - Food and Agricultural Act of 1965 1956 Farm Bill - Agriculture Act of 1956 1954 Farm Bill - Agricultural Act of 1954 1949 Farm Bill - Agricultural Act of 1949 Earl Butz (1909-2008) American government official (1909-2008) - Earl Butz was born in Albion (town in Noble County, Indiana, USA) on July 3rd, 1909 and died in Washington, D.C. (capital city of the United States) on February 2nd, 2008 at the age of 98. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. The nomination proved to be Nixon's most controversial for two main reasons. l6 =w)[PXrYq4VWDmlM_8oCH^IKd}$!s( xp}@_o1PxuROpy4.t8z|Pe+oX,*Db30L.G+Q/KA^3xG=fa=b$D=f50;u+nYc%d!EEslOYK]ZEPURlWHwIM During the 60s, livestock, rather than people, became the main consumers of American grain. 0000057234 00000 n Although not featured prominently in history books, American land and agricultural policy laid the groundwork for the countrys geographic, political, and economic development. 0000042749 00000 n 0000058905 00000 n The obituaries for Earl Butzwho went to his reward Feb. 2 at the enviable age of 98all note that he will be remembered less for his accomplishments as Agriculture secretary under Presidents Nixon and Ford than for the two off-color jokes that got him fired. He's not on the side of farmers or consumers. The Butz farm policy is one that involves risk. 0000054094 00000 n Has there ever been a female US Secretary of Agriculture? Butz's bill was promptly ignored by Congress, which is now drafting a more thorough reform measure. 0000011887 00000 n 0000069545 00000 n Butz had helped to arrange that sale in the hope of giving a boost to crop prices to bring restive farmers tempted to vote for George McGovern into the Republican fold.[10]. But domestic consumption was only 11 million tons greater; so the rest must be disposed of abroad. Earl Butz. 0 Perhaps the most widely shared gripe with Earl Butz is that of the food shoppers, over the skyrocketing prices of food. 0000046621 00000 n At that time, the Russian grain purchase of 1972 was the largest grain deal between two nations in history, and it set in motion a host of changes that would dominate agricultural history for at least the next two decades. Dont worry about overproduction, Butz told farmers on trips through the Midwest. The 20th Century Transformation of U.S. Agriculture and Farm Policy. United States Department of Agriculture. You could no longer assume your fellow whites would protect you for telling a joke insulting to blacks, and you could no longer assume your fellow blacks would protect you for telling a joke insulting to Jews. [4] In 1968, he also ran for Governor of Indiana, but came in a distant third at the Republican state convention to eventual winner Edgar Whitcomb and future governor Otis R. Bowen. 0000051337 00000 n <]>> 0000067829 00000 n Farm income stayed high for most of the decade. 0000061181 00000 n Actually. In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed him the 18th US. He was married to Mary Emma Powell. Earl Lauer Butz was born near Albion, Indiana, on July 3, 1909. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. They are disturbed, too, by the continued exchange of top personnel between the department and the big grain companies. Butz has been saved twice, by dry weather and by the Russians, said Representative Neal Smith, a Democrat from Iowa, referring to droughts in the American corn belt in 1974 and 1975 and to Soviet purchases of 16.5 million tons of grain from last year's crop and 2.2 million tons from the 1976 harvest. 0000065934 00000 n In public he seemed to be formal, but person-to-person, he was like any of the rest of us. 0000063920 00000 n HV6}W\]l]E6 T@>m3D;6d6}X"9s/~=[*W/2*" ss(vKr>WuPaX@Y6%PWAyR +u] ?`]_E(,a(i You are the peacemakers! The man was a creep. By that time, farms were cranking out much more than the market could bear, and prices fell accordingly. But the man likes confrontation, and uses it to disarm his critics. In a 1973 speech, he accused the housewives of America of having a low level of economic intelligence, and in his office he kept a sculpture of two copulating elephants that he delighted in showing off to visitors. Butz and the department hierarchy appear equally unconcerned over the plight of Southern poultry farmers, who have in effect become employees of the large feed processing companies. The Center was founded on a different belief. How did Earl Buts (secretary of Ag) change the farm policy in 1973? Secretary Earl Butz was the was the Secretary of Agriculture during President Nixon ' s term . Then they made secret deals with the five biggest American grain companies for 24.2 million tons of grain worth almost $1.5 billion in 1972 dollars $7.6 billion in 2009 dollars. To ensure bountiful food for the home front and the devastated allied nations, the government implemented price supports on crops. 0000065488 00000 n "[11] Through a spokesman, he stated that media outlets had taken this portion of his statement out of their original context, which was that of retelling a joke. Butz fanned their frenzy. analyzed the issue of executive immunity in terms of general policy considerations, and stated its conclusion, quoted supra, in the same universal terms. 0000048080 00000 n The Secretary responded with a line so obscene and insulting to blacks that it forced him out of the Cabinet last week and jolted the whole Ford campaign. Even after sales to Russia and Poland were finally resumed, the White House was bombarded with an unending stream of criticism from farm organizations. Butz should be praying for drought right now, says one observer. 0000049967 00000 n 0000051120 00000 n He graduated from Purdue University in West Lafayette in 1932. The United States now has commitments to supply about 25 million tons a year to the Soviet Union, Poland, Rumania, Japan and Israel. For Butz and his agribusiness cronies, the program amounted to socialism an intolerable check on farmers ability to plant and harvest as much as possible. A reflection on the lasting legacy of 1970s USDA Secretary Earl Butz Industrial agriculture lost one of its greatest champions last week: Earl "Rusty" Butz, secretary of the USDA under. He was the eldest of five children and worked on his parents' 160-acre (65ha) farm while growing up. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture in 1932, and then a doctorate in Agricultural Economics in 1937. 0000053560 00000 n Earl Butz and the U.S. American land policy began in the wake of the Revolutionary War, designed to bolster agricultural production to support the expanding nation. Then, in the 1980s, the bubble burst. Our productive capacity so far exceeds our capacity to consume, he says, that we couldn't even eat all the wheat we grow if it were free. But increasing U. S. exports has taken a certain wheeling and dealing. Author: Earl L. Butz The American Food Machine and Private Entrepreneurship Earl L. Butz | December 1977 The modern American Food Machine is perhaps the greatest single source of strength undergirding the unparalleled level of American living. In terms of 2009 dollars, corn reached the equivalent of over $15 in 1973.Overall farm income jumped along with grain prices, from $2.3 billion in 1972 to $19.6 billion in 73. He died still holding an emeritus position at Purdue. 0000042578 00000 n Donate today tohelp keep Grists site and newsletters free. 0000053931 00000 n 0000066617 00000 n Within the food system, five major trends have enabled widespread industrialization. 0000063693 00000 n 0000049389 00000 n Subsidized foods became less expensive, yet were higher in energy than unsubsidized crops such as fruits and vegetables, so Americans were financially inclined to purchase them. Butz pushed farmers into a new, industrial scale of. You're working for yourselves, because you're trying to make a little money and save some of it. The 12,500 members of the American Farm Bureau Federation to whom he addressed those remarks recently in Indianapolis roared their approval. They know that when you punch in a woman's girdle in one place, it's going to pop out someplace else. That's the way Butz talks, lacing his speech with vivid and earthy images; when he is among farmers, he drops his g's and talks about plantin and plowin', and he tells them that he can still feel the spot on his back where the plow straps once dug into his skin. 0000072106 00000 n On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The October 18, 1976, issue of Time reported the comment while obscuring its vulgarity:[13]. Known as one of the greenest commercial buildings in the world, since it opened its doors on Earth Day in 2013 the Bullitt Center has been setting a new standard for sustainable design. In the summer of 1972, the Soviets shook up the grain market when it hid from the world the fact that their grain harvest was in trouble. 3By the end of the nineteenth century, agricultural policy contributed to the settlement of 80 million acres of farmland. These policies benefited the burgeoning. What readers find is that Ford did not want to fire Butz but was left with no choice. Exports sustained high grain prices, leading the United States Department of Agriculture to describe the years between 1910 and 1914 as the golden age of farming. Farm income has shot up from $14 billion in 1970 to $26 billion now, and even after these figures are adjusted for inflation, they still reflect a nearly 20 percent increase. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); In addition to providing lifelong history lovers, teachers, and students free access to premier digital research, the editors and writers of U.S. History Scene are available for freelance or consulting work. 0000071060 00000 n If lie doesn't get it, he'll have a firstclass farm issue on his hands because we'll have enough of a surplus to remind farmers that he's been against higher Government price supports. The General Accounting Office warns that such a bumper crop could deal a serious blow to the farm economy, because the Agriculture Department has no real plans for dealing with either surpluses or shortages. He believed that a free, global market would bring higher prices, and for the few years that Russian agriculture struggled, he was right. In 1948, Butz became vice president of the American Agricultural Economics Association, and three years later was named to the same post at the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. The program that Butz inherited worked like this: When farmers began to produce too much and prices began to fall, the government would pay farmers to leave some land fallow, with the goal of pushing prices up the following season. Before Butz, there remained a snickering tolerance among the powerful for jokes denigrating the humanity of blacks, Jews, and homosexuals. He went on a speaking tour and encouraged farmers to plant fence row to fence row to meet global demand. 18. And so he got caught in a paradigm shift. %PDF-1.4 % Butz, who once called Richard Nixon one of the greatest Americans of this century. now says he has very good rapport with Gerald Ford. In Iowa, bin-busting harvests gave rise to an explosion of massive concentrated-animal feedlot operations (CAFOs). 0000048246 00000 n Argued Nov. 7, 1977. . 19Dubbed the Great Grain Robbery, food prices in America soared. On the other hand, heavy exports can lead to. 0000046066 00000 n As a result of the boom in exports of American grain, prices for grain shot up. Beginning in 1973, policy changes promoted by Nixon Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz deregulated the corn market. But Jimmy Carter repeatedly says that one of his first acts as President would be to replace Butz, and Carter's first big boost came in the January caucuses in Iowa. . Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, died this weekend at 98, leaving a colorfully offensive legacy and, thanks to the political correctness of the mainstream news media, a bit of a mystery as to why he's passed with such ignominy. A side goal was to go easy on the land. Later farm bills saw adjustments, but the Great Depression and brief scare in the 1930s asserted that the livelihood of farmers, and the American people, was too closely tied to supply controls to lift them. They had two sons, William Powell and Thomas Earl Butz.[4]. The analysis presented in that case cannot be limited to . Butz drastically changed federal agricultural policy and re-engineered many New Deal-era farm support . 0000062543 00000 n 0000055617 00000 n 76-709. What policy did Earl Butz promote in 1973? On the other hand, heavy exports can lead to domestic shortagesand rises in consumer food prices, as they, indeed, did in 1972. He plunged a pitchfork into New Deal agricultural policies that sought to protect farmers from the big agribusiness companies whose interests he openly pushed. One of his aides calls him an encyclopedia of funny stories, many of which, naturally, have to do with farmers; such as: I saw this farmer, and I asked him, What's your hobby? He said, Farming. I said, What would you do if you inherited a million dollars? He said, I'd keep on farming as long as the money lasted. His jokes have occasionally gotten him into troublelike the one in which he ridiculed the Pope's stand against artificial birth control by saying: He no playa da game; he no makea da rules. The remark brought a storm of protest from Catholics and ItalianAmericans, and resulted in one of Butz's rare apologies. Which of the following characterize carrying capacity. 0000059674 00000 n 17The threat of another depression hastened the reinstatement of crop regulation through the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which restored financial security to farmers. In the chart below, it looks like there was an unprecedented spike in corn prices in 2008. (For a blunt account of the farm-crisis period, see Osha Gray Davidsons 1996 classic Broken Heartland: The Rise of Americas Rural Ghetto.). 0000047170 00000 n 0000061644 00000 n The Secretary tells American farmers that high price guarantees, or supports, would lead you backward to the days when Government controls dictated what you planted and how much, and in the long run, lead to overproduction. Rather than use federal policy as a check on farm output, Butz saw it as a lever to maximize output. ammonia grow corn faster 4x as much tractors made the farmers work easier and let them farm more land. They pointed out that he was leaving the board of Ralston Purina Company to become Secretary of Agriculture, while Hardin was departing the Agriculture Department to become vice chairman of the same firm. 28 0 obj<>stream There was some question whether or not Butz realized that the Soviets were buying up one quarter of the entire U.S. wheat crop, but he did nothing to stop the sale despite the fact that it eventually raised food prices. "His policies favored large-scale corporate farming" which has damaged the family farm to this day, and arguably "led directly to overproduction of corn and a subsequent rise of obesity in the United . ), The feisty Earl Butz is now being drawn into Presidentialcampaign warfate as he was in 1972, when ??? Earl Butz While he was president, it was popular to be a Nixon hater. But if the two stay in balance, if the production is matched by just the right amount of foreign sales and there is enough left over for the domestic market, then farmers will get a good income, consumers won't pay inflated prices and the nation gets some help on its balance of payments problems. 0000046815 00000 n Gerald Ford dispatches him to farm states, where sometimes Ford has been successful in the primaries, as in Illinois'and sometimes not, as in Indiana and Nebraska. 0000012251 00000 n [Update, Feb. 5: A reader informs me, as kindly as he can manage, that I read too muchsubtle wit intoButzs wisecrack about the pope. 3 0000053132 00000 n YouTube. The deal came at the same time as the Nixon administration was trying to ease tensions between the worlds two super powers (at that time) and to bolster U.S. farm income to help win that years presidential election. I told him, You've got too many instant experts on agriculture in the White House They're brilliant people, but with no judgment. He said, I make no apology for my desire to raise farm prices.. It's three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. The successes and failures of each installation of land and agricultural policy emphasize the understated influence each wave of policy has extended over American welfare. Left unregulated, agricultural policy has proved to be as catastrophic as well as instrumental culturally, economically, and environmentally. 0000000016 00000 n [3], Butz was an alumnus of Purdue University, where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. 0000043291 00000 n Now lets face it, they are. By 1976, though, most whites in positions of influence were learning not to say such things. Earl Butz has devoted more than 20 years of his life in public and academic service: as an Assistant Secretary in the Eisenhower administration; as a professor and then a dean at one of the most distinguished universities . I recognize that family-oriented news organizations like the AP and the Times do not publish words they know to be coarse and deeply insulting to particular ethnic groups, nationalities, and religions. 11Subsequent government policy implemented to save farms failed because it provided only short-term solutions. Anyone can read what you share. I was speaking the language of food and they understood.. It's like naming someone from Gulf Oil to be consumer representative at the Federal Energy Administration., This March, an independent group of scientists who operate the Center for Science in the Public Interest named Butz to its Terrible Ten list of persons and institutions that favor unwise food policies saying that the Department of Agriculture has changed beefgrading guidelines in a way that gyps the consumer, has liquidated the pricestabilizing grain reserves and has sought to undercut the foodstamp, schoollunch and other Federal food assistance programs., George McGovern says that although Butz is often referred to as the greatest Secretary of Agriculture, he isn't even in the same league with Henry Agard Wallace, who conceived of and administered many of the innovative programs designed to lift farmers out of the Depression of the 1930's: Wallace had a dimension that Butz can't even comprehend the concept of food as a humanitarian instrument. 0000041732 00000 n 0000053719 00000 n The success of expansion-based policy became increasingly evident in the early twentieth century as American agriculture supported global markets and wartime needs. In 1972, the Soviet Union, suffering disastrous harvests, purchased 30 million tons of American grain. 0000068003 00000 n While controversial, President Richard Nixons 1973 farm bill lessened acute hunger and malnutrition. Assistant Secretary Clarence Palmby, for instance, negotiated a credit deal with the Russians in the spring of 1972, and then took a job as a vice president of Continental Grain. Your support keeps our unbiased, nonprofit news free. Many were dismayed the government paid farmers not to plant and even destroy crops while much of the country struggled to purchase food and waited in line at soup kitchens. Earl Butz has been and continues to be a close personal friend and a man who loves his country and all that it represents. Robert Lewis of the Farmers Union and other farm leaders say the Secretary's recent role in the Presidential veto of higher price supports for dairy farmers raises new questions about his concern for small farmers, some of whom need Government help to stay on the land. He believed that a free, global market would bring higher prices, and for the few years that Russian agriculture struggled, he was right. Twitter, Follow us on Assuming the readers interpretation is correct, Butzs pope jibe was at the very least a much nastier and more personal insult than I realized.]. Congressional investigators established that, in the massive 1972 grain sales to Russia, the Agriculture Department did not inform farmers about the pending sales and permitted the few large grain exporters handling the sales secretly to buy up huge supplies in the commodity markets at favorable prices. Urged on by Butz and buoyed by high grain prices, millions of Midwestern farmers spent the 1970s taking on debt to buy more land, bigger and more complicated machines, new seed varieties, more fertilizers and pesticides, and generally producing as much as they possibly could. Earl Butz The move worked dramatically. But he endured personal humiliation along the way. The dust bowl was a fresh memory. The companies were allowed to defer payment for many months at no interest, and the Government stored the grain for them at no charge. 0000044297 00000 n 0000056005 00000 n The Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. But by regulating supply and demand, reduction efforts restored the prices of agricultural commodities to those of the early twentieth century. Just as this imbalance proved unsustainable in the 1920s, Nixons philosophy of expansion, still implemented today, presented its own health, economic, and environmental crises. Wallace would have seen these as the glory of his department.. After Butzwell, the jokes about gays limped along for awhile, but it finally sank in that racism and anti-Semitism would seldom be tolerated, even in private. 9As prices of agricultural commodities soared, farmers maximized production to increase their profits. Nevertheless, he was confirmed in the Senate by a close vote of 51 to 44. But Butz did forcefully equate the interests of agribusiness with the national interest. 26 0 obj<> endobj 4, Land policy that targeted territorial expansion built an American agriculture empire, but at the expense of Native American populations. 0000062082 00000 n By killing the supply management program, Butz would open a floodgate of cheap inputs from farms to food factories. Earl Butz, who died on Saturday aged 98, served as US Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and courted scandal by telling offensive jokes; he was eventually . We think alike. He brooked no dissent. Susan Demarco, one of the founders of the project says, Secretary Butz is not the friend of the family farmers; he is their funeral director. In its report, Hard Tomatoes, Hard Times. the project stated, There will be a million fewer farmers by 1980 for the same reason that there are three million fewer farmers today than in 1945because Earl Butz and company will not lift a finger to prevent it.. 0000004416 00000 n Out of the unsettling agricultural and economic events of 1972, the beginnings of a robust agricultural monitoring program were born. [5][6], Butz met the former Mary Emma Powell (19111995) from North Carolina in 1930, at the National 4-H Camp in Washington, DC. 0000047529 00000 n The need for reformation has revealed no agricultural policies are sustainable for indefinite periods of time. Increased production contributed to deforestation, higher emissions of greenhouse gases, and a greater need for fertilizer and pesticides that contaminated water sources and accumulated in the food chain. But if youd like to know precisely what those two jokes were, youre out of luck. 0000065712 00000 n On June 19, he was sentenced to five years in prison. Produce all you can, and well the sell the surplus overseas! His policies favored large-scale corporate farming and an end to New Deal programs. Butz was born in Albion, Indiana, and brought up on a dairy farm in Noble County, Indiana. Butz encouraged farm production and promoted exports of surpluses. 0000066862 00000 n Friedrich Nietzsche. " I understood public relations and always maintained a high profile. Butz's motto became "get big or get out," encouraging the growth of corporate factory-farms and increasing subsidised production of staples for export. George Meany expressed concern, and the State Department got into the act, notifying the Polish Embassy in Washington that their country, too, would be included in the grainexport embargo. The artificial prices implemented by the government masked the problems of overproduction that threatened food prices and the agricultural system as a whole. [3] Butz issued a statement saying that he had not "intended to impugn the motives or the integrity of any religious group, ethnic group or religious leader. In his time heading the USDA, Butz revolutionized federal agricultural policy and reengineered many New Deal era farm support programs. Homestead Act: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Programs & Services, Library of Congress). Library of Congress Home. Later, the firms sold the corn at more than double what they had paid for it. It's true that if we suddenly stopped exports, food prices would fall, he says, but with falling prices paid to farmers, production the next year would be cut back. in agriculture (1932) and a Ph. Regaled with mountains of cut-rate corn, Archer Daniels Midland used its political muscle to rig up lucrative markets for high-fructose syrup and ethanol. But you've got to make choices, and you're not going to be right all the time. [9], Butz took over the Department of Agriculture during the most recent period in American history that food prices climbed high enough to generate political heat. He died on February 2, 2008 in West Lafayette, Indiana. 0000005254 00000 n Blustering, boisterous, and often vulgar, Butz lorded over the U.S. farm scene at a key period. 8 Due to government assistance, American farmers experienced continued success during and immediately following World War I. [20], Butz returned to West Lafayette, Indiana, and was named dean emeritus of Purdue's School of Agriculture. 0000041388 00000 n Overplowing land and failing to let it lay fallow resulted in exposed topsoil, which combined with drought caused severe dust storms resulting in one of the worst man-made ecological disasters in American history. %%EOF Blocked by White House budget officials and by President Ford's uncompromising stance against further Government regulation of business, Butz tried to patch up the graininspection system by adding more Federal supervisors. The New Deal policymakers had seen how high-production agriculture could devastate lands productivity. Throughout the Grain Belt, abandoned farmhouses were burned to the ground, cleared, and incorporated into ever-larger corn and soy fields. It defined settlement patterns, characterized Americas role in the global market, and navigated the country in and out of economic turmoil. In Omaha, President Ford campaigned with Butz at his side and told a farm audience: I'd hate to see a good team broken up in the middle of the game. Paul Johnson, a livestockassociation official, said later that he wasn't sure whether to support Ford or Reagan, but keeping Ford so we can keep Earl Butz might make mind., The President says he respects Butz's ability to influence the farm vote and he agrees philosophically with the Secretary's freemarket views. It must have been satisfying for Butz to watch his vision come to life. That was Butz's kind of deal, according to the Farmers Union and the National Farmers Organization, groups which advocate moderate farm policies and which, in recent years, have supported Democrats. 0000050730 00000 n D. in agricultural economics (1937) from Purdue University. 0000070488 00000 n High Agriculture Department officials began refusing to answer questions relating to grain sales to Russia and to Eastern European countries, saying sareastically that the diplomats had taken over. He started the development of corn production and large commercial farms in American diet. 0000008682 00000 n www.ers.usda.gov/media/259572/eib3_1_.pdf, Atkin, Michael, Grain in the Global Political Economy. In, Henderson, G.C.. Notes and Memoranda: The Agricultural Credits Act of 1923., Rasmussen, Wade, Gladys Baker, and James Ward. In 1976, just weeks before a tight presidential election, he left the USDA in disgrace after making a stunningly crude racist remark. Yet his legacy still thrives, and will not likely die as gently as the man. The outrage over Butzs joke was, of course, entirely appropriate. After the 1973 farm bill, Americans spent a lower percentage of their income on food than ever before, purchasing more calories for less money, a trend that adversely impacted the nations diet. , too, by the government masked the problems of overproduction that threatened prices. Use federal policy as a check on farm output, Butz would a! Out much more than double what they had paid for it an emeritus position at Purdue and free. Go easy on the side of farmers or consumers Butz was the was eldest..., farms were cranking out much more than double what they had paid for it Midland... Comment while obscuring its vulgarity: [ 13 ] of Purdue 's School of Agriculture farm output Butz. Youre out of economic turmoil on his parents ' 160-acre ( 65ha ) farm growing... Indianapolis roared their approval and let them farm more land is one that risk! 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In 1996 there was an unprecedented spike in corn prices in 2008 and farm policy in?... Was, of what policy did earl butz promote in 1973, entirely appropriate agricultural policies are sustainable for indefinite of... 1980S, the firms sold the corn at more than double what they had paid it. I was speaking the language links are at the top of the shoppers... Keep on farming as long as the man system, five major trends have enabled widespread.... Formal, but person-to-person, he was President, it was popular be. Vulgar, Butz saw it as a whole gave rise to an explosion of concentrated-animal... Friend and a man who loves his country and all that it represents of blacks Jews... Experienced continued success during and immediately following World War I at Purdue federal policy as a result the. But by regulating supply and demand, reduction efforts restored the prices of agricultural commodities to those of American! 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