Mr. Wallace grew up in dire circumstances, with his mother working long hours as a textile worker. Lyle initially married a pen pal in 1997, former model Anna Erikkson. "In defense, City Hall vowed they were doing the best they could; that the city's patrolmen were working night and day to solve the rash of murders and that patrol cars were stopping any and all suspicious characters," reports Charisse Coston of the state university. Furthermore, as the relationship went on, their sex life ebbed. On January 7, 1997, the twelve jurors found the defendant guilty of nine counts of first-degree murder, according to the Appellate Report, "each on the basis of malice, premeditation and deliberation". This spree began undetected on June 19, 1992. At the time of Wallace's arrest on the shoplifting charge, the police did not consider the string of murders of the young black women related. She said yeah, she did she gave me the money that was in her purse. When she resisted, he put her in a wrestling hold. Wallace's arrest, with all its promise, had not come auspiciously. All of our Serial Killer books are massive, 8.5" x 11" perfect bound editions. Unfortunately for Wallace's next four murder victims, all this meant nothing to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police and the prosecutor's office, which released Wallace from custody that same day. Not an obstinate hardhead, Tompkins is noted among her peers as a believer in the truth. Immobilizing her from behind, he began to unbutton her blouse. Many were coeds. Nevertheless, he had stopped by to see Jumper that night, telling her that he had had a fight with his girlfriend, Sadie, and badly needed someone to talk to. His trial date needed to be postponed pending further investigation. While a sailor, Wallace married Maretta Brabham, a girl he had seen on and off since sophomore year at Barnwell High. In retrospect, she now realized that she had been wearing dead girlfriends' jewelry!". Betty Baucom's Pulsar was located, abandoned across town. She never showed up. Mecklenburg County public defender Isabel Day served as an official witness and photographer. (The police department at this point was still unsure if it was dealing with unrelated criminals or with an individual strangler.). Less than 12 hours passed between these murders. They weren't special. Rolling a joint, Wallace chatted amiably with Audrey as they both got high and Spain let her guard down bit by bit. He was sentenced to two years probation but records show he rarely showed up for meetings with his PO. He is still under investigation for dozens of unsolved murders in all the areas where he was stationed while in the Navy. His girlfriend, Sadie McKnight, shared the apartment with Caroline Love, her co-worker at a local restaurant named Bojangles. You drink a bit. Her organization offered to work with the department and train police investigators to be more sensitive to the kinds of issues they were overlooking, increase communication between investigators, and increase information exchanges between the homicide department and patrol divisions. She had not gone out to do laundry. Wallace raped her on the kitchen floor. Despite their dubious reputation, both men managed to find love behind bars. Over the next two years, Wallace's trial was delayed over choice of venue, DNA evidence from murdered victims, and jury selection. Charles Manson was leader of the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that he formed in California in the late 1960s. The newlyweds were allowed to talk with one another for about 20 minutes in the room where they were married. He found jobs at several fast-food restaurants in East Charlotte. Because the mother was the sole provider in the household and had to work long days to pay the bills, she demanded that her children grow up quickly. City records and local newspapers, too, provided insight into the contemporary landscape: the City of Charlotte, the County of Mecklenburg and the peoples' reactions to the scary things that were unfolding within their boundaries, sometimes as close as next door. As Shawna Denise Hawk's mother, Dee Sumpter, said: "The victims weren't prominent people with social-economic status. Police think Wallace may have met her only once. Black residents accused City Hall of a lackadaisical attitude towards the problems of 31 percent of Charlotte's population. He told her to empty it. After his appearance before Johnson, he continued to talk openly and without hesitation about his crimes. Since his conviction, Wallace has made several appeals in an attempt to overturn his death sentences. According to Wallace's confession, she reluctantly agreed. He was caught stealing records, and fired after a short time. When he was arrested on Feb. 4, 1994, in Charlotte, N.C., Henry Louis Wallace had already raped and strangled to death five young black women. Afterwards, he ordered her to get dressed, demanded the money in her purse, and strangled her to death. Henry Louis Wallace is a well-known American serial killer born on November 4, 1965, in Barnwell, South Carolina, United States of America, under the zodiac sign Scorpio, with black ethnicity and American nationality. After threatening him with telling his sister of his behavior towards her, which she attempted to do by phone, Henry Wallace choked Valencia Jumper from behind, dragged her into the bedroom where he raped and killed her, soaked her corpse in rum, pulled the battery out of her smoke alarm, ransacked her home, set her on fire, stole her jewelry to pawn, and walked out, closing the door behind him. He pretended to look up a phone number until Baucom turned her back, and then he grabbed her. All but one knew Henry. He would remain in the Navy eight years. What would become a 22-month killing spree of nine murders attributed to the same suspect began slowly the first three over a year's time. He again talked his way in, telling Jumper that he needed to talk to someone about a fight he had had with his girlfriend. He was arraigned on March 16, 1994. The predominantly black community was frightened and angry. Love Conquers All: The Women Who Marry Convicted Serial Killers. She did not know it. The investigation into Spain's murder by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police, however, records no connection to any other recent murder in Charlotte. This is a savings of over $100! She had just returned from a vacation; there was no money in it. While little is known about Svege, it has been reported that, through conjugal visits, the couple was able to have four children together. Upon leaving, he stole her Visa MasterCard and Exxon gas card, using the latter to make several gas purchases. In 2005, Superior Court Judge Charles Lamm rejected Wallace's latest appeal to overturn his convictions and nine death sentences, moving him another step closer to execution. After talking for a while, he suggested that Jumper call McKnight to tell her where he was. He decided to stay indoors that night, for the same reason he kept out of sight after all the other murders just in case someone had seen his face and the cops were on the streets with a composite drawing of his puss in their hands. He was never charged but was fired from his job as a chemical operator for Sandoz Chemical. McFadden ran his name to see if he had a sheet. Lottie worked long hours as a textile worker trying hard to support her family on her own and to instill discipline in their lives, which Henry resented and rebelled against. The strangulation murders, however, because of their growing intensity, took center stage. This time was up in 1990. Returning to her apartment, he grabbed a roll of quarters he saw lying on her dresser. Every issue of Serial Killer Magazine, every Ultimate Collection, trainscript, FBI file and more! Later, he returned to her apartment and took her VCR. The more she pleaded, the more aroused he became. Wallace claimed he had had no intention of killing young Shawna Hawk, but stopped by merely to chat with her. On January 7, 1997, Wallace was found guilty of nine murders. Police beefed patrols at The Lake Apartments where Brandi and several other of Wallaces victims lived, but those patrols failed to save the life of Deborah Ann Slaughter, who was also murdered on March 8, 1994. At this point, there had been five deaths/disappearances in 15 months, all within a five-mile radius inside East Charlotte. Pretty Debra Slaughter had been discovered that afternoon raped, beaten, stabbed and choked, a white linen shoved down her windpipe. When she arrived home, he told her he wanted to make love. Forcing intercourse, he also made her turn over to him "roughly $60" in cash. "The elemental nature of each murder was repetitive in some respects, but diverse in others. American politician (1926-1968) First Name: Lurleen. But, over the next several hours these men would take turns interviewing the suspect until he confessed to killing all nine of the Charlotte women Caroline Love, Shawna Hawk, Audrey Spain, Valencia Jumper, Michelle Stinson, Vanessa Mack, Betty Baucom, Brandi Henderson and, less than 48 hours before he was arrested, Debra Slaughter. Still do. Notes were not compared and the cases went, for a long time, unlinked. They asked the suspect if he knew why he was there, and at first he alluded only to the larceny charge. Of course, for a relationship to work, you and your beloved must forgive each other for your flaws, because all of us are flawed. Where's Al Sharpton? Officers had not asked questions that would "elicit an incriminating response," the report goes on. He attended South Carolina State College for a semester, then Denmark Technical College for another. Defender Isabel Day's explanation to that was, "(Wallace) is very sick, very mentally ill." She wept when the trial ended, not for her court loss, but because the high emotion she needed to suspend over the months of trial could finally be released. These people could find spare time for the Duke Lacrosse case while they couldn't make time for chatting with the victims of Henry L. Wallace, much less the shooting of four students in New Jersey and the vicious assault on a Haitian woman and her 10 year old son in West Palm Beach, Fla. What I don't understand is why they even allow death row inmates to get married! She suspected nothing. On June 5, 1998, Wallace married a former prison nurse, Rebecca Torrijas, in a ceremony that was held next to the execution chamber where he has been sentenced to die. On May 5, 2000, the Supreme Court of North Carolina filed its response: "We conclude defendant received a fair trial and capital sentencing proceeding, free from judicial error, and the sentences of death recommended by the jury and entered by the trial court are not disproportionate. Wallace's mother was a strict disciplinarian who had little patience for her young son. Finely grate the zest of 1 medium orange (about 2 teaspoons) and 1 medium lemon (about 1 teaspoon) into a medium saucepan. Rebecca N Torrijas. He didnt get any money from his last victim, so he was still too broke to get high. Serial killer Henry Louis Wallace should die because he killed a lot of young Black women and didn't really repent for what he had done. Watching Michelle turn to reach for a glass on a shelf, he made his move. Mr. Wallace left 20-year old Shawna D. Hawk in the tub of water after strangling her at her home on February 19, 1993. This time, the victim refused. He pretended to release her from his grasp, but as she rose off the mattress, he reached around her once more with the pillowcase and ended her life. He claims to have committed murders while stationed around the world during his time in the Navy. Luckily, the child revived and tests indicated that he would recover without permanent injury. As she lay unconscious, he tied a nightgown and a shirt into a makeshift rope and strangled her to death. While strangled, she was also stabbed. Although the killings were starting to appear as maybe the handiwork of one man who got a kick out of strangling and raping women, and even though they all took place within a five-mile radius of East Charlotte, their diversity made it impossible to pinpoint any identifying traits beyond the garroting of the neck. The accommodations are likely not as comfortable as his cushy 35-room Los Angeles castle. Hawk's body was found by her boyfriend and mother. The murder was witnessed by her 3 year old toddler. On Christmas Day in 1929, Stokes County tobacco farmer Charles Lawson brutally murdered his wife and six of his seven children and his motive for the massacre has become one of North Carolina's. Incident-free nevertheless, both McFadden and the people he served felt an uneasy pause in the holiday air. He then joined the Navy in 1984 until 1987. While holding her crying infant son to her chest, Wallace raped and murdered Brandi Henderson. ", Throughout the fall of 1993, the situation quieted. The transcript supports their explanation in the following taped dialogue between Sgt. Salary in 2020. The victims described in news reports, Mr. Wallace, and the victims' families were young, beautiful Black women between the ages of 18 and 35. But, he smiled again when the program ended and there had not been even the slightest reference to the latest strangling or to the manhunt that the police claimed was in full vigor. The governor and President Bush could care less about black on black crime. Also attending was the manager of the Death Row unit at the prison. Love told Wallace that if he promised not to do that again, she wouldnt tell his girlfriend about it. "I went to the bathroom and I got a towel, put it around her neck, and I strangled herBut, she kept moaning and groaning and so forth and so on, so there was a knife in her kitchen, and I think I stabbed her about four times.". After she became limp in his arms, he tied a nightgown and a T-shirt together to garrote her. They had no forewarning of their death, even seconds before he struck at them. Instructions. These years moved uneventfully, his academic achievements sparse. Stephanie B. BigBeta 282 Superb Reporter The home in which he lived with his mother and siblings, none of whom knew their fathers as their mother did not also not a new phenomenon had no electricity nor indoor plumbing. Now he was faced with the most troubling logistical problem of any murderer: what to do with the body. It was her manager from Taco Bell, Henry Wallace. Her body was found two days later. Born Thomas Lee Wallace in Somerset, Kentucky to English people from Kentucky, he was an only child. Expert Help. Wallace's new recklessness appeared here. According to Fortune magazine, Charlotte, North Carolina, possesses the best pro-business attitude in the country. Net Worth in 2021. There would be three more murders in three days, between March 9 and 11, culminating in the identification and arrest of the Charlotte Strangler. On February 20, 1994, Wallace visited Vanessa Mack, the sister of one of his employees who worked with two of his previous victims. His wife divorced him in 1991. She was On Christmas Day in 1929, Stokes County tobacco farmer Charles Lawson brutally murdered his wife and six of his seven children and his motive for the massacre has become one of North Carolina's greatest mysteries. In 1985, Henry decided a career in the United States Navy was exactly what he needed. The couple exchanged vows in a small room next to the death chamber. Henry Louis Wallace ndi wopha wamba yemwe adagwirira ndi kupha akazi asanu ndi anayi ku Charlotte, North Carolina pakati pa 1992 ndi 1994. If all true, the estimated number nears twenty, all murdered across the world while he was on naval duty in various ports of call. This warped his mind. Wallace knew Slaughter well enough to know that she always kept a knife in her purse. I wouldn't necessarily say it was an exchange. Of the slain women, both Shawna Hawk and Audrey Spain had at one time worked at Taco Bell for the same manager, Henry Wallace. Unlike most serial killers, the Night Stalker was not selective in his targets, killing men, women and children through a variety of means. Wallace began high school in 1979. She told him that he needed help. He gave that phony letter of forgiveness to the victims' families. A black man himself, McFadden found no understanding ear from his own people. Additionally, watering daily with s, Estlers Mortgage Lifter: An Heirloom Tomato Variety Perfect for Home Gardeners, Gardening is an enjoyable and rewarding hobby that many people enjoy. Henry Louis Wallace was born in Barnwell, S.C., in 1965. "No," Wallace answered, "there's only one Henry a {bad} Henry. She arrived a little earlier than usual, as it wasn't quite the appointed 6 a.m. Barbara was surprised to find the door ajar. And then I filled the bathtub with water and placed her in it.". A few days after her murder, he and his sister went to Valencia's funeral. Charlotte's police chief congratulated Wallace's arrest, reassuring the community that the women of East Charlotte were safe. Each of his victims worked in the fast-food industry, and more significantly, each knew Wallace and was a friend of his girlfriend. Wallace kept to his pattern. Wallace responded by putting her in a choke hold he later described to police as "the Boston choke" until she was barely conscious. In the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area in 1993, there were 122 reported murders and 350 reported rapes. On September 15, 1993, five weeks after the murder of Valencia Jumper, Henry Louis Wallace paid a visit to 20 year oldMichelle Stinson, the mother of two toddlers, ages 3 and 1. He later pawned them. Henry Louis Wallace anabadwa pa November 4, 1965 ku Barnwell, South Carolina kwa Lottie Mae Wallace yemwe anali mayi wosakwatiwa. The last child is purported to be Henry Wallaces. Henry Louis Wallace went on trial in September, 1996. I went back about a week later and the only thing left was bones.". "He moved Henderson's body from the bed to the floor and began administering CPR pursuant to instructions from the 911 operator. This massive 8.5 x 11 perfect bound book contains over 300 pages of rare interviews, letters, documents, transcripts and artwork from historys most notorious killers. "About two days later I went back, and the body had almost decayed to the point where she looked just like leather, an ET doll, or something. He called himself "The Night Rider." But, the black population in whose area the homicides were occurring began to rankle; the citizens interpreted the police department's no-show results as something else, something one-sided. Henry Louis Wallace Rebecca Torrijas Henry married a former prison nurse in a ceremony next to the execution chamber where he is to be put to death. Wallace wore his red prison jumpsuit and black tennis shoes. ", "I've wanted to tell the story for a long time," Wallace responded. If true, these new murders bring his death toll to nearly 20. Son of Lottie and a married school teacher who didn't see his son. Her mother and boyfriend found her body the next morning. Perhaps he thought that two weeks was long enough to wait before taking another victim, since Mack's murder hadnt even been reported on the news. He proved himself worthy throughout most of his stint, racking up one good report and promotion after another, married his high school sweetheart, MarettaBabham, in 1987, and traveled the world. This 90 card set features the artwork of 15 noted true crime artists and will come with a numbered, signed certificate of authenticity for each set. Hawk was slipping off her coat when she heard her doorbell. If you are interested in joining our team, contact us at Too bad the Navy didnt act. That memory pained him by day and by night, in his busy hours and in his quiet hours. He told the officers present that he felt "like a big burden has been lifted." Honor Above All. Betty was the assistant manager. My mother did the best job she could to raise me. Three weeks later, on January 29, the jury likewise ruled that Wallace should pay for his crimes with his life. After leaving Betty Baucom's flat he stepped down the hall straight to Brandi Henderson's apartment where he knew she would be home alone; his friend Verness Lamar Woods, who lived with her and their 10-month-old boy, was out working. Maybe because the Henderson murder followed the Mack murder by only two weeks, someone noticed that the two cases were similar. He was born into terrible circumstances, circumstances most of us cant relate to. Wallace's argument rested chiefly on the objection that he was not administered the Miranda rights until 10 p.m., more than three hours into his interview the night of March 12, 1994. Their help in sharing information with The Crime Library has been invaluable, providing this author with the ability to trace the case history of one of America's most dangerous, yet least recorded, serial killers. When she demanded payment for her services, Wallace beat her to death, then dropped her body by the railroad tracks. He would take items and put them in the stove to destroy them by burning them and then forget to turn the stove on.". He began his prison sentence on February 2, 1997. She demanded money and I didn't have any money, and we got into a scuffle, and it pursued into basically me beating her to death.". In fact, Woods had told the police that Wallace was prone to visit with Brandi while he was at work. He fulfilled his sensual fantasies of power and control. He put the Boston choke on her. From 1992 until the day of his arrest, he killed 10 women, mostly by strangulation. All of them were virtuous, decent ladies. Sullivan determined that Michelle Stinson died from stab wounds with ligature strangulation as a contributing cause. He currently is on death row in Raleigh, N.C. Why had it taken the police so long to capture such a manic, careless killer? He returned a few hours later with a glass pipe and some crack rocks. Their name are T Donathan, Matt E Gangemi, and five others. Who Were Henry's Victims? Homicide Detective Sergeant Gary McFadden, who had been appointed lead investigator by Assistant Chief Boger only hours before the press conference, suddenly found himself in the thick of battle. This is the best deal on the site. Wallace was born in Barnwell, South Carolina, on November 4, 1965, dirt poor. In early 1990, he murdered Tashonda Bethea, then dumped her in a lake in his hometown. He was questioned by police but never charged. His statement of being "God's Angel" is blasphemous. You smoke. 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