Really effective leaders learn early to target only important issues and ones they have a fair shot of winning. We will put more money into research in new frontiers. If President Trump continues intimidating other countries and companies, and keeps randomly detaining people, who would risk investing in the US? They viewed the rat problem as one the company had the responsibility to solve. If a technology is 20,000 kilometers away, we can invest a little more, like an apple. Later, that company stopped working with us. That requires two skills. Fuelled by his passion, Ren Zhengfei works hard to translate the purpose of the company into a vision aimed at Huawei achieving a world leading status. Join us in Amsterdam for the 2023 European Compliance & Ethics Institute! We will not be affected by increased tariffs, either. It does not depend on what Donald Trump has to say. More and more companies are harnessing new technologies more quickly. Required fields are marked *. He is the founder as well as founder of, Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd. Ren described it as a blend of three qualities: extreme resilience, a willingness to self-sacrifice, and sharp predator instincts. Arjun Kharpal: You mentioned the Ericsson CEO at the time said it was a bold move to jump into this space. That's why I said he is a great president. Arjun Kharpal: You said Huawei should not be used as leverage between the US and China, and Donald Trump, President of the United States, said that he could intervene in the Meng Wanzhou case as part of a bigger trade deal between the US and China. Learn how to create a winning business plan. What Industries are the Best Teachers for International Managers? He made this persuasively clear by literally saying that it is necessary To cut off your feet to wear the shoe, In China, leadership has traditionally been grounded in a hierarchical top-down management system. AI is also developing faster than what we can imagine. Mr. Ren: In a long run, I can tell you clearly that I will retire as I won't be alive forever but in a short term, it depends on my mental agility as I get older. For me, it was an exciting experience. People don't object to the editing of plant genes. Apple is also a great company. We just provide the equipment used to build these networks. Part of making the dreams of customers to come alive is the idea that providing the best service possible is crucial to the success of the company. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, you started Huawei over 30 years ago with 5,000 US dollars. We have limited resources and technologies. Second, customers have the right to make their own choices. This meant we were left behind for many years in this area. As we noted earlier, often references to past historic events are used to shape actions and beliefs towards the future. They need to recognize what aspects of the status quo need to be challenged and they need the discipline to avoid wasting time rebelling in ways that are not strategic and wont move the organization forward. I believe they may not have the evidence or the facts to prove her guilt. Many of them thought at that time that he was crazy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Arjun Kharpal: But you created the world's largest telecom company. And he initiated an annual conference whose panels combined executives and faculty members. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When he talks about his skills and qualities he always emphasises that he is not the most knowledgeable. Twenty or thirty years from now, outstanding talent may be able to combine genes with electronics technology to create new "people". And its founder Ren zhengfei is thought be be one of the best leader in the business world. 500000 employees in military field. CNBC is the leading global broadcaster of live business and financial news and information, reporting directly from the major financial markets around the globe with regional headquarters Singapore, Abu Dhabi, London, and New York. At that time, China didn't accept Mendel's theories; instead, we followed Ivan Michurin's theories. and pay only $8.00 each. Executives may want to develop these OQ competencies on the way up the ladder and theyll certainly need them if they are to succeed at the most senior levels. Ren joined Peoples Liberation Army with the aim of making synthetic fiber. Tian Tao is codirector of Ruihua Innovative Management Research Institute at Zehjiang University. Second, we don't really sell in the US market, so we will not be affected by a sales ban. Leahy succeeded with both dramatic changes in part because he maintained a modest demeanor throughout. What if we could identify and change the genes that cause the condition? Instead of issuing an EQ response to mollify the professor, George sent an OQ response: We all work for RSM.. Meng is now in a similar situation. Huawei responded to customers 24/7. We don't need customers' information. Gradually, we have become a leader in this narrow, focused area. By David De Cremer and Tian Tao. Even with those qualities, many leaders fail at the top job often because they dont know how to get the organization to do what they want. At first, this focus approach let us start pulling ahead of our Western peers in a given area. One opposing force is the idea of attack versus compromise or also referred to as the simultaneous tendency to cooperate versus compete. They wouldn't need to rest, just to refuel. This is beyond what anyone had imagined. Is only slower computing good for us? High-OQ leaders foster an understanding, or ethos, of who we are. When leaders move from managing individuals or small groups to leading entire organizations, they need to create a shared understanding of whats important and what the organization stands for in other words, an ethos. Particularly the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives, which include a patchwork of diplomacy and free trade zones, have received their share of attention. In the early years of Huawei, Zhengfei was very much aware that their products did not meet the standards of those of its competitors. 5. CEO's are the driving force behind any for-profit organisation. We will also push the Chinese government to sign a cyber security agreement with the German government. Not really, we think. This is a copyrighted PDF. People will be afraid of getting trapped there. If you'd like to share this PDF, you can purchase copyright permissions by increasing the quantity. The university had charged him with increasing revenue and strengthening relationships with the business community while maintaining RSMs high level of academic research. On April 12, at the "16+1 Summit" in Croatia, Premier Li repeatedly told all our employees not to install backdoors on networks. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Although he is a billionaire, Zhengfei prefers a low profile lifestyle and even travels on the public transport. Arjun Kharpal: Let's talk a little bit about the US for a moment. These cookies do not store any personal information. The number of Chinese companies investing and engaging in acquisitions in Europe has seen a steep growth curve. Arjun Kharpal: Would you support similar ideas about no-spy agreements in other countries, including the US? This company philosophy was inspired by the heroic tales of the Glorious Revolution that took place in England in 1688. If we spread things too thin, there is no way we will be successful. They will be able to produce more quality products than the whole world can consume. Huawei is now the world's largest telecoms equipment maker. Drawing on this experience, we developed our own 40-line switch for rural markets that could support 40 users. What did she speak about? It's not up to me to designate a successor. So I don't think they are intimidated. This way, we will be able to make world-leading products. These figures show that we are still growing, not declining. What do you make of his views? Ren Zhengfei's Media Interview After the Opening Ceremony of the Intelligent Mining Innovation Lab in Taiyuan. Mr. Ren: Because I don't actually know technology that well, and I didn't invent anything. He also. "Every generation produces its own great character, and each exerts impact for hundreds of years.". If they do, they will buy some of our products. A great opportunity arose when one senior professor complained that the teaching program staffers acted as if the faculty worked for them, rather than the other way around. Over the next five years, we will invest more than 100 billion US dollars in R&D to restructure our networks. If I could not pay, I would be hounded by creditors every day. I only care about the growth of my company. As Ren was dissatisfied with his job, he planned to, Despite of his low profile, Ren has managed to transform small business into a successful. I said this as an outsider without considering his treatment of Huawei. It has grown the market, enabling many other companies to survive. As society moved forward, AI was made possible. And then, once we had established some market presence, we began to build up capital. Detailed information on the use of cookies on this Site, and how you can decline them, is provided in our, Delivering Innovation Accenture Research, A Special Report on AI and Humans by AiTH, NUS Business School, Europes recovery is possible. Even if AI poses other threats, we can manage them with laws and rules. October 01, 2018, Source: We will not distribute the extra profit to shareholders, either. One of the consistent qualities that have been attributed to Ren Zhengfei is his ability to inspire others. Zhengfei was very clear about this ambition and demanded that all Huawei employees would adopt the US-based way of looking at business as introduced by IBM. The authors describe seven characteristics of Zhengfei's leadership style, including 'adaptive vision', 'humble dedication' and 'winning by cooperating'. Therefore, he often uses similar way to manage the company like the military system does. The qualities that help managers rise in the organization emotional intelligence, high IQ, technical competence, and so forth dont necessarily make them effective once theyre in a leadership position. So he emphasized action. Instead, we will use it to fund universities and scientists for their research and explorations into the future. Mr. Ren: If they aren't scared of us, why are they advertising for us everywhere they go? Everyone at GE knew what to expect from Neutron Jack Welch. And he left other core aspects of the business, such as steadily improving the retail offer (Every little helps), untouched. So I don't think there will be a significant impact on Huawei's business. Ren Zhengfei has lead Huawei to become a global brand making the top global 100 by 2017 (Huawei 2017). For the rest, let the organization keep doing what it does well. With an "umbrella", Apple sells at high prices and maintains high quality. His passion to be the best technology company they can be in service of the customer ensures that he has deserved the reputation of being eager to keep learning and stay informed all the time. I said I couldn't even imagine what it would look in two or three years. That creates a kind of balance. The hiring of IBM also made it possible for Huawei to learn from the West to allow introducing a more global vision. In fact, the recent and growing success of Huawei in Europe can also be attributed partly in addition to their service-oriented focus (see again the point of purpose-driven ambition) to their philosophy of explicitly incorporating a strategy to develop cooperative relationships with competitors in the market. In fact, the company only seems to be growing stronger. We won't test your products. Let's look at an example. Obviously this has required a strict control of information, which attaches a flavor of secrecy and even mystery to the behavior of Mr. Ren Zhengfei. Mr. Ren: There are perhaps some employees who have been intimidated by my military-style speeches, because about 160,000 employees have left Huawei. Mr. Ren: As technology develops, the future world will become "winner-takes-all". So our products needed to be standardized. For example, In the UK, Huawei has put much effort into convincing the British government and general public that they and their procedures can be trusted, by (a) Setting up the Cyber Security Evaluation Centre in Banbury to ensure the quality of their equipment, and (b) Cooperating with the GCHQ, the UKs signals-intelligence agency, to ensure that the networking equipment and software is reliable and secure. At the same time, the company acknowledged the contributions of dedicated employees by remunerating them generously. Arjun Kharpal: But the US has put intense pressure on some of its allies in Europe, for example, Germany and the UK, to block Huawei from 5G networks. If we didn't abide by those laws and regulations, we wouldn't survive even a day. Mr. Ren: I can't speak for other companies; I have no authority over them, but Huawei will be the first company to comply with this agreement. Bringing this emotion-laden message was meant to motivate his own people and eventually to make his R&D people believe that they could one day be better than the researchers at the Bell labs. First, as our technology advanced rapidly, we managed to bring down the costs of our products. What they lack and what successful leaders embody, down to their marrow is organizational intelligence. For example, In the UK, Huawei has put much effort into convincing the British government and general public that they and their procedures can be trusted, by (a) Setting up the Cyber Security Evaluation Centre in Banbury to ensure the quality of their equipment, and (b) Cooperating with the GCHQ, the UKs signals-intelligence agency, to ensure that the, The European Business Review uses cookies to improve site functionality, provide you with a better browsing experience, and to enable our partners to advertise to you. Indeed, looking at the Fortune Global 500 list, Huawei is the only mainland Chinese company (out of 91 Chinese companies listed) earning more revenue abroad (67%). AI can help translate text into 70 different languages simultaneously. A common theme in everything that Ren Zhengfei as a leader undertakes is the ability to reflect, think and act. Mr. Ren: I don't know. According to him, Huawei should be focused on building a company where peoples minds are the main asset and resource to rely on. | All rights reserved. I could not keep up with the times. He took. This does mean though that many translators and stock analysts and the like will lose their jobs. A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ON REN ZHENGFEI very clear vision for Huawei believes in realizing his own employees' dream first an Employee Shareholding Scheme with Ren Zhengfei only holding 1.4% Employees express their views and share knowledge on Xinsheng Community 2018,ren zhengfei published a document criticizing the company's leaders for mismanagement and fined himself 1 million yuan In fact, we have too many. Living in such extremely harsh conditions and working on such a highly modernized project was really a good experience for me. Zhengfei is a big fan of the practice of story telling and makes extensive use of it as a vehicle to deliver his ideas to employees in a passionate manner. Zhengfei was worried that phase 2 created a kind of decision-making that was less than efficient. Third, follow the small rules so that you can break the big ones. If a single backdoor was found in even one of the countries where we operate, our sales would shrink in all of them. Unlike many Chinese companies that set up many businesses but most cannot be called successful, US companies know how to narrow their focus and then charge forward. Mr. Ren: I don't know about technology, management, or finance. Arjun Kharpal: I want to talk a bit about your management style. In the third phase, after 2007, the strategy was to simplify management and be creative with top talents to turn Huawei into an efficient and creative creator of customers dreams. Arjun Kharpal: What guarantees can you give to customers that their data is safe? There has also been questions about your past as a communist party member and what that means for Huawei. That's my only ideal. The second is the maturity tonotengage in unimportant issues. In a similar vein, since the beginning of Huawei, it is a known fact that Zhengfei is not a technical expert, but he never saw that as a weakness. 5G made progress. Ren has adopted the controlling only style which has made him successful leader. In-person is back! We can scale down a little bit. Do you think she's a hostage in this broader US-China trade battle? I also participated in a large project that brought equipment in from France. So I think Trump is a great president, but he didn't consider all the angles when it came to attracting foreign investment. We don't have much influence over China-US trade relations. In a way obsessed by doing good for the customer, Zhengfei is relentless in communicating this purpose by means of stories to his employees and convincing them that they all should be dedicated to pursue the mission of the company: To connect people via communication.. It allows a leader to impose expectations and define the outcomes. Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Huawei, speaking at the company's headquarters in Shenzhen on May 24, 2019. Zhengfei made this very clear when he said: I do not know anything about technology, but I can bring people together to work for the collective. He is praised for his desire to hire better people in the areas he is weak in, with the ultimate goal to improve the quality of Huawei products and services. Our costs were low for two reasons. Purpose-driven Ambition The core of Ren Zhengfei's leadership is the undeniable fact that he is very clear about the purpose of Huawei, which is helping customers to realise their dreams. And care must be taken that they dont conflict with the desired ethos. If they have too much money, they would be obsessed with capital gains. Because the board members were top executives, he brought one or two senior academics to each meeting to present their research, emphasizing that they needed to make it relevant to the audience. Ren: First of all, we want to delegate the decision-making power to our experts. Arjun Kharpal: A bit about the US market. Given these achievements combined with a certain myth of a Chinese emperor rising to the global stage, it begs the question what the philosophy and driving force behind this business success is. The Laissez-Fair Leadership Style 1085 Words | 5 Pages They are engaging elements of transformational leadership in which leaders get great illustrations who increased in value, respected, replicated and trusted by subordinates ; . With Huawei becoming the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, Ren zhengfei has already become a paradigm for businessmen to study and learn from. Its founder, Ren Zhengfei, has recently even referred to Europe as a market where they feel at home as a telecom company. To rebel from the top, leaders must strike a difficult balance. You survived some hardships like famine. He began by abandoning the tradition that the dean chaired all defenses of doctoral dissertations; he made it clear that his priority was engaging with external stakeholders, particularly corporate executives. They can transfer to other industries though, and take on new roles. Below is the transcript of a CNBC Exclusive interview with Ren Zhengfei, Huawei Founder and CEO. However, it kills employees creativity and . Despite this controversy, Huawei received support from both Ericsson and Nokia, stating that in their view Huawei was not dumping its products. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. After getting the retirement from the army, Ren then worked with, ). We live in a very connected world. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Business Plan Development. Combining storage and computing will enable devices to run faster. As of February 2019, he had an estimated net worth of US$3.3 billion. This introductory chapter offers an overview of the entire book on the management transformation of Huawei. I think currently AI has greatly improved productivity. Huawei is to a large extent no stranger to this system. Mr. Ren: Collaboration and shared success. Due to his technical skills, He was appointed as a delegate from, PLA for attending the National Science Conference in 1978 (, ).It was a golden opportunity for Rein to lean and gain knowledge, about the field. Mr. Ren: We want the US government to treat Huawei fairly and without prejudice. It's now just a scientific fantasy, and wouldn't necessarily ever happen. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, we spoke about Apple and Steve Jobs. Iterative succession must take place in an orderly fashion. They are out of the ordinary and unexpected. Interestingly, such a strategy suggests that a power of thinking attitude aligns with a shared learning orientation. Second, develop an organizational persona. I raised a total of over 20,000 RMB to pay the variety of fees needed to start a company. Whether or not we can get back to business in the US depends on whether our customers want to buy from us. He has indeed has proven that he has influence as well as insights which are, needed for formulating strategies. Tanks can cross a swamp, but needles can pierce hard things through. In Europe, we will face some difficulties in the short term, but there will be no impact on our business. Some top military officers didn't understand it, either. Lets look at each, drawing on examples from our own experience and that of well-known successful leaders. Again, he ties this in part back to their ownership structure:. Before I was able to settle into this new position though, China disbanded many of its military forces and everyone had to go find another job. This is how, John Sutherland on Leadership and Teamwork, Pro-active Leadership: How to overcome procrastination and be a bold decision-maker, ChatGPT and Its Impact on Author Transparency in Scientific and Academic Journals, How New Age Entrepreneurs are Changing the Way We Think About Business, Layoffs in Tech: Redistribution of Resources Amid a Tech Transformation. We earned a bit of money this way. For such a powerful country to be scared of a small company like us, some other countries are saying, "Your products are so good that the US government is scared. I happened to have this invention, and the value of my invention was exaggerated by the country, which led to a promotion for me. This can help us address the problem of how we distribute our increasing profit. It is clear that although very ambitious and action-driven he also cares about the value of being humble. President Trump hasn't shared his thoughts with me. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Founder of Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies Ren Zhengfei has called on the company's staff to "dare to lead the world" in software as the company seeks growth beyond the hardware. During China's Cultural Revolution, I designed a small instrument using my math skills, and actually received recognition from the government for this device. Ren Zhengfei is known for avoiding quick decisions and forcing himself to take time to reflect. As a leader he was used to delivering a vision and as a mentor he was guiding his employees towards their goal. Media Contact:Clarence ChenCommunications Manager APAC, CNBC InternationalD: +65 6326 1123M: +65 9852 Ren possess, the characteristics of Controlling leader who makes all important decisions (, ). For example, Huawei equipment broke down frequently, so Huawei technical engineers went to customer equipment rooms to repair the equipment at night when the equipment was not being used. Collective decision-making ensured that Huawei made fewer mistakes and absorbed collective wisdom, but it also caused rigidity. Our network equipment sales dropped 1.5% last year, but enjoyed a 15% increase in Q1 of this year. company using his skills and core competencies. When designers showed the first iPod prototype to Steve Jobs, he said it was too big. He said recently that could potentially wipe out humanity. Add copies before, China Europe International Business School, A Better Way to Manage Corporate Alliances, Primerica: Sandy Weill and His Corporate Entrepreneurs, J. C. Penney: Activist Investors and the Rise and Fall of Ron Johnson, Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World, Buy 5 - 10 Would you invite Donald Trump and his administration to your campus here in Shenzhen to let them see the technology that you have, to put their fears at rest? Along the way he introduced one important innovation: the Clubcard, the UKs first supermarket loyalty card, which allowed Tesco to leapfrog Sainsburys into the number-one retail spot. Microsoft focuses on Windows and its Office Suite. China has a population of 1.3 billion consumers. I think Google might one day come up with a medicine that helps people live forever, but I may not be able to see it coming. The country paid little attention to technology and knowledge, but we were working on a project that required technology and knowledge. During one of these visits, in 1997, he visited the Bell labs in the USA. Does China feel under pressure from President Trump's tactics in the negotiations? So we gritted our teeth and pushed ahead. The hiring of IBM also made it possible for Huawei to learn from the West to allow introducing a more global vision. Ren Zhengfei (Mr Ren): When I had just started Huawei, we still did not understand China's reform and opening-up policy. What is the problem with translation software that has faster computing? Its fighting spirit, however, made it resistant to many negative influences and today Huawei can be called the only true global Chinese company. It often makes sense to adopt a stealth strategy rather than a formally declared one and to bring people along gradually, as it starts to prove itself. Every generation produces its own great character, and each exerts impact for hundreds of years. True to this Chinese saying, Zhengfei has indeed proven that he had the influence and insights needed to design the most effective strategies to ensure that Huawei has grown into a world leading company. Many scientists also proposed that genetic technology should be gradually integrated with electronic technology to create "new people". This case focuses on the distinctive "paternalistic" leadership and management style of Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Huawei") and considers whether he needed to adapt his style in light of new challenges at the company. Mr. Ren: Regarding the allegations against Meng Wanzhou and Huawei, the US Department of Justice has sued Huawei, and Huawei has pleaded not guilty in the court. In China, leadership has traditionally been grounded in a hierarchical top-down management system. Leading Huawei: Seven Leadership Lessons of Ren Zhengfei, The relationship between China and the European continent carries much history with it. So the standards the US finds so compelling are actually all built on a single mathematics article. I majored in architecture back in school, but I studied electronics technology myself. This represents Chinese state leaders' position on backdoors, so we will never install backdoors on our equipment. In particular, we will build the simplest networks, ensure cyber security, and protect user privacy. Arjun Kharpal: I want to switch topic a little bit to talk about your daughter, Meng Wanzhou. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Ren innovation skills and technical knowledge. Around 2008, Professor Arikan published a mathematics paper. Technologies are advancing. We always focus all of our energy on this same single point. (Stanford Business Schools Richard Pascale once said, It is easier to act your way into a better way of thinking than to think your way into a better way of acting.) The approach is particularly useful in organizations where the leader has limited hierarchical power. He has maintained the company as private and his management style has been extremely In a way Zhengfei works hard to always keep clear to himself a kind of meta-view that enables him to make informed strategy decisions. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. There's a lot of disagreement, of course, on what the right course of action is in Europe. Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei in a media interview 5 or 6 months ago said that the effect from the US sanctions has been less severe than he had feared. Are perhaps some employees who have been intimidated by my military-style speeches, because about employees! Fairly and without prejudice a 15 % increase in Q1 of this year faster computing of Innovative! 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