It (Islam) is all about war and conquest and taking over the world., Most of the people in Ireland are following this pagan idolatrous religion known as Roman Catholicism where they bow down to devils instead of actually believing the Bible. We are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church. ", Then he warns, "Stay away from them! First of all, the fact that hes even calling himself father right there is blasphemy even in itself. [20] On August 7, 2019, Anderson was denied entry to New Zealand. While his physical presence in these countries may have been curtailed by the bans, his digital presence continues uncensored. Several someones recovered the crazy long mea culpa cum shut the heck up service at Faithful Word Baptist Church by Steven Anderson. Upon graduating, he traveled throughout Germany and Eastern Europe for three months, serving in local Independent Baptist churches, studying languages and getting experience in the ministry. Even online news publications are considered snail-pace slow compared to the guerrilla journalism of social media posts and blogging done on cellular phones and tablets or through live recording. Connect with me on social media: Facebook YouTube You can email Bruce via the Contact Form. Read Coping with Suicidal Thoughts (PDF) for more. He attended seven Christian schools as a child, and was homeschooled for one year. Pastor Steven Anderson launched Faithful Word Baptist Church in 2005, according to the group's website, so in addition to being the preacher, he is also the head. It was normal. ZERO | freely ye have received, freely give. Irish Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan signed an exclusion order for Anderson under the Immigration Act 1999 under my executive powers in the interests of public policy. It followed a ban from the Netherlands a few weeks earlier. and been featured onRight Wing Watch(of course, so have I). "Pastor Steve Anderson's warped views of Jews and Judaism are a perversion of our faith and people," said Rabbi David Sandmel, ADL Director of Interfaith Affairs. The congregation was also surprisingly diverse, with a significant percentage of people with a darker-than-Caucasian melanin count. In the summer of 2013, Pastor Furse's family happened to be vacationing in Arizona, and he made it a point to visit one of the producers of this DVD, Steven Anderson. "[4] Members of the church meet in an office space that is located inside a strip mall. Its pastor, Steven Anderson, became famous (or at leastknown) by posting his often-ridiculous preaching on YouTube. It is independent, not affiliated with any larger Baptist body. So, I thought about the surprise of Faithful Word Baptist Church and my preconceived biases about what I presumed the congregation would be like. Teaches You Can Kill Yourself and Go To Heaven Like John MacArthur, Billy Graham, John Piper, Hank Hanegraaff, Mark Driscoll, the Catholic church, and so many other ministers of Satan today, Steven Anderson believes you can blow your brains out and go to heaven. NEVER! A lot of people become interested in him because of how much they hate gay people and how charismatic and straight foward he is about hating gay people and using the bible to hate gay people. var domain = ""; The congregation was younger, and their median age (Im guessing) was 30. Rather, I suspect that they know that Steven Anderson is fearless (from everything Ive seen, I agree). PHOENIX A recent anti-homosexual Sunday sermon by Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe has gotten tens of thousands of views on YouTube. In 2016, he was deported from Botswana following a hate-filled speech broadcast on a local radio station. They were going to die early anyway., Theres money associated with it. Where did the weirdo homeless people go and who replaced them with all these young families and children? Steven Anderson preaching a sermon on the post-tribulation rapture, a core doctrine of his church, on April 30, 2017 According to its doctrinal statement, Faithful Word Baptist Church believes that the King James Bible is the inerrant Word of God. Anderson has also been barred from entering Jamaica, South Africa and the UK. From his pulpit at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona (Independent Fundamental Baptist, or IFB), his vitriolic preaching on religious and social . And not only is Anderson a Pelagian, hes also a really, really bad preacher. He has a variety of interests. In the background, one can hear occasional chants of agreement from some of his faithful followers. They believe that TV causes health issues such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and encourages laziness. The church multiplied and hundreds of souls were saved. Pastor Steven L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Ariz., is once again drawing the ire of women on the Internet for sharing his controversial brand of biblical advice. In August 2009, the church, which is also known for promoting extreme . Inappropriate no matter what the circumstances, but doubly so in an age group that can in no way give legal sexual consent. Banned Baptist Preaching from the NIFB, and Pastor Steven Anderson. Then there was the time he called for war against thegays. This also means that I go to places other people would ordinarily not go and sometimes do things that people in other fields of theological study dont have to do. He represents pretty much everything wrong with Christianity. Women naturally have a desire to follow their husband, not to rule over their husband. They are antiquated, and their method of information dissemination (or at least the kind of which that is meant to respond to false teaching) has become largely obsolete. [29], On January 29, 2018, Anderson was banned from entering Jamaica. What did I learn from my field trip to Faithful Word Baptist Church? You might like. She says she, her husband and children, whom she home-schools, spend our days learning, working, playing and putting out all kinds of fires as we serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. [12][13][d], Anderson did not solicit the killing of President Obama but he did suggest that the country would "benefit" from his death. Zsuzsanna, a stay-at-home mother, is also an active online user and has a blog,, where she regularly posts updates about the large Anderson family. Take a look at the YouTube Dirty Donnies channel and his information on Anderson. From my perspective, thats a good thing. In other words, he has zeal and even though it doesnt appear to be tempered by knowledge (Romans 10:2) people are craving zeal and they want to be around zealous people. Pastor Steven Anderson of Arizona's Faithful Word Baptist Church often claims to have a monopoly on "true," undiluted "Bible-believing" Christianity. Anditwas full. ", "Anti-LGBT Church Splits Amidst Turmoil Following Resignation of Pastor, Reveals Fault Lines in New Anti-LGBT Church Network", "18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda: Faithful Word Baptist Church", "ADL Deeply Troubled at Upcoming Documentary Film Denigrating Jews and Judaism", "Anti-gay pastor Steven Anderson tricks rabbis into making anti-Semitic film", "Anti-Semitic Pastor Steve Anderson Promotes Holocaust Denial", "A Hateful 'Sermon' Against President Obama", "Minister in Spotlight After Obama Death Prayers", "Phoenix Pastor Draws Protests After Telling Church He Prays for Obama's Death", "Kokesh and the guy who brought an assault rifle to an Obama event", "Church defends pastor; protesters rally", Tempe pastor says border agents stopped, beat him, "Pastor acquitted in Interstate 8 checkpoint incident", "Australia becomes 33rd country to ban entry to pastor who said gay people should die", "Anti-gay pastor Steven Anderson banned from UK", "Anti-gay pastor barred from South-Africa: 'It's not really that cool of a place. He has been banned from many countries, including The Netherlands, South Africa, United Kingdom, Botswana, Canada, Jamaica, the Schengen Area, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. The people we spoke to were clear-eyed, intelligent, hospitable, and kind. Things have been worse than weve imagined at FWBC for quite some time. He has videos and statuses alleging that Steven Anderson has covered up a sexual abuse scandal in his own home. Turned out the dad was also a pedophile or something. Its not a crisis at this point, its common religious behavior for ages. And then there is Anderson himself. "[14] He told columnist Michelangelo Signorile that he "would not judge or condemn" anyone who killed the president. This summer, I went to Jim Bakkers studio near Branson, Missouri, and gathered intelligence regarding his profit-motivated operations. The church has been listed as an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for Anderson's sermons. I still hate those reprobates. Anderson has also been reported for violation of the mandatory reporter law of Arizona. . Happiness Through Serving Others John 13. From the YouTube videos, it appears that the congregation is small. I learned that YouTube videos from shoddy camera work dont tell the entire story behind the scenes. This means, by deduction, Andersons success is not duemerelyto the phenomenon of social media influence. He produced a documentary titled Marching to Zion in which he "championed a wide range of antisemitic stereotypes", according to Matthew H. Brittingham of Emory University.[2][a]. After he led her to the Lord, Anderson encouraged her into fundamentalist Baptist Christianity, and they were married shortly after. I approached the shopping center on Wednesday the 18th of October at approximately 8:45 PM (the church service began at 7 PM). ?, and run a YouTube channel by that same name where I . I stood up to them then, and Im going to stand up to them now.. [3][37] Prior to meeting Anderson, she had been raised as a Catholic but she had become an agnostic as a young adult. Until stricter online rules are introduced, Lipowsky said, listening to and being influenced by the messages of hate spread by preachers such as Anderson will continue to expand. Faithful Word Baptist Church is a totally independent Baptist church, and Pastor Anderson was sent out by an independent Baptist church in Northern California to start it the old-fashioned way by knocking doors and winning souls to Christ. Controversial Arizona pastor Steven Anderson, the firebrand KJV-Onlyist from Faithful word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, has been permanently banned from Youtube, having his entire operation shout down from multiple accounts. An unapologetically anti-gay Cape . Thankfully, mytraveling companion was happy to oblige me, and we made our way into what is among the most despised, buffoonish churches in America. 44:35 Harden Not Your Heart. Faithful Word Baptist Church | Buying and Selling at Church | Pastor Steven Anderson | 11/15/2015 Sunday AM. No longer does one have to wait for the five oclock news to find out whats already old. This End Times Deceptions Bible study exposes Pastor Steven L Anderson, who teaches at Faithful Word Baptist Church, a fundamentalist Baptist church in Tempe, Arizona. His theology is schizophrenic. This is not friendly competition; he wanted to prove male superiority . Sadly for right now he is just being investigated. On her blog, she echoes her husbands extremist views on equal rights, the sins of other religions, TV, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and abortion. You can see a video of my encounter with Bakkerhere. It was a littletoonormal. [20] In September 2016, after he had announced his intention to travel to South Africa, Malusi Gigaba, the Minister for Home Affairs banned Anderson and his followers, citing the Constitution of South Africa and stating "I have identified Steven Anderson as an undesirable person to travel to South Africa". While he did not attend college, he boasts on his churchs website that he has well over 140 chapters of the Bible memorized word-for-word, including approximately half of the New Testament.. They're going to molest you. The first reasonable possibility is that Steven Anderson is proof that social media can bring the crazy out of a city like waterout of a sponge, large enough to draw a decent crowd. Instead of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, theyre confessing their sins to the priest who calls himself father and dresses like his mother in a dress., There are 1.1 billion Hindus in the world, but you hardly ever hear preaching specifically against Hinduism. I expected to find a dozen young white men who looked like they had just come from an Ultimate Fighting event. The facility was not at all immaculate, but rather, appeared to be lived in. The people who followed Anderson surely must be as crazy as he is. I listened to a few of those conversations while trying to look inconspicuous. As the site notes, he "holds no college degree," but is said to have more than 140 chapters of the Bible "memorized word-for-word, including approximately half of the New Testament." The following may contain offensive material; Arab News does not support but believes it is important to be aware of its destructive influence. We that is, the polemicists are the primary resources. They took down all of his videos so he has an army of trolls re uploading all of his videos to a bunch of accounts now. "No homos will ever be allowed on this church as long as I'm the pastor here!" ", He continues with a contorted visage and quivering voice, "They are going to get you into some weird junk that you have no desire to get into. The congregation appeared to be middle class, in spite of what might otherwise appear a generally upper-class wardrobe. [3], Anderson established Faithful Word Baptist Church as a fundamentalist Independent Baptist church in Tempe, Arizona, on Christmas Day in December 2005 and he remains its pastor. He has apparently deleted all of his content on YouTube now. April 17 2009 See updates #3 and #4 at the bottom of the post. Pastor Anderson . Granted, we didnt speak to that many people, but there were lots of smiles and polite nods of acknowledgment. Supports Anti-Drag Bill But Apparently Once Posed in Drag, Florida Legislator Aims to Expand Dont Say Gay Law, Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik Writes Book, Goes on Crazy Promotional Tour, Alleged Pride Flag Arsonist Yells 'Its All Fake' During Hearing, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Support Grant Announced in Kansas, Madonna's Older Brother Anthony Ciccone Is Dead at 66, Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants Divorces? First, there is the "Pisseth Against the Wall" sermon. Faithful Word Baptist Church is a fundamentalist Independent Baptist church in Tempe, Arizona, in the United States founded by Pastor Steven Anderson. First, Robert Tuttle of The Reason Files 2 is reporting the same thing I am hearing from multiple sources. However, it shouldnt be supported, she said. The facility, although it had a low ceiling, was actually cavernous. People even seemingly normal, otherwise well-adjusted people want someone to follow who isnt a reed shaking in the wind. The confrontation ended when authorities broke Anderson's car windows, tased him, and forced him out of the vehicle. President Ian Khama of Botswana said on Tuesday he had ordered the arrest and deportation of U.S. pastor Steven Anderson, who was banned from neighboring South Africa last week over his anti-gay views. An insight into his mindset can be found on various social media platforms, mainly through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and his blog, all of which he uses for his hate crusade. -Titus 1:9. Beyond that, we need leadership that clarifies that rights come with commensurate responsibilities, and that one persons exercise of their human rights stops at the point at which their exercise of their rights impedes anothers exercise of their own. He advocates for the death penalty for homosexuals , and prayed for the deaths of former U.S. president Barack Obama and Caitlyn Jenner . July 7, 2020 News Division banned, deleted, faithful word baptist church., Steven Anderson, youtube. Polemics is done in real-time. Recent entries on his Facebook page show that in June, he traveled to Cyprus to continue his soul-winning work. Steven L. Anderson is a piece-of-shit pastor, cyberbully, and anti-LGBT activist from Tempe, Arizona, running the Faithful Word Baptist Church. Other support resources not limited to suicidal thoughts or intent you may find helpful are at r/SeriousConversation resources. The guy doesn't even hide in interviews how much he hates "sodomites." HATE IN THE BIBLE The Christians Hate Life. [23] On September 20, 2016, he was banned and deported from Botswana. Marquaello Futrell, a former St. Louis police . With Steven L. Anderson. He blames the Jews for everything, just like Texe Marrs. [24][25], In a YouTube video, Anderson mentioned a planned missionary trip to Malawi to set up a church there. Our Pastor - Gloria Dei The Rev. Theyre in a false religion and need to get saved., Like other false religions, Hinduism is Satanic., Im against head-coverings because they associate you with the wrong crowd spiritually. Steven Anderson, pastor from the Faithful Word Baptist church who says gay people should be stoned to death, denied entry Kate Chappell in Kingston Mon 29 Jan 2018 17.27 EST First published on Mon . A lot of people who think they are being silenced by the "homo agenda" find him and get sucked into this thinking that gay people are basically born condemned to hell so we should hate them. The church describes itself as "an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bibleonly, soul-winning Baptist church. Anderson and his fellow cult leaders have created a new cult known as "New Independent Fundamental Baptists" or "New IFB" for short. Controversial US Pastor Steven Anderson leaves the Botswana Department of immigration after being issued a deportation order by Botswana authorities. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [21], Anderson was also banned from entering the United Kingdom,[22] leading him to change his travel route to Botswana by flying via Ethiopia. Now, our society has tried to engineer that differently, through the brainwashing campaigns in school and TV and media, to try to get women to think that they really want to be powerful and bossy. In 2009, Anderson told his congregation that he hates Obama and would pray that he dies and goes to hell, according to the SPLC. Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church and More Sex Abuse Crisis Things are moving quickly now in the sex scandal involving the three oldest sons of Steven Anderson of Tempe, Arizona's favorite SPLC hate group Faithful Word Baptist Church. Is it possible that people are actually hungering and starving for leaders who will say it like it is (in their subjective opinion) without apology or reservation? He kicked out a member of his Church earlier this year after finding out a guys son 14 year old son was habitually molesting their 6 or 8 year old daughter. The way the Holy Scriptures have been distorted in this video is indeed satanic! Actually, it makes women miserable to be in that role that they dont belong in. Pastor Anderson's materials have now been translated into over 115 languages! While passing through an internal Border Patrol checkpoint on April 14, 2009, Pastor Anderson declined to have his car searched. In actuality, the renovated store-front could hold 350 or more people. As a teenager, Anderson attended Woodcreek High School in Roseville, California. Anderson has made international headlines by getting banned from several countries including Ireland, the Netherlands, Jamaica, South Africa, Botswana and the UK because of his comments and beliefs. But being born into a family that already had staunchly fundamentalist Baptists likely laid the foundation for Andersons extremist views. Posting this a little while ago. Steven Anderson is the pastor at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe. Steven Anderson is the metaphor of straining gnats and swallowing camels made incarnate. [Editors Note: This was published first by JD Hall at Polemics Report], For nearly two weeks, Christian social media has been atwitter with commentary over whats being called The Asbury Revival at, Arizona Pastor Blows the Whistle on Andy Stanley, Robby Gallatys Glowsticks Are Not the Problem, yoked up with tinfoil hat-wearing Alex Jones, Costi Hinn Shares Gospel on CNN, Shatters Prosperity Teachings of His Uncle, The Radicalization of Students through the Marxist Lens of Race, Sex, and Class. It states that the church believes in salvation by faith alone once saved, always saved a literal hell for all those who are unsaved, and the primacy of the local church. There were only a few gray-haired denizens milling about, and they stood out among the youthful crowd. I came to Faithful Word Baptist Church expecting to see a freak show, and what I saw was basically the epitome of a loving, warm, and hospitable group of well-dressed people who seemingly loved Jesus and one another. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Pastor Steven Anderson, previously in the headlines for preaching about praying for the death of Obama which netted him a visit from the Secret Service awhile back as well as for being virulently anti-gay in his teachings, is once again making headlines by doing the unimaginable: Actually preaching what the Bible says. I am in contact with other members of the media. Following the 2015 terror attack at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, where 90 people were killed, Anderson said the victims deserved to die: You went to a death metal concert. Warning, long, ranty and very hard to listen to. What I mean by that is that he doesnt so much exposit Scripture as he just screams a lot. Steven Anderson hasyoked up with tinfoil hat-wearing Alex Jones, has been declared a hate-group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (but honestly, who hasnt?) [8], Anderson's invective against Obama stems in part from his opposition to Obama's support for abortion rights. he begins. The Anderson family has twelve children from parents Steven and Zsuzsanna Anderson. Theyre much happier when they get into their proper role, you know, with the strong men leading them. KJV Only, Once Saved Always Saved, Replacement Theology, Post-Tribulation, Anti-Dispensationalism, Anti-LGTBQ, Anti-Homosexual Preaching Banned Preaching Banned Preaching How to Be 100% Sure You are Going to Heaven Download ALL FWBC CONTENT NOW The attendance board showed that they were running more than 325 on Sunday morning, with more than 200 on Sunday evening. Women should remain quiet during teaching in the church, he says, and should refuse to say as much as "amen." The primary goal of Book Two is to train your left hand to do octave and chord patterns that will give your piano playing a much fuller sound. They do not take their children to doctors for check-ups, and are against vaccinations. Very likely this is about to pop up in mainstream and national media soon. I asked if they bused people in, as Independent Fundamental churches often do, and sometimes with some kind of trickery or bribery to bring in the crowds. The Furses attended a Wednesday night church service at the Faithful Word Baptist Church, pastored by Steven Anderson. 1981). I chuckled upon this realization, that few would seek out Steven Anderson to explain the keys to racial reconciliation in the church, but honestly, he seems to have what might be the best example of the ethnic diversity that I have personally ever seen. "Because these homosexuals are a bunch of disgusting . Steven Anderson is the infamous pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, USA, who has regularly called for the death of homosexuals. Its pastor, Steven Anderson, became famous (or at least known) by posting his often-ridiculous preaching on YouTube. "[9] Emory University PhD candidate Matthew Brittingham suggested that Anderson is part of a connected but "diffuse group of theologically-focused, antisemitic Christian conspiracists who deny the Holocaust. Graphic Design by Richard Miller. He kept threatening suicide by proxy of the victims. First, there is the Pisseth Against the Wall sermon. // -->, "Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, "You start hanging around with a bunch of faggots and lesbians; you know what they're going to do? It's long, but it's. The churchs website describes the church as an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church.. You bought the ticket., He has also openly criticized Pope Francis for his more tolerant views, describing him as the greatest false prophet on the earth at this time.. Phone: (602) 456-1049 document.write(''); Pastor Steven Anderson was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. Anderson? Not exactly a crisis (except for the victims of course), these guys are finally given the scrutiny they deserve. A movement like the New Apostolic Reformation or the Emergent Church is ever-evolving, expanding, adapting and changing; so much so, in fact, that by the time a polemical book on their heresies is published, they have changed their positions, methodologies, and perversions a half-dozen time. Anderson certainly appears to fit this pattern, Gelber added. Related news coverage. The church has a small congregation and is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denomination. This is a clever tactic because theyre using the language of human rights to engage in an anti-human rights agenda. Anderson founded Faithful Word in 2005 and since then has traveled extensively and created a worldwide network of like-minded pastors who have launched similar churches in several different countries. At the front of the church was the wooden pulpit upon which Anderson stands and screams at his congregation, and which he occasionally beats with his fists and kicks. Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church got worldwide attention several years ago for his violently homophobic comments. We are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church. : Directed by Steven L. Anderson. Steven Lee Anderson (born July 24, 1981) is an American preacher and founder of the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement. And so, for many of todays false teachers, there are no primary resources of research, except for us. Rumble 26 Feb 2023. They arent boys fooling around, they are the innermost thoughts of sexual sadists. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. My library on the cults is ever-expanding, and ranges from recent best-selling heretics the likes of Rob Bell to the helpful works of Walter Martin and B.B. The church which he describes as an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church is currently listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) because of Andersons radical stands. [b], The Anti-Defamation League cited Anderson of "a history of antisemitism through his sermons and a series of YouTube videos. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. blocks anti-gay pastor from coming to Malawi", "Malawi government says 'kill the gays' pastor 'will not be received' in the country", "Anti-gay US preacher becomes first person banned from Ireland", "Jamaica bars anti-gay preacher Steven Anderson", "Kabinet onderzoekt inreisverbod voor extremistische predikant", "Amerikaanse 'haatprediker' mag Nederland niet in", "Anti-gay preacher is first-ever banned from Ireland under exclusion powers", "Justice Minister bans controversial US Pastor Stephen Anderson from entering Ireland", "Extremist preacher barred from entering New Zealand", "Steven L Anderson: My Wife Zsuzsa - Part 1",, Discrimination against LGBT people in the United States, Wikipedia pending changes protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 09:29. The minister banned from Ireland and elsewhere around the world for being too extreme in his homophobic views and who infamously called for an LGBTQ+ holocaust that would wipe out AIDS in weeks has made his latest round of outrageous commentary. Anderson on Bataclan attack victims: 'You bought the ticket', Anderson says women 'need to be obedient', Anderson: Lord of Hinduism is Satan himself, There can be no tolerance for intolerance, Steven Anderson: Serial abuser of free speech, A religious dogmatist whose views can be debunked on religious grounds, The American pastor embodies a trend of preachers hiding behind religion to spew messages of bigotry, Anderson has lauded the 2016 Orlando massacre, publicly prayed for Obamas death and denied the Holocaust. In June 2016, he stated in a YouTube video (since taken down, but re-uploaded by other users) that he was glad there were "50 less pedophiles" after the Orlando Pulse Shooting. We did, however, find a blog post by Pastor Steve Anderson on "3 Ways to be a Bad Church Member" wherein he tells Christians to " . Thoughts ( PDF ) for more the language links are at the Faithful Word Baptist church Zealand. Did the weirdo homeless people go and who replaced them with all these young families and children video indeed... Keyboard shortcuts, https: // v=Ty73AM7k700 & feature=emb_title way give legal sexual consent naturally a. The same thing I am in Contact with other Members of the church been. Over 115 languages King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church Furses attended a Wednesday night service... Who isnt a reed shaking in the background, one can hear occasional chants of agreement from of. Youtube you can see a video of my encounter with Bakkerhere for one year has. I am in Contact with other Members of the church pastor steven anderson church pastored by Steven Anderson approached! 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