Then you place the oatmeal-bearing sock into the ferrets' bath water. So, if your ferret is also displaying weakness and nausea along with its shaking, call your veterinarian. She started her Friendly Ferret blog when she got her first ferret Frida 8 years ago. There are several reasons why a ferrets blood sugar might drop too low. It can take a while for their metabolism to calm down once they wake up, which is why ferrets will often continue shaking for a short while after waking. Im Noah, chief editor at VIVO Pets and the proud owner of a playful, energetic husky (Max). Should You Do Something About Your Ferrets Shaking? Put your ferret in the bath and simply pour and rub the oatmeal water all over him, rubbing it into their coat and skin. When a ferret is excited, its body may start to shake. Ferrets love to swallow items that could cause intestinal blockage. Choose a gentle shampoo. Take colloidal oatmeal and put it in the sock. They are also prone to losing body heat quickly due to high metabolism. Facts to Consider. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Which isn't good. They may also be stressed, or excited. Although this seems unusual or even alarming, it is no cause for concern. Make sure the water temperature is okay. However they are susceptible to changes in temperature and will shiver when they get cold. Presumably, your ferret will be clean, so the furnishings shouldnt stain or stink after they dry. Once you are done rinsing all the shampoo, apply a conditioner and rinse. Ferret hind limb weakness is badly misunderstood and most information online is highly inaccurate. It can be quite common to see your cat shivering for several reasons. Something lukewarm (105 to 115 Degrees Fahrenheit) is preferred since it is not too hot to cause trauma or too cold and shivers. And despite excellent efforts to make them have fun baths, these small fuzzy carnivores dont always love the feeling of water trickling or splashing on their body. One of them, the most realistic one, is that they dont like being wet. This starts with the frequency of baths. You want to get the raw oats, wrap them up in a satchel or cloth, and let them soak in the water. If you think that bathing your ferrets is interesting, you should see what is happening next. This is preferred because ferrets have sensitive skin which can dry out easily. Mustela furo are naturally curious creatures, but they can also be easily frightened by new people, animals, and objects. If you have bathed a cat, bathing a ferret should not be any daunting. Can We Use Essential Oils Around Ferrets Or Are They Toxic? Bacterial or fungal infections. Most of the time, ferrets shake is just a ferret whos exhibiting normal behavior. Over time your ferret will learn that there is nothing to stress about, but this is a gradual process. Your ferret reacts to all sorts of different stimuli, and very often, that reaction is to shake. Most of the reasons why your ferret could be shaking are no cause for concern. Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Let them sit in the water for a little while and then give them a quick rinse. When a ferret is cold it shivers the same way humans do. In very cool weather, keep bathing to a minimum unless you can offer heat after the bath. These behaviors are all-natural ways for the ferret to deal with stress and anxiety. In pain or stress, ferrets will be very reluctant to move at all. The increased metabolic rate causes the ferrets body to produce more heat, which can make the ferret feel hot and uncomfortable. Once you have all the necessary materials to give your ferret a bath, you can then fill the bucket with warm water. How to Bathe a Ferret. If your ferret is suddenly exposed to something that scares them, it may start shaking and screaming as a way to try and get away from the situation. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Either way, you will have a good laugh. It is actually pretty simple. You will receive educational and entertaining content about ferrets, chance to win awesome giveaways, exclusive ferret eBook and limited ferret & human products. In fact, Ferrets love to play; your ferret may just have noticed something new and unfamiliar that he thinks might be his new favorite toy. One common reason is that he feels hot and needs to cool down. Extra baths won't hurt themjust be on the watch for skin irritation! Dog wipes, refreshing sprays, or brushes might be a better alternative for those that struggle with baths if they just need a . According to veterinarian there are some other reasons to that can make a ferret tremble such as white muscle disease and seizures. Humans arent the only creatures that enjoy musicyour ferret does too! Dazed and / or staring look. Take a small piece of towel, dip it in warm water, squeeze some of the extra water, then slowly go all over your ferret's face with the towel. Both should be cleaned once per week or more often if you spot any issues. There are many reasons why ferrets do this unusual dance of displeasure. Or, you can rinse a ferret in the tub with fresh water. 3. Why Cats Catching Bats? You pat them gently to dry them off, but with all that fur, its not even to get them totally dry. What gives? Is he excited? Always have a clean cage and clean litter after the bath. Truthfully, theyre unhappy once the temperature rises above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Entice them to play games, explore, solve puzzles, or work on a tasty treat that takes time and effort to truly savor. To rinse a ferret you can put him under the faucet (you can use a mug or a glass) and pour warm water gently over him. A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. The ferret's skin contains natural oils that give off this scent. Symptoms of low blood sugar in ferrets are: Your email address will not be published. Keeping a calm tone will help your ferret, especially if they are afraid. How Much is Safe. In severe cases, white muscle disease can be fatal. Shaking is far from the only strange behavior that ferrets display. twitching in muscles at the top of the head. Have you asked yourself how often should you bathe a ferret? Ferret war dance is nothing compared to the Quick I must dry! dance. Its important to have a veterinarian who is familiar with ferret diseases so that your pet will get the necessary care. Unless your ferret's shaking is accompanied by major signs of sickness like weakness, lethargy, and nausea, there's no reason for you to be concerned. You can read in my post about heatstroke prevention how to cool down your ferret. If not treated promptly, hypoglycemia can be fatal. Ferrets are rarely ever cold, so the chances of your ferret shivering from the cold are very slim unless its absolutely freezing in your home. While drying the ferret you can also clean their muzzles. One is if they havent eaten for a while and their body is running out of energy. Anything resembling a seizure or convulsion. Shaking from excitement Some ferret owners say that their ferrets shiver for mundane reasons. But, the problem with them is that you cant find them in every pet shop. This is for comfort and warmth. Youve heard of playing possum, but how about playing ferret? This is why a dog's skin is more sensitive than ours. Again, its often a normal behavior, but its better safe than sorry when it comes to our pets. How To Stop From Bat Hunting? Ferrets actually burn more energy during sleep than when theyre awake! Q After my long runs, I stretch and then hop straight into the shower. She writes posts about ferret health, behavior, diet, and every topic you should know when owning a ferret. Some ferret toys can help to distract attention and make the pet feel relaxed and normal about the whole ordeal. White muscle disease is a condition that can occur in ferrets, characterized by abnormal deposits of fat and protein in the animals muscle tissue. He is starting to show his age but, Why do ferrets freak out after a bath? If your ferret is shaking under the normal conditions weve just covered, then you dont need to do anything about it. 9 Reasons Explained, Do Dogs Sleep More On Rainy Days? . That way when the situation occurs you will be prepared and you wont have any trouble giving a ferret a bath. Anja is a Friendly Ferret owner and a ferret parent who is involved in the ferret world for more than 10 years. The most beautiful BEST EXOTIC PETS in the world. How do I prevent my ferret from freaking out during baths? It is not uncommon for a stressed-out ferret to get ill much easier. There are better ways to minimize the smell and you can read all that in my post about how to get rid of ferret smell. 3 Facts You Should Know, Do Ferrets Require Vaccination? When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Don't be surprised if the shaking continues for as much as 20 to 30 minutes. The frequency of bathing will depend on your situation, but the MAXIMUM should be once a month. In this post, well explain why your Mustela furo might be shaking and what you can do to help. Excessive itching. The feet of your pet should touch the floor of the tab, while still keeping the water level at the chest area. The body temperature of your pet should range between 100 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Ferrets are susceptible to hypothermia because they have very little body fat and do not have a thick coat of fur. Once the ferret's skin dries, it will naturally produce skin oil. Did he just wake up? It could be a sign of excitement, fear, or even pain. In some dry climates, ferrets' skin dries out and becomes itchy. Do not let your cat know that he is about to be bathed. Aim to have it between 99- and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. unable to hold food in the mouth. Ferrets are furry and well-equipped for cold temperatures. Answer (1 of 22): It is not uncommon for cats, including kittens, to shiver or shake after a bath. Blog Specialized in Exotic Animals Types and everything you need to know about them. Dont be surprised if the shaking continues for as much as 20 to 30 minutes. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Even though you may worry about the bottom ferret, they wont suffocate! Others will fight and try everything they can to get out. The first thing you should do is gather and prepare everything near the bath or sink. When you have a ferret wrapped in the towel, dry him as much as you can because the moment you put your ferret down, he will become crazy. Rub it between the palms because shampoo is probably very cold and then apply it to your ferret with your hand. It could be that they are cold, as ferrets are very sensitive to temperature changes. Your email address will not be published. You will be amazed how many times you can see them cleaning their paws and then washing their face. If your ferret is ready for a full-blown freak-out following bath time, dont simply shove them in the cage and walk away. This is an instance where the shaking means your ferret needs to see a vet. How often can you bathe a ferret is a valid question because if you bathe it too often, it can damage their skin. Also, accustom the pet to the bathtub environment, so that it does not see it as scary. Talk to them calmly and happily. This is because it can lead to dryness of its skin and coat. Ferrets are often frantic after a bath because they dont like the feeling of being wet. Sneezing. There are a few ways to do this. As you can see, bathing ferrets is not a big issue, especially since you dont have to do it. Slowly lower your ferret into the water. Its often for their own good and will help keep them clean and healthy, but they always seem to go crazy immediately after. Excitement, Nervousness, Stress and Anxiety and change in the metabolic activities is the leading causes of ferret shaking. However, the anal smell is only prevalent when the furry critter feels frightened or stressed. Medical conditions such as epilepsy, Addison's disease, CCD, distemper, or GTS, could cause your dog to shiver. Shampoos for babies are the mildest and they wont irritate the ferrets skin. Instead of muscling them into the bath and forcing them through it, take your time and let them lead the activity. Place a rubber mat at the bottom of the sink or tub so that the ferret has a good grip. Make bath time as stress-free as possible. Youre put through an intense experience that you may or may not have enjoyed on some level, and now that its through, youre fired up over it? If you have, then this is a post for you. Theyre minding their own, playing and exploring at their leisure, when they see you coming. And one of those physical symptoms is often uncontrollable shivering. Learn more. Are Ferrets Affectionate? Ferrets are extremely cute and fun pets. When you see your ferret shaking and trembling, it can immediately cause worry and fear. Vomiting can be seen in association with neurological disorders, ingestion of a toxin, kidney disease, liver disease and conditions affecting the intestinal tract. Here are some other behaviors youll see when caring for a ferret that might seem strange at first. Ivermectin is a medication used to treat a wide variety of parasites. I normally don't bathe them unless it's absolutely needed and they needed it lol. Some signs that the sneezing may be due to a more serious condition include sneezing with discharge such as pus or blood, or multiple . As I said, most ferrets dont like bath time and they will try to get away. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Weight loss (not due to seasonal changes) Fur loss (not due to seasonal changes) Grinding of teeth. All rights reserved 2013 - 2021 Friendly Ferret, Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. As your Cedar Rapids, IA veterinarian, I list some key ones below. Why do Ferrets Stink? Stress and anxiety are some of the main reasons ferrets tremble and shake. In 2013, Friendly Ferret was recognized as a great source of information and it has become a good ferret brand for education, products, and fun. Youll probably see your ferret shaking in each of the following scenarios. However, if the shaking is accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea or vomiting, it may be a sign of a more serious problem, and you should take your ferret to the vet. Seizures can last for a few seconds or up to several minutes and may occur sporadically or in clusters. If your pet experiences any type of seizure, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. If you see your ferret shaking upon first waking up or even settling down to go to sleep, its not a reason to call the vet. This involves the upper airways (nose and sinuses) and is due to irritation of these passages. 7. When you put the ferrets together, sit back and wait for the mating ritual to begin. Did we mention ferrets hate the feeling of being soaked? This is because the heart is working harder due to the disease process. If the experience is so traumatizing to them, is it even worth it to bother about it in the first place? Give your ferret the perfect spa experience instead of a quick scrub job. As it can also be a huge shock for your pooch at the start. Insulinomas are growths that occur on the pancreas of the ferret. Bathe a ferret only when it gets dirty. While ferrets are generally healthy, some diseases, such as insulinoma, can result in seizures that might appear like shaking. Ferrets like to sleep together for comfort, and in cold weather, for warmth. Ferrets have giant bursts of energy, and when they run into a bunch of things after coming out of their cage, its actually a sign of good health. The good thing about an oatmeal bath is that it wont remove oil from the ferret body, but it will clean it from dirt. . At the same time, it could be that your ferret has a bladder infection. Without proper grooming, the gunk layers up to form piles with a pronounced smell. There are also several things you can do to reduce the stress associated with bath time and help them segue back into neutral gear immediately following. Well, hes not, so you can relax; hes probably fine and just doing what comes naturally to ferrets. Ferret is shaking from the cold. Enjoyyyy! Why is your playful, fun-loving ferret suddenly acting as if hes freezing, or terrified? There are two things to keep in mind. You can use a cup to pour water over them, your hands, or a cloth. A ferret seizure can vary in intensity and duration but typically involves the animal losing consciousness and experiencing muscle spasms. This is their natural way of keeping warm and is nothing to worry about. Ferret babies and older ferrets usually sleep more than young and adult ferrets. Remember, the ferrets body temperature is higher than ours so if you put slightly cold water in the tub, that will be really cold for your ferret. Well, ferrets dont play dead the same way a possum does, but when they sleep, ferrets sleep so soundly that you might think theyre dead! 6. Copyright 2023 - VIVO Pets. Get their body fully wet. You don't want to have to leave your ferret unsupervised while you run and grab something. Offer reassurance. Despite this, youll likely notice that all of your ferrets pile up in one bed. Can You Put Fake Plants In An Axolotl Tank? The only time you have to take things into your own hands is when they get dirty. Prepare a bath for a ferret and place the sock in the water. !Also,. Unlike cats and dogs, where vomiting is a . Additionally, the sebaceous glands in the skin of ferrets produce oily substances with sharp musky-scent. You should also make sure that your ferret has access to plenty of water so that it can stay hydrated. towels. Don't make it too deep because your ferret won't be able to rest and that will make it even more stressed. They will run, jump, dance and roll around desperately to get dry. However, there are times when your ferret may need a bath. Another possibility is if they have an infection or are under stress, which can cause their body to release stored sugar too quickly. Prevalent when the furry critter feels frightened or stressed metabolic rate causes the ferrets body to produce heat... Up in one bed this involves the upper airways ( nose and sinuses ) and is nothing to! To do it and experiencing muscle spasms seizures can last for a full-blown following. A pronounced smell only creatures that enjoy musicyour ferret does too their body is running out of energy it the... Thick coat of fur do not let your cat shivering for several reasons becomes itchy apply a conditioner and.. Twitching in muscles at the start reluctant to move at all fill the with. 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