I must have had a short stint of insanity when I returned to the old, boot-camp form of exercise. At 43, this was a terrible state to be in. Sit on a surface with your feet about 6 inches away from the floor. I am sure I would have gotten quicker results if I had, but I didnt want to. I used it for a while, and enjoyed it, but I was young and macho, so I eventually gave it up for miles of running, other excessive types of training, and crash dieting. My heart rate, respiratory rate, and muscles all get a better workout on the bouncer. I went to school after I had finished my homework. Even with 2 10 minute sessions a day, my muscles are getting toned and I feel my interior systems are improving. Yay! Thank you so much for your quick reply. My mother in-law bought a Cellerciser about 8 years ago. Cellerciser arrived Friday 21st of March 2008 -assembled and started I actually watched the DVD and read the instructions but did overdo it a bit to start. Trampoline Swing x Trampoline Beds. But I also wasnt surprised after the TONs of comments I had read about how he would answer or get on the phone when so many of you had called. )-Both my husband and I use it daily. The best rebounder NOW even more affordable with just 4 easy payments. The first one is my exercise routine, and the second, my stretching routine. Cellercising helped me beat Big Pharma, (for now), and at my last doctors appointment my doctor told me, I dont have any patients in your age range that are in the shape youre in!, I did weights for YEARS and never saw results like these in my muscle tone. By the way, I am 63 years old. It can support up to 250 pounds, making it one of the strongest rebounders on the market. I came in first place in my age group! The Cellerciser. I have spent several days without pain now. I highly recommend the cellerciser as I use it as part of my exercise/conditioning routine every day. The Cellerciser provides a straight 5 year warranty on most bits, along with a lifetime warranty on the frame, pins and feet, but the customer has to pay for all shipping of warranty claims. When I get home, I open it back up, and use it the two days Im at home. Just bought Cellercise from you 3 weeks ago. I was flying high with that complement and I owe it all to my rebounder exercises. He apparently became INSTANTLY serious about Cellercising for his own health! I could not wait for 3 months to contact you again. My knees, back and legs all feel stronger and in better shape. Of course, we know that the Cellerciser will address every muscle group in the body (and that is one of the many reasons I love it). She said that my bones were equal to a 17 year olds. I just hope out of it, others will purchase the unit. One naturally starts seeking out time to bounce and modifying diet easily and repeatedly. *Grace has completed several additional races since the writing of this letter. My target weight loss is to lose the same amount of weight as i did the last time I used a rebounder for weight control. Friday April 4th two weeks of Cellercising and my muscles are tightening-up all over my body. what the other people in the radiantrecovery community are doing (the weights and cardio) I noticed that my steady weight loss had stopped and also, I was not feeling as good as I have been. Those friends I was telling you about yesterday went to your websites and were sold, so hopefully you will be getting some new purchases here soon. But I dont know. Best decision I ever made so thank you Dave. I can tell you that I have done a lot of physical things over the years that have damaged my body and I have a lot of orthopedic issues, but 100% of the time when I get off the Cellerciser I feel better, even when I hit it hard. Tuesday April 1st morning 12-minute bouncing exercises followed by a short walk, I noticed that my chronic back pain was not hurting. and counting II). I have reduced several years ago from 180. It is a whole body exercise; every part of the body is stimulated including our internal organs. I was afraid Id be sorry to have spent $$ on another rebounder when I already had one, but I am SO glad I did. My Cholesterol was through the roof as well. Im so happy to have met my health and fitness goals over the last year. Use the ::after selector to insert something after the content. What I have been using for the past four years is a therapeutic rebounder made by a company called Sundance. But that i sot all, our son has Tourettes disease and he found that a good workout cuts down the tics he experiences and helps him to focus on his homework. A good rebounder lets me workout alone with no judgmental eyes following my every move. It also is by far the most organic of any of the machines I have tried, in that one can put as much into a session as one wishes, and even when tired, a few minutes of maintenance bouncing can be achieved with ease, yet the benefits are manifold. Just checking in because all of your success stories on here and Daves LIVES are really what inspired me to commit and push through my doubts the first two months! I have stopped lifting weights and have cancelled my health club memberships. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. When it comes to your health & wellness, you deserve the best! I would do the walking and riding at least four times a week and on at least two of those days I would add the other exercises. Right before the lockdown I had a Doctors appointment. Does Jumping on a Trampoline Burn Fat? since 07/06/18. . This movement is known as the Jamba Run. One of the lesser talked about benefits of exercise is that it moves your lymphatic fluid, which promotes detoxification in your body. Join Me On. After trying a friend's Bellicon and doing a lot of research- and having had ceased rebounding long ago after owning a cheap, squeaky spring rebounder- I bought a Bellicon. Who doesnt want to feel happy? and was rebounding that night. Cellerciser before and after. Begin by sitting down on the rebounder with your legs hanging over the edge of the rebounder and your feet planted on the floor. Find Out Why, Top 7 Benefits of Using a Rebounder Mini Trampoline, Are Skywalker Trampolines Good ? I probably should be selling these for you. I also have had a long history of blocked Eustachian tubes in my ears. I was 60 pounds heavier than I am now! A left-upper-arm amputee for over 35 years and now the stump muscles are toning-up, WOW! My friends and family are seeing the results cellercising is doing for me. After I saw David Hall, I pulled it out and decided to do only small baby bounces on it while waiting for my Cellercise. Theres no way I can write or tell you how much this means to me. My Scales moved on Saturday!! Actually, that was not that bright, but I was finally fed up. All rights reserved. I saw the cellerciser on the internet and decided that I would spend the extra money in hopes that it would maybe last a year or so. SHOP NOW $134 INSTALLMENTS 4 EASY PAYMENTS 0% INTEREST FREE *Estimated for a Cellerciser Bi-Fold Rebounder. I am truly amazed at what my Cellercise has done for my body in the last 30 days-once I actually got motivated enough to use it daily. I have worked with a lot of young athletes and one group that I think would benefit immensely from the Cellerciser is the female athlete. I have suffered for years with a bad back and the wrong movement or even a quick one would have me in pain or unable to move my back. This product has literally changed the lives of my patients. Feeling pretty darn happy. Brushing with Magnesium helps to bind calcium into your tooth enamel. I do FEEL, in my body, after Ive done my 10 minutes that I am DONE for the day and can mark exercise off of my list. These are posted on my Dale Henry Brown YouTube channel. The Treadclimber began to have issues and I found that they had stopped making parts for it in 2009, so I discarded it and set up my Cellerciser. Try it These people came before you and were able to build muscle, eliminate fat and speed up their metabolisms by following a 10-minute-a-day workout plan. I found no stress on my joints. I LOVE this journey and this group! I have lost about 35 pounds in this time. Thank you, David Hall, for a single, easy and effective workout, the Cellerciser. In your limited time, if you wish to review these videos, I wanted to share the links. Was I ever surprised. I added two 2-pound hand weights about 10 days ago for a little extra resistance, and I have experimented briefly with four 2-pound weights. It has the effect of not only toning muscle but making ones effects worthwhile. 2020 was a tough year as a lot of events were cancelled but I did very well in the ones I competed in! Did my second SK in July and my first marathon in October. Finance your Cellerciser over time with afterpay! When I wake up, I do a few minutes on my rebounder to make sure my back is ready for the day. That makes feel good and I am glad i invested in this rebounder. I can speak from my own experience, I am 66 and when I started, I was 320 and have used the Cellerciser almost every day since May 2012. I would not recommend anyone do that, but I knew myself, and my problem has never been not knowing what to do, but rather simply doing it. Well, I kept at it, and slowly but surely, within just a couple of months, I was up to 10,000 bounces per day (rebounding 3 to 5 times a day, 2000 bounces per time). Thanks for the boost rebounder. It turns out, I would have spent several times that money if I had kept buying the brand X rebounders and I would not have had the consistency I have experienced with the cellerciser. https://cellercise.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Dales-Mini-Tramp-Routine.mp4, https://cellercise.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Dales-Stretching-Routine.mp4, https://cellercise.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Joan-David-Cellercise-11-17-04-Good-Evening-AZ.mp4, https://cellercise.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Marc-Wilson-Why-I-Cellercise.mp4, 30 seconds tilted front kick as fast as I can go, 30 seconds tilted back leg kick as fast as I can go, 30 seconds ski patrol as fast as I can go. I have friends that went cheap in spite of my telling them why not to and they told me today they just packaged it up and are sending it back because they were bottoming out on it. The all-steel construction frame and hinges provide superior strength and is designed to last a lifetime. The rebounder have allows me to target muscle and body tone as well as pump up the lymph system. Its the only self-adjusting spring of its kind, adjusting to the weight of the person using it and to the height that the person is jumping! I havent been able to exercise due to injuries -left upper-arm amputation (1973), sprained left hip, right shoulder dislocation plus nagging back injuries from being rear-ended and having four vertebrae ripped lose from my mid-upper back bone in 1988. That evening I went home, and I prayed that the Lord would give me strength to proceed and be with me as I went. Diane Bradshaw finally sat me down and told me there Is no psychological reason she could find why I could not lose the weight and the reason must be biochemical. I have reduced these areas noticeably since I have been using the rebounder. I got that little roll of skin that takes place after giving birth and a long pregnancy. I have watched your YouTube videos and, learned a great deal from you. I am small potatoes, but this video is proof that folks really want to know more about rebounding! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! That was two months ago. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. 2022 Copyright Cellercise. We each have a routine that takes about 15 minutes to do. It took awhile as my spine would hurt after a few minutes of gentle bouncing. While I certainly do not have the extended knowledge, experience, and coordination that you have with rebounding, I wanted to create something for my patients who want amazing toning effects in their trouble areas all while working from home. But after only 1 week, I began to see my body changing. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you. This means I have to be able to walk up and down a 45-degree boulder-slope, enter and exit through surf while wearing over 80 pounds of dive gear. I found that I was not utilizing it as much as I would like so I decided to invest in this piece of equipment which is a Cellercise. Cellerciser has helped me get healthy. I rebound barefoot and my feet love it! In 3 weeks with Cellercise my body has changed dramatically, and I have used it every day without relapse. He won't marry . he gets a job. One year on my Cellercise now and I can ride my bikes like I am 15 years old. The first two months were painful. Science may have perfected it in its own lab through the rebounder, It is an amazing way to bur calories and have a complete workout. PURCHASE A CELLERCISER THE TROPHY BODY DIET We have each lost over 50 pounds from Jumping and adhering to a Starch Based Diet. All rights reserved. Rebounding Benefits Skin Medical Benefits of Rebounding Lets Workout together Beginners I am on the Cellerciser every day. Photos and videos taken at maximum frown before, 7 days after, and 30 days after treatment with BOTOX Cosmetic. I just started using my rebounder and already I am seeing some positive results. Received my Cellerciser on Thursday, (the first day of my expected delivery date range!) The Cellerciser is what I recommend to my patients as it addresses both of these concerns. This feature is important because now everyone in the house can enjoy the same comfort level. Exercising for 15-20 minutes before breakfast in the morning will bring the best effect for weight loss. A-HO! All that jumping and jiggling was not for me. My husband and I have both lost inches using the Cellerciser. It's a test to see strength and balance before using and after using a Cellerciser for the first time. Learn to use it properly. The overall effects of both body image and lifestyle have been astounding. My goal isnt weight loss and Im not dieting/ following any particular diet. I did not. I even took one to Asia for a month of traveling. HI! I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue Syndrome many years ago and used fascia and energy work to pull me out of it but could never regain my strength and knew something was missing. I lay it face down, fold the legs, stand on one side of it, and pull the other side back on itself. We are available 9-5 M-F (mst) or by email at info@cellercise.com to answer your questions & to share the best exercises toward your fitness objectives. Although I had never been on a trampoline in my life, I decided to try a rebounder to see if it could help. rest (gentle twist), REPEAT THE ABOVE 5 WORK/REST CYCLES ONE MORE TIME (for a total of 10 minutes not including warmup and cooldown), Cooldown: two minutes (any combination of the warmup or rest moves). Its almost 3 weeks now since I started using your CELLERSICER mini-trampoline. Thank you for writing me back. Cant wait to see what the next months bring me! with you (given Cellercise is my muse;-) ). Its portable and easy to take outside, but its the best indoor exercise on rainy or snowy days when you cant be outside and dont want to go to the gym. Friday April 11th doing two to three bouncing sessions of to 10 to 15 minutes and walking. I am starting to see a hint of muscle definition in my arms. It is plainly evident that your body experiences forces when you bounce fast on a rebounder. Hello from Atlanta! I could only run for about 30 seconds and then Id have to walk. The difference is incredible so much so, that I created a YouTube video (see attachment) discussing why I recommend the Cellerciser and how it has helped me achieve my best health and fitness at the age of 45. I figured that if I said I was doing it every day I was setting myself up to fail because sometimes cares of life get in the way. (If anyone is having problems with their cellerciser making noise, a quick spray of silicone lubricant at each end of the springs quiets it immediately.). I am up to 90 reps for each of the 14 exercises and do 3 sets of 60 for each leg and 3 sets of 90 for the stomach of the 3 exercises your wife showed for women. With that complement and I feel my interior systems are improving morning will bring best... From the floor enjoy the same comfort level morning will bring the best of... Am now is a therapeutic rebounder made by a company called Sundance positive results bouncing sessions of to 10 15. 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