Build in me a dignified life, a life full of integrity and truth. Whatever evil cloud has been covering your light, as from today it will be lifted in Jesus name. 29. Thats the caveat to this truth: the perfecting is of that which is according to Gods will, which of course, is what ought to concern us more than anything else in this life. I want to manifest your glory in this year Lord. Psalms 138:8 "The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands." Thats the focus today, for the lord shall perfect all that concerns you. This is for someone, you have done all you can to make it work, you are on the verge of giving up but Gods grace is turning the story around. (7) A Woman of Peace Isaiah 26:3; Colossians 3:15. God's timetable may not align with ours in every case, but we can rest assured knowing that He sees more than we . He was saying I am certain, I am confident, I have no doubt in my mind that God will perfect that which concerns me. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Husband and wife must meet together, you can take some reproductive multivitamins which must be prescribed by the doctor. Yes, God will perfect that which concerns you! 3. As magnificent and awesome as God is, He still pays close attention to the needs of His children (Psalm 8:3-5). Because children are the heritage of the Lord, I receive my testimonies of fruits of the womb in the name of Jesus. Bible verse for Saturday Morning. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Put your hope in God. why we look not at the things which are seen, for the things which are seen are temporal ( subject to change, a drastic change by the double grace effect). Is your heart fully committed to him? I confess with my mouth that I belong to You. It would be contrary to His nature: He will always accept a wayward heart that turns back to Him. (Exo. God of the impossible I worship you; you know my name you know my story. Try praying a thanksgiving prayer for everything that seems to impeding your progress. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.". . In Jesus' name, I pray. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me,.. Or "will", or "may the Lord perform for me" (x): all things in providence; all that he had appointed for him, that would be for his good and his own glory, Psalm 57:2; and particularly what concerned him as a king.He had made him king over the house of Judah; he had begun to fulfil his promise concerning the kingdom; and he would perfect it . YOUR MIND: THE INSTRUMENT FOR YOUR TRANSFORMATION, God Made You Powerful, Loving, And Of A Sound Mind, BIBLE SCRIPTURES THE BELIEVERS AUTHORITY, BIBLE SCRIPTURES THE NAME AND PERSON OF JESUS, BIBLE SCRIPTURES ON FAITHFULNESS AND PERSECUTION, BIBLE SCRIPTURES ON PROSPERITY AND FINANCE, BIBLE SCRIPTURES ZOE: THE GOD-KIND OF LIFE, Christian Devotional Digital & Technology Team. Faith, Perfection, Mercy Of God, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Make my life successful on all sides; fulfil all my expectations Lord in Jesus name. 3 Daily Prayer For Strength. Perfection is when something is excellent and complete; something beyond practical or theoretical improvement. When I was young, I used to make a lot of wishes using wishing bones or when blowing out my birthday candles. 10. 3. Today, I surrender my life to You, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I confess it with my mouth. Powered by WordPress. My father restore, all the years I have lost, and wipe away my tears in the name of Jesus. Luke 16:13, 1Chronicles 28:9, Romans 7:6; Lord perfect all that concerns me this year. Thats the focus today, for the lord shall perfect all that concerns you. (Psalm 138:8). I will be saved in child bearing, nothing missing, nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Serving the Lord with fear, in love and holiness. Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic. Psalm 138:8 states that God will "perfect" whatever concerns us. Prayer cannot be overemphasized. This year Lord, help me to follow you intimately. - Acts 2:17. Gods work done in Gods way by those in Gods will never lacks Gods supply.Hudson Taylor Nothing will stop God from fulfilling his purpose for my lifenothing! I truly believe it by faith. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons. 4:18). That being said, His actions toward those that love Him will always work for our good (Jeremiah 29:11). Prayer is the result of the believers confidence. Every evil pronunciation of the enemy over my life concerning the fruits of the womb, die by fire in the name of Jesus. 24. A complete package. God will go ahead of you and deliver a finished product in your hands in Jesus name. Thank you Father in Jesus Name. "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. The psalm opens with a joyful statement of praise: I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee., God also deserves our praise because He is above every power on the earth (Psalm 138:4). i have waited for God to bless me with a husband, and at times it will be as if He does not hear,right now as i speak i am engaged to a wonderful God fearing 5:10). That is why David prayed that prayer: "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me." God specializes in perfecting broken lives; God specializes in perfecting flawed lives. How comforting and empowering to know that if we are passionately pursuing Gods purposes, God has passionately committed himself to fulfilling his purposes in us. your love, O LORD, endures forever Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. 9 Daily Prayers For Close Friends. Gods timetable may not align with ours in every case, but we can rest assured knowing that He sees more than we can, and His perspective while high above our own (Isaiah 55:8-9) will always bring about the best for us. My Favorite Things HUGE Christmas Giveaway & Blogger Test Kitchen Blog Hop Giveaway!!! Your plan for my life, concerning the fruits of the womb is my portion in the name of Jesus. I want to enter into your courts with praise regularly from now. Having trouble logging into your account? Psalms 138:8 "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; . Is your heart fully committed to him? Every evil power saying no to the Gods given fruits of the womb over my life, be silenced by fire in the name of Jesus. Thank You for preserving my life and the lives of my loved ones. So take advantage of the grace of God and declare it. D uring the first couple of years I walked with the Lord, my prayers went something like this: "God, help me to get that job." "Jesus, please heal my throat." "Lord, send enough money to pay these . By the power in the blood of Jesus, I will testify concerning fruits of the womb in the name of Jesus. I declare in the name of Jesus that His grace is sufficient for me to perfect all that concerns me in Jesus name. The psalm continues by showing what we can praise God for, calling out His lovingkindness and His truth, and the fact that He has made His Word known to us (Psalm 138:2). God will never abandon us, even though we may forsake Him from time to time (2 Timothy 2:13). 29. This month, God shall perfect it all, its your month of double grace. We pray for protection from job loss and sickness. This month God will make your way perfect in Jesus name! 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. I am passionate about Jesus because he changed my life. RCCG CRA New John Street, near Matalan,Aston Birmingham, Prayer Points for the Fasting & PrayerSection, Ministers/Workers Assignments- Feb 2012 May2012, Prayer Points for the February (29 Days) Fasting & PrayerSection. Losses as a result of such curses be replaced and all negative activities of curses on me cease today. Grant to me unstoppable advancement in Jesus name. 1. 6. My purpose in life shall move into operation and my helpers shall freely and easily locate me in Jesus name. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. Oh Lord, remember me today as you remembered Hannah in the name of Jesus. This morning I bow down and worship, how great, how awesome is your name. David wasnt saying how I wish the Lord will perfect that which concerns me like how you could say how I wish theres no work tomorrow, how I wish theres no school tomorrow, how I wish I could speak French, or how I wish someone will just write a cheque of 5million in my name. A wish doesnt necessarily have anything to do with God nor is a wish based on faith in God, because it isnt usually directed to God or addressed to God. I let Your peace rule in my heart. That miracle that no man will be able to find fault in, God will give to you in Jesus name. This command of God was identified by Jesus as the chief of all commandments (Matthew 22:35-38), and its expression in this psalm can be found in outward praise. Jesus came to perfect the imperfect. (LogOut/ Perfection is when something is accurate and correct in every detail. When used as an adjective, this is how the dictionary describes the meaning of perfect-. Wow! Psalm 138:8 states that God will perfect whatever concerns us. The Lord will especially solve those issues which have remained unresolved for a . We actually need to go a step further by speaking to ourselves, by letting the elements of heaven, the mountains before us, the forces and powers of darkness, all hear the Word of God and submit to that Word. this was very timely reading for me. God will give you a perfect thing that will suit your exact need, so that youll be able to fulfil your purpose in Jesus name. This year, my destiny shall have a full expression. As for God, his way is PERFECT; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him. Anxiety sets in, when the couple is not conceiving after some few years into the marriage, this is why we must pray. Holy Spirit, help me and teach me to attain this in Jesus name. Let my life be an outstanding one O God. It is a beautiful prayer and one that every Christian should hide in their heart I challenged my granddaughter to memorize it. Oh Lord, do that which no man can do for me. 17. We desire to honor you in the Blessed Sacrament, (glorify you in our thoughts, words and actions, and thank and praise . One day the Lord spoke to me through a particular scripture. Heavenly Father, I bring before you the concerns I have about my job. This year, there shall be no loss concerning me in Jesus name. Psalm 27:2. The psalms are a vast repository of praise, lament, wonder, anguish, fellowship, and meditation. Former Lead Pastor, Portland Christian Center. When David said the Lord will perfect that which concerns him, he wasnt praying to God. Give me a voice! 9 He makes wars cease. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. The word perfect can be used in various ways. Every desire of my heart, please Lord grant them this year. Something that does not need amends, repairs or improvement. Try. Nothing could get in the way of what God had in mind, that is, Gods perfect will for Davids lifenot even his own fleshly desires. Your Word said sin shall not have dominion over me, so break the power and the grip of sin and iniquities over me. Holy Spirit, teach me to worship God acceptably this year. Make me to serve you God from now with a perfect heart, in sincerity, in truth, sacrificially and with gladness. 7 Morning Prayer For The New Day. If you are struggling with the circumstances of your life, return to Psalms like this and use them as a guide for your praise. Oh Lord my Father honor your word over my life and bless me with fruits of the womb in the name of Jesus. Let my fasting and prayer minister to you. 7 The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Genesis 28:15. In this 2012, keep me going and increasing daily, waxing stronger and stronger, becoming better in every aspect of life. God will perfect everything that concerns you in Jesus name (Psa. This month God will totally put something together Himself and send it your way in Jesus name. 1. Lord, as I step into the seventh month perfect all that concerns me this year. That means you have nothing to worry about. 26. These downtrodden and often forgotten groups were the prime recipients of Gods compassion and love, and were the cornerstone of much of the generosity detailed in the laws and commandments given to the Hebrews. 23:23 "Mine angel shall go before thee",) Angel of the living God go ahead of me in the journey of this month in the name of Jesus. However, faith without corresponding action is dead. 2. Begin by asking God to forgive you for every sin then pray passionately. 1. The Lord will complete and perfect the matters in our life which have remained incomplete in the past. 10 Prayer For Rest. As we love our families, teach our children, and create an atmosphere of hospitality in our homes we can always find bits of JOY and inspiration along the way! I long for an intimacy with you ever than before Lord, and as I follow you, cause goodness and mercy to follow me all my days in Jesus name. 17:47. the Lord saves not with sword and spear. That was the essence of Davids thinking in this psalm. And God is mighty to uphold His statutes and care for those He has compassion on. Merciful God, thank You for bringing me into the seventh month of the year and also the second half of this year. Matthew 19:29, Hebrews 11:6. Another translation of Psalm 138:8 reads, "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me" (NIV). David was under attack and there were those on every side who wanted to kill him, but David encouraged himself by reminding himself that he had been anointed by God to be the King of Israel, and nothing, not any evil plan or person, could stop that from taking place! Romans 8:28. Everything shall start to come correct for you in the mighty name of Jesus. Volume #1, One Dollar Shipping on Sprouted Flour From my Favorite Healthy Flour Company Through the End of January 2023, FREE GIFT of a new Calligraphy Print and a New Direction for Joyful Jane in 2019. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Be joyful and worry less, the truth is worry solves nothing, it only adds sorrow to your heart which in turns affect your level of productivity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). Be glorified for ever O Lord. Psalm 138 is a doxology of Gods attention and provision for His beloved people, recognizing that Gods intentions toward us are always rooted in love and will never be taken away from us. I wholeheartedly trust in You. Perfection is when something is entirely without flaws, defects, shortcomings or faults. This July, which is the 7th month in the year, Gods promises for us are those of perfection! The Lord Will Perfect All That Concerns Me Is a Declaration of Faith. having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. The doctrine of the "perseverance of the saints." Especially the sin of ingratitude. 6. This month God will make your way perfect in. What comfort your word holds Father. Tweet Quote. As the Lord lives, I will not be forsaken concerning child bearing in the name of Jesus. God will go ahead of you and deliver a finished product in your hands in Jesus name. I receive power to be fruitful this year in the name of Jesus. My life and my times are in the hands of God. This is very encouraging because Satan has his ways and schemes to try to stop the fulfillment of God's purposes in our lives that he has used in the past and may be using now, as when Paul states that Satan obstructed his trip to Thessalonica, but God ultimately had His way. The Church. I pray that You would give me wisdom in my decisions, and use them to bring harvest of righteousness in my life. It is an EXACT thing. 5. We are called to assemble in a house of worship and praise His Name with other believers, proclaiming what He has done for us. The good news is there is HOPE. Father, thank you for the spouse you have blessed me with. Dont forget to drop your comments below if you find this prayer helpful. II Chronicles 16:9 reminds us of this profound truth. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them? God also deserves our praise because He is above every power on the earth (Psalm 138:4). In a declaration of faith you are also indirectly speaking to God, you are reminding God of what He has said and getting Him to act on His Word and His promises. 15. (Acts. I now confess all of my sins, known and unknown. For every activity and seed I sow into your Kingdom this year, let the law of hundred fold return be the minimum reward for me. Prayer points: . I pray that the Lord will perfect all that concerns you and your home in Jesus name. Prayer Point #1: Pray for a Great Awakening and for Salvations. (LogOut/ 4:18). God will help her at break of day. If it arose out of the troubles of rebuilding Jerusalem and reconstituting the state, it is intelligible and expressive. Agenda of wicked powers of darkness assign to delay my testimonies scatter now in the name of Jesus. God will perfect everything that concerns me. How comforting and empowering to know that if we are passionately pursuing Gods purposes, God has passionately committed himself to fulfilling his purposes in us. 33. Psalm 138: God Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me, Petros Network Alert: Martyrdom In Project Oromia, Romans 10: Of Filthy Rags and Transformed Hearts. 14. I Chronicles 11:9, Proverbs 4:18, Esther 9:4. If you are single, equally pray them for your would-be marriage. Then ask God to empower you to work with him to use those very things to perfect you. You can speak to the mountain and it will give way (Mark 11:23). PRAYER POINTS FOR JULY. Effects of such curse(s) be reversed in Jesus name. Blessings on youand may God perfect everything that is concerning you! 6.Father, You are A Perfect God, Who does not make mistakes; Please, help me to follow Your pattern of 'work and rest', in order for me to live a healthy and long life, In The Mighty Name of Jesus . He continually speaks to us, and responds when we cry out to Him (Psalm 138:3). Its a new week in a new month, i encourage you to talk to God about you life, for he shall perfect all that concerns you. I will not miss my time of conception in the name of Jesus. 2012 shall usher unto me greatest moments of honour, peace, joy, power, prosperity and dominion and all my adversaries shall be subdued under me. So take advantage of the grace of God and declare it. perfect. How comforting and empowering to know that if we are passionately pursuing Gods purposes, God has passionately committed himself to fulfilling his purposes in us. Forsake not.Better, the works of Thine hands; do not leave them unfinished. Christ dwell in me richly, change me from glory to glory, manifest forth Christs glory in me and give me grace and glory according to your word. The Trim Healthy Mama Bloggers Test Kitchen Organizational Tips and GIVEAWAY!!! Forgive me and help me to be a better person in Jesus name. ALL means everything except nothing. I recently found this scripture and it has greatly encouraged me. man after waiting for 9 years, of my being born again. Re-mould me to fit into this spiritual exercise ever than before Lord in Jesus name. Every mountain blocking me from conceiving be leveled up in the name of Jesus. In a declaration of faith, you are also speaking for all the elements in heaven to hear you, for everything on the earth to hear you and for all the forces and powers of darkness to hear you so they are all bound to cooperate with, surrender and submit to the Word of God. Give me the grace to utter words of faith through prayer. Thats the caveat to this truth. My Prophetic Prayer Points for Today (My PPP) O God, I thank You for being my Shepherd in the previous months. My Favorite Things Christmas Giveaway 2018!!! knee will bow before the throne of Christ (Philippians 2:11), which would include every king, president, and noble ruler that has ever lived or ever will live. Dear Lord, We bring all of our family's concerns before you in prayer. If there is anything that you have described to God that you want, this month He will give to you in Jesus name. 4. I repent of them now. Even when I feel far from blessed myself, even when I feel there is little I can do for others, I can still give my approval and blessing to those . make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible. the works of Thine hands; do not leave them unfinished. Psalm 118:24. 31. He wasnt saying O Lord, please perfect that which concerns me. He wasnt also making a wish. Forsake not the works of thine own hands - What thou hast made; what thou hast begun to do. Every curse operating in my life is declared broken in Jesus name. Fruit of the womb is the joy of every married couple, having children brings joy and beauty to every family. You will shine unto your perfect day in Jesus name (Prov. We must understand that everything in life has a spiritual ear. The New Testament writer Jude capture the essence of this truth in his benedictory prayer when he wrote, To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joyto the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! and who is a rock, save our God? 35. I receive power to be fruitful this year in the name of Jesus. Dry bones; hopeless situations have a spiritual ear. Pray for a spirit of humility in the Church and an outreach toward those whom the Bible calls the least among us. #humblegazeadoration#_ Enjoyed reading everyone's testimony_Reveleation 12:11"They triumphed over him_ by the blood of the Lamb_ and by the word of their testimony. This New Year will be a year of resolution where unresolved issues and problems will be resolved. 88 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Gracious Street Methodist Church: Today's service focus on the covenant prayer Remove a lifestyle of compromise from me. Change). - Everything shall start to come correct for you in the mighty name of Jesus. No matter what things may look likehorrible circumstances and hateful people notwithstanding (Psalm 138:7)God will never abandon the work that he has lovingly and painstakingly invested in us, and he will ultimately bring that work to perfect completion. Isaiah 1:12. Prayer point on month of perfection tags: prayers on God of perfection, prayer points for the seventh month, sermon on divine perfection, perfect all that concerns me prayer points, prayer point month of perfection pdf, prayer for month of perfection, prayer points for completion, mfm prayers on perfection, my year of perfection, prayer points with scripture references, prayer points on the presence of God, prayer points for impossible situations, 7 days prayer and fasting & prayer points. is not inconsistent with prayer, but rather prompts to it; and he who professes to rely on that doctrine, and feels so safe that he does not need to pray, and does not pray, gives certain evidence that he has never been converted, and has no true religion. Amen. Father, help me to remain ever conscious of You. 5:10). Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, rule and guide. If there is anything that you have described to God that you want, this month He will give to you in Jesus name. Thank you, Jesus, because I know I will not be put to shame over conception in the name of Jesus. Psalm 32:1&2, Romans 6:1&2, Romans 8:2. You are Lord over my life. 32. Leviticus 26:9 For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you. We will be engaging in this for 21 days. 10. I am undone by his love, crazy about his grace, overwhelmed by his mercy, and want my life to be a continual offering of gratitude to him. 3. Many times in the Psalms we see David speaking to himself, like in Psalm 43:5 where he says to himself why are you downcast O my soul? Today, the LORD will perfect that which concerns me and my family. Or the reference may be to all Jehovahs gracious intentions for Israel. In Genesis 2:18-23, God had made Adam and made him keeper of all the other things He had created, but none of the animals was suitable to be Adams partner. God is an awesome God and he hastens to perform his word. 27. God so desires to fulfill his purposes in this world that he is actually scouring the earth looking for fully devoted people in order to release his enabling power in their lives. No matter what things may look like, God will never abandon the work that he has lovingly and painstakingly invested in us, and he will ultimately bring that work to perfect completion. Take away my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore you, a heart to delight in you, to follow and to enjoy you, for Christ's sake. Jesus told us to ask anything in His name in. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Lord Jesus, I thank You for saving me and cleansing away my sin at the cross. 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