I immediately have to fast forward, which defeats the whole purpose of advertising. How can there or here not be ON the ground, if it is, ON the ground. If he catches that he's saying "you know" a lot, he'll try to cut down on using it. How about pandimik (apparently meaning pandemic,) mimber (apparently meaning member,) and oh god, space (apparently derived from safe space). I am a voice artist as well and I make SURE there is no creaks in my work! I do think it bothers some more than others, and once you key in on ityou hear it all the time, and it becomes more like nails on a chalkboard. Super annoying! Everything is now amazing. Great article. 3) HGTV shows are the worst for this offensive language. He has become hyper-sensitive to even the most polite criticism, and I blame this solely on our P.C. It applies to what the kids call music these days as well. Using it as a string of bullet points makes the writer sound illiterate. Isnt it enough that we can send a message in an instant without having to wait for a cursive written letter to arrive in weeks, but make it even faster with short cut spelling to arrive in a matter of seconds? Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. So annoying. Omg YES!! I have tried to adjust. What truly bothers me is that this type of coddling in primary and secondary school continues into college, and beyond. The vocal pattern that annoys me endlessly is when women talk like little girls when they add UH to the end of words. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. As in, those are quite some radishes you have there. It seems to be quite common as I hear quite some people using it. People are suddenly emphasizing the wrong syllable in words that end in dent. Thanks Ava for your note. after. Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. The one thats driving me crazy is this extra schwa added to the ends of words. Then there is the over use of the word Like & So And who started everything being super??? I just heard a lady doing a commercial on TV who pronounced entertainment as intertainment. Pronouncing str like shtr as in shtrong shtrange. No one says sof-ten or lis-ten or plumb-er. Amazing this, and amazing that PLEASE STOP NOW! All are irritating and to me, they pigeon-hole the speaker and come across as less intelligent and less confident than they realize or intend. Yes!! Moving forward, going forward, I turn off the radio. Budden for BUTTON bugs the hell out of me. Stripping is not music. An interesting one this one. Thats my new pet peeve and I wish I knew a way to counsel him on it! She has a distinctively black accent and is a favorite voice on NPR. Ive noticed the upward shift in tone can be as much as an octave. I relate to it now as it is the absolutely worst thing ever and the commercial uses the cymbals to change it into some great thing, which it is not. Its pervasive with men and women. I was actually googling, trying to find if this type of (annoying!) terrible annoying. My current most annoying list includes some new & old (along with my initial yeah, no): 1) Vocalfry, can actually hurt voice. I have been trying to figure out why so so many people in TV commercials speak with a lisp. To me, thats like criticising someone who stutters, besides being a tool to stonewall me. What I notice is the use of Well, before almost every response by news panelists. Some words are not meant to have all the letters pronounced. ", Another listener from Minnesota wrote that "millennial correspondents" who speak with vocal fry "seems to counter NPR's high standards. The best example is stuDENT. Being a voice-over talent makes me extremely sensitive to not only the sound of voices I hear on TV, radio and the internet, but also to the words that are chosen. thanks Rebecca for chiming in with your comment from your perspective as an educator/coach. E.g. Its not even super cute. Unfortunately the word, the shouting and the angry demeanor are now used by many standup comedians in place of jokes. An improper use is saying that everything that you feel is great, is awesome. I change channels whenever I hear it. So. Hearing fingernails down a blackboard couldnt be more excruciating than vocal fry, and the stress I experience when not being able to tell the person doing it to stop it is hard to deal with. attack becomes attawwk; radio becomes rawwdio. I have two. You missed uh, um, well you know( the three words used together). I was convinced I was the only one who noticed the (extremely annoying) uptick of use with the word right in conversation. Theres no k sound in the word, yet many people want to pronounce it as though there is. Has anyone experienced this verbal hostage taking? EXAMPLE: I got a call back from this employer offering me the job. "What would happen if you approached different-sounding voices with curiosity and said 'Let me see how this works, see how this feels, and try to understand where they're coming from'? My shopping experiences in the UK have changed since I turned 60 and let my hair go grey. Our language is being bastardised for their own purpose, throat fry, non-pronunciation, just being annoying. Well, if you look at the data, youll kind of notice that theres a trend that sort of jumps out at you.. Ive recently heard this from an organic drink company: However you healthy., Another, from a vitamin supplement company: Want to brain better?. this article was originally conceived after listening to NPR and the annoying patterns heard by those that are supposed to be professional broadcasters. Society doesnt need to do anything. ", One listener did just that. NPR's 50 Great Voices Entertainment: Music Voices. Lately, I have noticed by newscasters and others on TV the word expecially, which of course does not exist. used instead of OK There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. Him: Im like did you see that? Everyone is using that now it seems! 5. This usually entails drawn out words: Sooosomething reeeaally horrrribllllle happened todaaayyyy I broke my cat candlllllle.. (Pout face). Is there a name for this type of speaking? Investigating these complaints opens a window into a long-running debate in the public radio community: what or more precisely, who should NPR sound like? It is also a great conversation interrupting tool used by those who just love to talk and butt in at every opportunitydya know what I mean? I know which zoo program youre referring to and I cant watch it either. There are two in particular that drive me insane: different than and misnomer.. Then on the other extreme we have ABSOLUTELY. This one comes at the end of sentences, apparently to encourage or sometimes subtly force agreement on the listener. My god, every single female and some of the males end every sentence like its a question. She has studied Alexander, Linklater, LeCoq, Stanislawski, Michael Chekhov, Meisner, Roy Hart, Suzuki, Viewpoints, and many other acting, voice, and movement techniques. One thing journalists I spoke to said: They're real people and they'd like to sound real too. Its a strange phenomenon in my mind, but of course trends come and go. Is it to have a snippet of time before responding? Soooo, this car just ran through a stop sign.. ARE YOU READING ME A BEDTIME STORY? The truth is clear. I have worked as a journalist for over 25 years, and I do not work in television for a reason. Filler words mean people are thinking in the moment, he added. Shouldnt voice overs sound like natural speech? Very annoying. Music is music. I agree with your comments whole-heartedly, and also wish that more attention be paid in the school environment to identifying and correcting inappropriate speech and speech patterns. It is not as if we do not live above the ground. I growl at every inflected, high rising, ramble sometimes eliciting concerned looks from family members. Sorry about that, but its the only way to bring awareness to this type of conversational disease in hopes that it can be eradicated very soon. Gosh ny chief hates include the words we are expected to use in public so we do not appear too assertive or pushy. I am forever hearing me and my friends instead of my friends and I. That means some listeners have to adjust to new sounds. New words, why not? Hello Baz, and thank you so much for being so detailed in your descriptions of your total annoyance with these speech trends. Omitting ts from wordsthe one word that brought it to my attention was moun or as we like to refer to it as mountain. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. I am so happy that I found this website! For example someone says I went to the store, then the gas station, and then got something to eat. Im not crazy Im being been driven there, though. And also SORREY, instead of saying sorry We occasionally hear from listeners who critique what they perceive as the homogeneity of on-air voices. For example as heard by a newscaster recently: Listeners have concerns about grammar, and filler words such as "um," "like" and "so." Required fields are marked *. It is not good representation of the general population; especially the show where it is only women who have the speech impediments. My husband listens to a lot of podcasts, particularly enjoying them while out driving or working in the yard. "If you sound like America, then it's America that's talking. Its bazaar. Playin, doin, shopping, talkin, and just today consultin. I completely agree with the annoying no problem response from a server after saying Thank you. YES! Someone must start these silly fads. My wife has been sucked in and watches all of these, albeit now in private, as I spend most of my time pointing out how these dumb narcissistic losers, sap the very life out of all right-thinking folks within humanity. Can you tell the audience Not sure. Thats what it sounded like to me in your video. So many things about schooling have been grating AND concerning me for quite a while! And that show was probably a 5 year old rerun. Right!? https://t.co/7p2fxbZTAN. Me too! Hell start a sentence, but then even before he gets to the part that he wants to bully you into agreeing with, hell stick in a right?! Pointing this out to friends, Im usually answered by yeah, I noticed, or good old-fashioned shrugs. I think females tend to do this more often and more dramatically. One from Texas wrote: "Not all Americans sound like White American politicians and I wish that could be reflected on your airwaves.". Who is telling people to jut their bottom jaw out and keep their tongue from going past their teeth? I blame social media and non-parenting. So, what weve found in our research is that people tend to add this word as a way to sound informal yet still be an expert.. But instead it sounds like I went to the STOre, then the gas STAtion, and then got something to EAT.. The ending gah sound, as in reading-gah drives me nuts. Thank you so much for validating my comments to my skeptical wife. Who taught them to speak? Exclusive to Americans are having to include real quick in every sentence and right here or right there But MOST annoying now is one that almost every single woman seems to do now And yes it is women strangely enough. Does that mean that Aussies and New Zealanders are not sure of themselves? These are interior designers and contractors. I have also noticed when people use a hard g instead of a soft or silent g in many words. Meowing. Its easy to overlook poor speech when an attractive face is delivering the information. This past year has seemed a bit empty at times when social isolation has become the new normal. a. period. Ask people why they do it (has to be within moments of the list having been sung) and theyll tell you its just a list. The one voice that NPR does have on hand that presents a good marriage of youthful freshness and traditional diction while remaining pleasing and understandable is David Greene, currently on Morning Edition. The most common is right? when used at the end of a sentence. to make it sound as it is so amazing, and all-important. Also, Im not fond of meme/social media culture creeping into everyday conversation either. It wasnt just that the election campaign this year was ugly, right? She has performed in television, film, stage, voiceovers, and commercials. A question mark has a specific purpose in the English language. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Debbie Grattan is a top-rated professional female voice over talent with more than 25 years of experience delivering voice over services worldwide. Drives me nuts. I think theres a time and place, but certainly the workplace is not the place. Maybe it is something that every generation deals with, so perhaps its just the age, life experience and maturity that needs to be there before common sense advice can sink in. But any word beginning with ST is impossible for this woman to pronounce correctly. My friends who do these habits, they do this not just in english language, but also in our native language. It is very annoying! Ive also noticed uptalk transcends position and demographics. That said, Boston's local morning guy, Bob Oakes, has a legendarily annoying voice. AMEN. What about the most recent one where you say structure with a glottal g/sh that sounds like struh-sherr? She has performed in television, film, stage, voiceovers, and commercials. Im British and cant say Ive ever heard anyone say Yes, no to answer a question, so Im pretty sure its not trendy amongst British speakers. It really does grate on the nerves. Second one: the pin/pen merger. Not long in to our conversations, Ive tuned out. thas instead of thats (which is the abbreviation for that is) It sends the message that only some people can be trusted to report the news. Thanks for any suggestions. Are you listening to me? I cant keep track of the number of very interesting podcasts with important messages that Ive had to turn off because of the horrible vocal fryyyyyyyy. Like yourself, Im thinking its a trend. Yeah, no. Receive a detailed quote, custom audition, and the ultimate in voice quality. Yes, vocal fry has become almost a standard version of vocalization in our current era. Youre not crotchety. I abhor this glottal stop. I really enjoy everyones comments and insights! You know what I mean? I am finding it increasingly more difficult to watch television, or listen to certain radio broadcasters, due to distracting speech patterns and styles. Absolutely! Linguists usually refer to it as creaky voice. So creaking is a reasonable thing to call it. They probably started out as texting shortcuts, but the two I cant stand are LOL crammed into every sentence, and OMG at the beginning of every sentence. This is teh dropping of the letter g at the end of ing words, ie: singin goin droppin etc. And, when a person says, you are smarter than I, the am is implied as in I am. Literally?! It is difficult to give an example because this is a pitch pattern not just certain words. Someone has to take responsibility for the slaughter of the Queens English. We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. There is a good example of a migraine remedy commercial intoned by Khloe Kardashian. NPR must be making a conscious decision to allow all of this. You sound as ignorant as the people youre skewering. Its definitely whiny, and its annoying as hell to my ears. I particularly despise yeah yeah yeah and starting sentences with So. Super everything Super excited because its super boring and Im tired of being super disappointed. Or it can negate what they just said, or preface a criticism or negative comment. You should receive an employer of the year award. I came here to see if anyone else had noticed that young women are suddenly dropping the T sound in the middle of wordsor if maybe theyd been doing it all along and I only just noticed and am now hearing it everywhere. I may be a little looser with my language, grammar, slang with my close girlfriend than in a business or unfamiliar situation. 2. It feels like they want attention, or something else, from us and are using what they think are caressing tones. For example, Im from the southeastern USA. Today IS the first day of Spring Allison Shelley/NPR Hansen began acting at age 5, and was a cast member of a TV series on resisting peer pressure at 12. You can even mix them all together in infinite combinations: Right, so you know the best way to find out answers is to Google it, right? "People forget that there's a person on the other end of the email," Duffin said. These are examples of bad grammar, mispronounced words, and slang. And, like uptalk, it seems to be used predominantly by female speakers. walkeen instead of walking. how about people who fitty dollars instead of fifty? Ive NO idea where it came from or why. Uptalk is the new wave sweeping the youth, like wearing tights and having tattoos all over your arm. I didnt read all the comments, so my apologies if this was already mentioned. Merry fucking xmas. I found this post because I was looking for a video that addresses this. I appreciate your attention to the proper usage of the English, especially since its NOT your native language, and the respect you hold for it. (My wife thinks I am. ) Its lazy and not particularly descriptive. Fly them in and leave them in the outback. For me, the whole So thing is one of these pet peeves that makes me want to smash whatever device Im hearing the word played upon. Consider Bertie Wooster in the Wodehouse Jeeves stories. Recently, I went onto YouTube to look for videos of the late actress Conchata Ferrell, and I found an interview with her and co-star Holland Taylor. Profeasionally, it comes down to efficiency and economy not to waste talk time with meaningless utterances or distractions. She has performed guest star roles on NBC's Parks & Recreation and HBO's Veep, working with Amy Poehler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, respectively. These are commentators, announcers, and reporters!! Having a predilection for languages & words, combined with being a professional presenter for most of life, my ear is sensitive to all uses of phrasology; blue, high tone, trends, slang, group ID, annoying & more. For some reason, untold numbers of people now seem to think its pronounced teee-eew. I am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying. I want to shout at them Inhale! It seems to be many white females that Im noticing using this trend. Young women of all nationalities reporting from the most secluded parts of the world use these odd tones, rhythms and inflections. Yes, I have an accent, but I use proper English as my model to imitate. I appreciate its a casual, off the cuff chat with the 2 male hosts (in their late 30s possibly) who are intelligent & one was a teacher in London! Is this really a new trend? Youre totally right. There are several blogs online, written by women who think society needs to stop being critical of their way of talking; i.e. If, however, its something that is correctable, I would like to know how, (NOT to be more pleasing or acceptible to him), so that I might be less annoying to more diplomatic persons like yourself . I find that contrary to the quality of education that many of us older folks received. You paying attention? Most of us know the way we speak may change depending what social situation were in. dontgetaphd 6 mo. Especially, the pervasive use of poor speech in the business world, and academia. Oh, and yes, I know I left off many other annoying speech patterns. Love this article and the comments! This seems to be a dialect issue primarily in the U.S. South, but the writing implement pen is pronounced pin, as the number ten is pronounced tin!. watch a MOvie, read a BOok, eat a COOkie, Ooops! Adding an additional, unnecessary syllable to certain words for emphasis: no becomes no-ah and hello turns into hello-ah.. as though the speaker just had to get rid of that extra bit of air, and vocalize it. After thank you = no tip from me. The letters arent required to be immediately next to each other, as in hiSHtoRy, either. One day Im sure Ill lose my job after losing my temper with a patient. Do TV news announcers take classes in speaking this way? Why, just why? I have to wonder if schools still teach sentence diagrams. Thank gawd to learn Im not the only one who bitches about these assaults on English. Alternatively, or also, it could be an attempt to inject artificial emphasis to Every.Single.Word. Chris Beck in his article in SpliceToday.com describes it best, "Michael Barbaro of the New York Times' The Daily podcast, sounds like he's in his death throes in the final two words of every sentence he speaks, and then he's able to miraculously revive himself instantly to begin the next one. Either Feb-roo-ary or Feb-yoo-ary is acceptable. Eckert, the linguist, found that the biggest users of vocal fry are actually men. You hear it I. interviews with British movies stars. Leave them in and leave them in the yard npr voices annoying driving or working in the UK changed... I have worked as a journalist for NPR famous for her accent and is a thing. Interviews with British movies stars chiming in with your comment from your perspective as an.. Playin, doin, shopping, talkin, and its annoying as to! My close girlfriend than in a business or unfamiliar situation not good representation the. Particularly despise yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and starting sentences with so out. 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