She is being repressed as a soon to be teenager, soon enough to be a woman. And yet DCBS boastson its websitethat it is also the primary adoption agency in the state: The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is the primary adoption agency in Kentucky. Now my days are filled with just trying to get them back. All the attorneys around here are friends with all the social workers and I know my Civil Rights have been completely violated and laws have definitely been broken on CPS part! children away in a family court. Onits website, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and its family services agency, DCBS, claims to work toward family reunification: While children are in temporary foster care, the main goal of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) is to reunify the child(ren) with their birth parents as soon as the parents have received services to provide a safe and stable home. MoveOn Civic Action does not necessarily endorse the contents of petitions posted on this site. The Rogue Realists Are Attempting to Use the Judicial System to Bring down the Predatory Self-Serving Elites. 7, and California rises to No. Leeann never could have imagined the nightmare that was about to unfold when her own mother would make allegations that she and Danny had sexually abused their own daughters. Governor Steve Beshear may be reached at , or contacted here. 100 Justice Way Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules in favor of Holly and David Schulkers in suit against social workers, Kentucky Center for Public Service Journalism, full Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision here, State eyes Northern Kentucky University as site of new state medical examiners office for the region, St. E. Healthy Headlines: How one womans quick response helped save her husbands life, Read Ready Covington challenge for children in preschool through third grade begins today. The current injustices are occurring WORLDWIDE EVERYDAY and children and families are being NEEDLESSLY TRAUMATIZED BY AN OUT-OF-CONTROL government agency THAT CONSIDERS ITSELF GOD. Could this also explain why we hear comments that some social workers will allegedly leave truly abused children with families simply because theyre un-adoptable, but remove the ones who are apparently in loving homes with caring parents simply because they are adoptable? Finally, Sarah called back to inform Leeann that there would be a Family Court hearing on December 10th, and she gave dates for 2 visitations with Danica prior to the hearing. Should have never happened. This bonding with the foster family would then be used as the reason to allow the adoption to proceed, not because the birth mother was unfit or negligent, but because her daughter, who was removed as a baby, had now bonded to another family! These same allegations of corruption were made back in 2007, when John Boel did a 3-year long investigation exposing Kentuckys corruption. I think our Govenor, Attorney General, Secretary of State as well as Congress of the United States of America of Kentucky need to address our Childrens Rights and well as our Parental Rights that have been violated. At St. Elizabeth Hospital for the birth of the baby, she unknowingly had a urine test that was presumptive positive for opiates (perhaps her doctor noted on her chart because she consumed a snack with poppy seeds on it and poppy seeds are among the products that can cause a false positive on a drug screen). The Senator for Brendas district is Senator Jared Carpenter, who may be reached at Ext. And when it happened that the child was going to be reunified with the parents, they called our regional office, and our regional office came down on our county and they harassed the birth parents because they did not agree with our decision. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! The investigative report shows a confidential video tape from an actual custody trial that was recorded in family court. Praying for this family. Also we should be following the common law anyways and the same laws that CPS claims they can take our kids is the same law that tells them they can not!!!! The Sixth Circuit now says they can have a jury trial on both of those counts and that the Cabinet cannot claim qualified immunity for the social workers. Now my little one had been sent to three foster care families when she could be with me ! Starting in March, no fewer than four reports had been made to the state's welfare agency alleging that the child's caregivers were inattentive and abusive, and the child's birth mother had sent a. January 25, 2016 NO parent should know the pain of having their child/children taken away and placed in a home with pure strangers. Moore allegedly refused to carry out an adoption for foster parents because they had criminal records, and a convicted sex offenderwas allegedlyvisiting and caring for the foster children. Leeann had no idea that the accusations of abuse were made against her and Danny, and her mind raced with questions about who had abused her children during the 3 weeks that they had been with their grandmother. They are always talking and cracking jokes together before and after court. You are our people. The four former senior officers are Det Supt Ian Crampton, who was in charge for the first three days after the murder; Det Supt Brian Weeden, who took over as senior investigating officer; Det Ch. Leeann had a history of strained relations with her mother Sonya. They are just going off what the corrupt doctor said! !But more IMPORTANTLY why in the world does CPS not know how kids end up missing in their custody but when a parent honestly does not know what happen to their kid by taking them to the hospital for concerns of their sickness, doctors find God knows what and claims it's child abuse right off the bat. There are also reports of CPS workers retaliating against parents and their families when they try to fight for their children. However, at the hearing, there was not even any discussion of evidence. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a "special needs" child. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Boel interviewed her attorney, who stated that he believed the motivation for CPS to approve adoptions to convicted criminals was to receive federal funds available for adoptions. Bailey with her dog Layla in California. One Kentucky mother, who wishes to remain anonymous, explains how corruption is motivated by money, by using children as commodities in a for-profit business: Truly abused children are considered damaged goods and are not sellable, whereas those from good homes are much more adaptable and profitable to the State.. Enter social workers and Hollys nightmare. They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man. That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under color and pretense of doing right. Apparently, when Sonya had taken the children to Jennie Stuart Medical, Sonya also accused Leeann of neglect, stating that the children were dirty and hungry when she got them for the summer, that both girls had lice, that Danica had diaper rash, that they were underweight, and that Bailey told Sonya that her mom locked them in cages. Sonya also accused Leeann of having a drug problem. They share a common theme of parents alleging corruption and collusion, of DCBS using hearsay as substantiated evidence without ever doing investigations into the truth, of Family Courts, attorneys, and social workers being corrupt giving parents little hope of ever getting their children back. That's right because they have too much power and hiding behind the laws! the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal case as bottomed on a fundamental value determination of our society that it is far worse to convict an innocent man than to let a guilty man go free.Source. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28. They wont consider me any more because I violated court instruction ONCE and let her mom keep her fit 4 hour while I went to work! Lindsey Adams, the prosecutor from their Criminal trial, is the same prosecutor for the Family Court trial. I just wanted to protect my kids and I wasnt allowed to. In the Child Trafficking definition of victims, boys are included as well as girls, and the victims could be anyoneyour daughter, your son, your neighbor, your friend. Mohammed . Danny and I on Dec. 10th going to court. Cabinet for Health and Family Services They did it to stop this from happening again in the future. We Care2. Purportedly, Jennie Stuart Medical did not perform the medical exams correctly, and a 2nd medical exam was performed about 2 weeks after the Fosters arrests. So many of us have lost our children unfairly and deserve justice. But it doesnt matter. Now that this is in Family Court, I see no light at the end of the tunnel. Boel states: While it may take weeks, months or years to take someones freedom away in a circuit court, it only takes 17 minutes to take 3 . Tearing my family apart seems to mean nothing to my Small Town. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. Please check your entries and try again. John Boel now works for a different news station, WAVE3. As a child Leeann herself became a ward of the State and was placed in kinship care with her maternal grandmother, allegedly due to Sonyas drinking and abusive behavior. If you find yourself aligning with any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to see here. Boel reportsthat children are often removed quickly with no evidence of parental wrong-doing, and that the State retaliates against those who try to fight back. She was breastfeeding her healthy baby. The video footage then clearly shows that the mother in this case had no true representation in family court. According to The National Center For Child Abuse And Neglect in 1998 reported that six times more children died in foster care than in the general public. AccusingDCBS and Family Court accepting hearsay as fact, Leeann says, It blows my mind that anyone can make accusations and they are accepted as true, and yet anything we say to defend ourselves is not permitted. 0. Please help me in exposing all CPS and all family courts for their corruption. I am just so happy their hard work will help so many other parents too keep their kids! Big Names Across The Political Spectrum That Are Suspicious About The Cause Of Epsteins Death . It has clearly established that it violates the Constitution and from now on a worker who interrogates children at a school without a reasonable basis to do so can not rely upon immunity for protection. No doubt and we love them too and would NEVER hurt them like the corrupt business claims we did! Notes to editors. Child protective services seizes children using the very system that is paid for by the tax-payer, who actually believes it is used to protect abused and neglected children. E-mail the Ombudsman [emailprotected] I have a DCBS horror story also, as do many, many families in Daviess county. Instead, Matt was ordered (over the telephone in court) to return Bailey to Kentucky and into Sonyas care, after being in Matts care for the past 4 months. Its time we rid the world of CPS. What can we do? Mississippi drops to No. Brenda is facing a hearing on May 7, 2015 to permanently remove her parental rights. Congrats to the Schulker family for hanging tough through this. Im so sorry for you/your daughters obvious punishment. If they trusted (as if that actually means something not re you, but as for them) you to care for her, then they needed to mind their own biz, not micromanage your (or your nieces for that matter) parenting. In fact, in Kentucky between 2003 and 2012, approximately 300 . They said if you dont cooperate with us, were going to take all your children, and charge you with emotional abuse.. Been in Kenton county Kentucky family court for 15 years single dad I am glad to see somebody speak the truth. Wesley is 100% correct! A 2014 study by Harvard University's Center for Ethics identified Kentucky as one of the most corrupt states in the country. Congress, I have been dealing with CPS since May 2019!! Could it be that family reunification and kinship care are not profitable? In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. 0:32. IF CPS IS SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTORS OF THE CHILDREN THEN Why is a Child more likely to be abuse in their custody than at an abusive home?Why is a child more likely to be raped in their custody than at an abusive home?The list can go on! Are your children safe from false accusations and lack of evidence to support allegations of neglect or abuse by CPS? This one family was promised a child. In Jesus name !! We didnt want this to happen to other people. This system has no oversight and needs to be reformed immediately! I havent seen her in almost 3 months now. Which then in turn is good for your family as a whole. Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? Criminal penalties levied against corporate bodies for corruption offences have included a $16.8m penalty under the first DPA in the UK (ICBC Standard Bank), together with payments of $6m in compensation and a $8.4m disgorgement of profits. I had no idea what was going on, until this research the last few weeks. Exactly why we need to start from the common law! Ps. The anonymous Kentucky mother shared that when her children were initially removed, she was given a case plan for reunification, but now after 6 months has passed, her case plan changed from reunification to adoption for her daughter, because the foster family filed paperwork wanting to adopt her daughter. There are also reports of CPS workers retaliating against parents and their families when they try to fight for their children. Citing the "dismal state" of the local child welfare office and conditions statewide a Barren County judge has found the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services in contempt . Hes almost an adult now. Christian Co. Justice Center Ive always been a big defender of children and animals because they cant defend themselves, but now I look at the news differently and I wonder if the stories being reported are true. Money is The Root of all Evil. If you, HNewsWire: Watchman Asserts That in Order to Construct a New World Order, the Existing One Must First Be Obliterated. They did this to hold these workers and supervisor accountable for knowingly violating their rights. Ive been fighting the System, and have now become a target for Harassment every corner I turn. January 12, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. . In IN RE WINSHIP,397 U.S. 358, 90 S. Ct. 1068, 25 L. Ed. In my case, the judge ordered a slew of services, including a psychiatric evaluation, substance abuse treatment, trauma-based therapy, parenting classes, random hair and urine drug screens, and family therapy, all to be completed maintaining stable housing, income, and paying child support. Copyright 2023, inc. and its licensors. I everything right there for my attorney to prove my innocence and bring my babies home right then and there December 19th 2019 that clearly shows there lies corruption but most of all my innocence and bring my babies home they were so scared Ill never forget the crying in their screams for me and I couldnt do anything to help them! If they tell you to stand on your head, youd better stand on your head. Again, Sheri expressed her concerns about Danica living with Sonya, but was allegedly told that she was not an option for placement because she lived in Florida, and that if Danica did not live with Sonya, DCBS only other option for placement was foster care. Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder? The body of four-year-old Serenity McKinney, who has been missing since Christmas 2020, was found in a wooded area in Kentucky Credit: Dave Justice 6 Dave Justice (left) said he was sorry for. She called, left voice-mails, sent emails, and even a certified letter, but Sarah Heltsley the social worker allegedly never replied to her request. These people are destroying children and families. She shares heart-breaking stories of CPS corruption, including how children are being taken away unnecessarily and put in very abusive situations. Its Uncommon. But Then Honesty Within the FDA is Uncommon. PLEASE SHARE GOT IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!! There are so many families like this including mines it need an attorney like you that will actually fight against the corruption instead of for it thank you so much for doing that and being one of the good rare ones out there. $ervice$ (? But Dont Worry. Despite repeated requests, the conditions of the Prevention Plan were not lifted until two months after the Schulkers left the hospital, at which time the case was marked unsubstantiated.. So, within the community this certain person saw a family that was in distress, was having a hard time, and relayed to (CPS) workers that they would like those children. It haunts me and my mind to this day I cant sleep I dont eat why wake up when I do sleep with a nightmare trembling and shaking so bad! Leeann says that her court appointed criminal defense attorney was not concerned with whether or not she was innocent or guilty, just whether or not she would testify against her husband. This person tells Boel that if an order for a child was delayed or denied, her supervisors would come in and try to overrule local decisions. CPS doesnt try to heal, build nor restore families; all they know how to do is steal, kill and destroy as Jesus said in John 10:10. If your child has a mark from falling down in the school playground, the teacher can be arrested for not turning the parents into CPS for possible abuse. We are living in sick times. Bailey and Danica. Care2 Stands Against: bigots, racists, bullies, science deniers, misogynists, gun lobbyists, xenophobes, the willfully ignorant, animal abusers, frackers, and other mean people. Nord Stream Sabotage Did the German Chancellor & President of the EU Betray Germans and Europeans? In areport aired originally on WLKY Target 32 News, news anchors begin the story by explaining that the station had to go to court just to get permission to air their investigative report, because the State of Kentucky attempted to censor their report from the public. I wish you and your family nothing but the best and pray for many more blessings for your wonderful family! Federal District Judge William Bertlesman in February 2019 denied qualified immunity for the social workers at a hearing in Covington on one count in the couples lawsuit and upheld it on another count. CPS profits every time they place a child outside the home for adoption, Ketterman said. Leeann offered to take a lie detector test, but they would not give her one. Whenever we publish a story at regarding Kentucky, we get flooded with people sharing their stories of alleged corruption with Kentuckys Department of Child Based Services (DCBS) and the Family Court system. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0afdd694e99462b1bd9d3e23c768ee2" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); House Bill Introduced to End FBI/ATF No Knock Raids on Gun Owners, Abominable Dr. Tony Has Hurt Millions Of Kids [Video]. We both miss each other so very badly. Our kids miss us and loves us, anyone around us could see that! !Wake UP, THE COURTS ARE ALWAYS ON THEIR SIDE, THE COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEYS, THE COPS AND DOCTORS!! Danny is Baileys step-dad, so when the children were taken into custody, Leeann phoned Baileys legal father, Matt in California, and he immediately flew out to get her out of State custody. For nearly 3 weeks after their release, Leeann called the social worker, Sarah Heltsley, to see about having the children returned, but Sarah allegedly never returned the calls. Other reports exist of CPS workers receiving requests from prospective adoptive parents and terminating parental rights in order to place children with those adoptive parents. She drinks and is not abusive . I still do not have my four children to this day! Danny and Leeann argued that it was not in Baileys best interest to be placed with Sonya upon her return to Kentucky, especially in light of the fact that Matt reported that Bailey is now terrified of her Mimi. They feared that Sonya may once again physically abuse Bailey into making false allegations. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can know the season! Please check your email for further instructions. All rights reserved. Could this be why Kentucky DCBS appears to not be really interested in family reunification but boasts itself as an adoption agency? They do some good thing but go way overboard with some cases! 6 months into this and my baby is no longer a baby. How is it you can be Not Guilty in Criminal Court, but Guilty in Family Court on the same charges? Thank you, Schulkers family and Attorney Paul Hill. You have JavaScript disabled. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Yet there is not one individual within our government agencies that will speak with me, if so then someone could investigate further and possibly stop these monsters. She didnt tell me where she was taking my baby, she didnt even allow me a chance to see him. Please dont stop now that your case has been won! After 17 minutes, the judge terminates the mothers right to her children. Once the call is made, innocent families are automatically sucked into a brutal bureaucracy of abuse, idiocy and irresponsibility. The Office of the Ombudsman answers questions about CHFS programs, investigates customer complaints and works with CHFS management to resolve them, advises CHFS management about patterns of complaints and recommends corrective action when appropriate.. Congratulations to the Schulkers family! Photo supplied by family. The reason for the judge ordering Baileys return? As a parent suffering the loss of my children because the corruption who do I need to contact in order to have my case in the investigation, First go to GOD!! Copyright 2012 - 2023 | TLB Project LLC, In IN RE WINSHIP,397 U.S. 358, 90 S. Ct. 1068, 25 L. Ed. As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption. 3 weeks after Leeanns arrest, Danny was arrested. Its Not Over, Hardlockdown Is Coming in the Winter of 2022/2023, Hell On Earth, Gates The Most Powerful Wanna-Be Doctor in The World Killing Million and Looking For New Ways To Kill Again, Watchman Reporting Excess Kill Shot Vaccines Death Gates Is The Most Successful COVID Kill Shot Expert In The World More Death Coming, Watchman: Daily Devotional, In the Gospels, the Lord Jesus Christ Warns His Disciples That Pestilences Will Be One of the Signs of the Last Days of Human History, a Time of Shaking the World to Wake Up and Realize That Christs Return to Judge and Reign Over the Earth Is Increasingly Imminent. Based on stories like this, where a mother is granted custody of an un-adoptable child, but not the adoptable infant, it would appear that adoption (profitable) is really the end-game for DCBS and not family reunification (not profitable), because if a mother is truly negligent or abusive or a harm to her children, why would DCBS return any of the children to her care? And whoever gets it could come up with a substantiation, of lets say neglect, and it might not be true. The investigation often involves no real evidence. The emotional, physical, and financial tolls are oftentimes devastating. Earlier this year, Health Impact News reported on the story of the Maney family in Kentucky, which suggests it might be business as usual in Kentucky CPS. Matt claims he informed Sarah Heltsley, the DCBS social worker, and Detective Sears of this new information, but says that no action was taken by either one. 730, orcontacted here. ! Neither she nor Danny had any idea that they were the prime suspects and were being accused of incest. Buyer Beware, Update: The Federal Government (Satan Soldiers) On Thursday Extended Its COVID-19 Emergency for Another 90 Days Despite President Joe Bidens Declaring the Pandemic Over Weeks Earlier. "The best way to predict the future is to create it!". The system converts children into cash which destroys families and their lives. Help us end CPS/DCBS and family court corruption and preserve families. Image from Facebook page. they dont save crap but a paycheck they destroy our kids and its legit and most case workers Can NOT keep this job so long because how corrupt it is. CPS tried to over-rule her decision to oppose the adoption and push it through quickly. terms of service. We all need to keep speaking up for whats right! But what if you were accused of sexual abuse based on a false allegation and a faulty medical exam, arrested, incarcerated, then released from jail because the Criminal Court dropped the charges for insufficient evidence, yet you learned that Family Court would not return your children because they were still going to press charges? Still from an actual medical kidnap (read the story here)There is great financial incentives for the States to remove children from families and place these children for adoption, for what many would call questionable allegations, false accusations, or even downright egregious violations of parental rights, basically using children as a transferable commodity to increase the States budget. Same charges the Political Spectrum that are Suspicious About the Cause of Epsteins Death all need keep. Can drop more ads we may not know the day or the hour, but Guilty in court... Nord Stream Sabotage did the German Chancellor & President of the tunnel Boel did a 3-year investigation! Dont stop now that your case has been won that 's right because they have too power... Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder your head in Daviess county the Self-Serving! Any of those folks, you can move along, nothing to my Small Town System to Bring down Predatory. 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