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"*":""})).replace(Q,"$1"),c,e>i&&wa(a.slice(i,e)),f>e&&wa(a=a.slice(e)),f>e&&qa(a))}m.push(c)}return sa(m)}function xa(a,b){var c=b.length>0,e=a.length>0,f=function(f,g,h,i,k){var l,o,q,r=0,s="0",t=f&&[],u=[],v=j,x=f||e&&d.find.TAG("*",k),y=w+=null==v?1:Math.random()||.1,z=x.length;for(k&&(j=g===n||g||k);s!==z&&null!=(l=x[s]);s++){if(e&&l){o=0,g||l.ownerDocument===n||(m(l),h=!p);while(q=a[o++])if(q(l,g||n,h)){i.push(l);break}k&&(w=y)}c&&((l=!q&&l)&&r--,f&&t.push(l))}if(r+=s,c&&s!==r){o=0;while(q=b[o++])q(t,u,g,h);if(f){if(r>0)while(s--)t[s]||u[s]||(u[s]=F.call(i));u=ua(u)}H.apply(i,u),k&&!f&&u.length>0&&r+b.length>1&&fa.uniqueSort(i)}return k&&(w=y,j=v),t};return c?ha(f):f}return h=fa.compile=function(a,b){var c,d=[],e=[],f=A[a+" "];if(!f){b||(b=g(a)),c=b.length;while(c--)f=wa(b[c]),f[u]?d.push(f):e.push(f);f=A(a,xa(e,d)),f.selector=a}return f},i=fa.select=function(a,b,e,f){var i,j,k,l,m,n="function"==typeof a&&a,o=!f&&g(a=n.selector||a);if(e=e||[],1===o.length){if(j=o[0]=o[0].slice(0),j.length>2&&"ID"===(k=j[0]).type&&c.getById&&9===b.nodeType&&p&&d.relative[j[1].type]){if(b=(d.find.ID(k.matches[0].replace(ba,ca),b)||[])[0],!b)return e;n&&(b=b.parentNode),a=a.slice(j.shift().value.length)}i=W.needsContext.test(a)?0:j.length;while(i--){if(k=j[i],d.relative[l=k.type])break;if((m=d.find[l])&&(f=m(k.matches[0].replace(ba,ca),_.test(j[0].type)&&oa(b.parentNode)||b))){if(j.splice(i,1),a=f.length&&qa(j),!a)return H.apply(e,f),e;break}}}return(n||h(a,o))(f,b,!p,e,!b||_.test(a)&&oa(b.parentNode)||b),e},c.sortStable=u.split("").sort(B).join("")===u,c.detectDuplicates=! Pastor Kevin joined our team in 2022 as the Executive Pastor to lead all staff and ministries. } // we are in preview mode n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, Jeremy has 3 sons and 2 daughters with his wife, Crystal. They have a beautiful two year old daughter, Carmen. :GET|HEAD)$/,rb=/^\/\//,sb={},tb={},ub="*/".concat("*"),vb=d.createElement("a");vb.href=jb.href;function wb(a){return function(b,c){"string"!=typeof b&&(c=b,b="*");var d,e=0,f=b.toLowerCase().match(G)||[];if(n.isFunction(c))while(d=f[e++])"+"===d[0]? if (NM.iFrameID == 'flex-preview-frame') { $('html').addClass('is-feature-page'); He went to the seminary after High School and got his Bachelors degree in Church Music and Theology. The Vision of Journey Christian Church comes from God and is implemented by the Pastoral Staff team, led by Pastor Dustin Aagaard. Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through O.C.I.A. Our Community Groups are scattered throughout the area. [b.createElement(e[1])]:(e=ca([a],b,f),f&&f.length&&n(f).remove(),n.merge([],e.childNodes))};var Lb=n.fn.load;n.fn.load=function(a,b,c){if("string"!=typeof a&&Lb)return Lb.apply(this,arguments);var d,e,f,g=this,h=a.indexOf(" ");return h>-1&&(d=n.trim(a.slice(h)),a=a.slice(0,h)),n.isFunction(b)? Whether you are interested in learning more about Jesus for the first time or diving deeper into church connection through membership, we offer many ways for you to take steps forward in your faith. "HTML"!==b.nodeName:!1},m=fa.setDocument=function(a){var b,e,g=a?a.ownerDocument||a:v;return g!==n&&9===g.nodeType&&g.documentElement? Learn More. This Month at CJ. He faithfully serves the church through providing care for our seniors, divorcees, those experiencing grief, running our food pantry, and more! }); He says, "Journey is the kind of place that greatly formed who I am, a church that proclaims the restorative power of the Gospel, and that Grace makes incredible transformations possible over time. 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Holly has volunteered in the early childhood department for over five years and was hired as the Early Childhood Director in July of 2017. Service Times. He brings a unique perspective to prison ministry and serving those who are living behind bars. if ( /^((?!chrome|android). "Mike Baker resigned yesterday as head Pastor of Eastview. ([\w-]+))$/,_=/[+~]/,aa=/'|\\/g,ba=new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}"+L+"?|("+L+")|. Holly is driven by her desire to help kids know that God made them, He loves them, and He wants to be their friend forever. if (NM.isFlexSubPage){ Journey Christian Church is located in the heart of Jefferson at 3828 Leila Place, Jefferson, LA 70121. 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She has a passion forstudying God's word, discussing it with others whileconnecting them more with Jesus, and toothers in the journey family! } Heather Goodwin has been a member of Journey by Grace for over 22 years and has served actively leading children's ministry. // setTimeout(function(){ mountain staff. NM.siteSecureURL = 'https://www.journeycc.net'; // add utility classes for targeting elements on a specific page window.onpageshow = function(event) { Lead Minister Robert Bess Pastor Robert became Lead Minister at Journey Christian Church in June of 2020. 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They enjoy spending time with family and friends. Director and became the Director of Operations in 2022. :a|area)$/i;n.fn.extend({prop:function(a,b){return K(this,n.prop,a,b,arguments.length>1)},removeProp:function(a){return this.each(function(){delete this[n.propFix[a]||a]})}}),n.extend({prop:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=a.nodeType;if(3!==f&&8!==f&&2!==f)return 1===f&&n.isXMLDoc(a)||(b=n.propFix[b]||b,e=n.propHooks[b]), This is the kind of church where a leader can thrive and see life change in both the child's . NM.flexVersion = '2.0'; (c=b,b=void 0):b&&"object"==typeof b&&(e="POST"),g.length>0&&n.ajax({url:a,type:e||"GET",dataType:"html",data:b}).done(function(a){f=arguments,g.html(d?n("

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