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About a hundred feet down, the tension on the other end of the line was so great, Meekers flying rod snapped. Jim Byers. In the 1960s, you could see down to a depth of about 100 feet, but now you can see down to only about 70 feet. It has long been thought that Lake Tahoe in the 30s 40s and 50s was a popular dumping ground for mobsters as it was remote, deep, and close to the Reno and Las Vegas areas. Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. There are, however, countless myths and rumors about the things beneath Lake Tahoes surface, many rooted in bits of truth. They would be thrown into the lake by the hundreds while still alive and tied up in big groups and weighed down to sink to the bottom. A hell of a lot! Jacques Cousteau was a filmmaker, inventor, author, and conservationist. The one that sticks out for me is that in Truckee, they had brought in hundreds of Chinese immigrants to build the railroads. However, his plans to become a navy pilot were . A majority of the bodies down there are believed to still be in their original clothing. "So the rumor states that not only are there hundreds of people down there all tied together but they are perfectly preserved because of the cold temperatures. Well be able to do a thorough autopsy. Both are repeated in numerous places, but both also appear in one message at, the urban myth checking website. Photo: Santappa. Nearly dying led him to his lifes purpose. This brings oxygen from the surface layer down to the depths, and nutrients from the depths up to the surface. Do you have a photo of the real Tahoe Tessie that youve kept secret for decades? Jacques Cousteau supposedly led an expedition to investigate Lake Tahoe. With history comes mysteries. As we pile coolers and beach balls into trunks and tote bags, those of us headed to stunning Sierra might want a refresher course in one of Californias lesser-known legends. I think a lot of people are very sincere about believing there never was any Cousteau expedition to Lake Tahoe. His body was protected from marine life and subject only to the slow work of cold bacteria. I flipped. Heard a lot of stories. The owner of Bills Casino,Richard Chartrand, was killed in a car bomb in 1968 (classic mob hit). Nobody knows the name or affiliation of the supposed longtime Tahoe fire chief.. At this temperature, it prevents gasses that lead to decomposition from being released into the body. A Lake Tahoe tour company offers a two-hour boat ride (for $69.75) called the M.S. This means that not only are there hundreds of bodies tied together but that they are all preserved because of the cold temperatures. Heres an excerpt from the Pioche Record, published in March 1876: The fishes are eyeless and are only about three or four inches in length. Jacques Cousteau, who brought the wonders of the ocean's depths to hundreds of millions of readers, filmgoers and television viewers, died at his home here today at 87. And, global warming plays a role: the warm surface of the lake gives a particular species of microalgae a competitive advantage, and the tiny bodies of the microalgae cloud the water. Journalist Dan De Quille (center) with fellow Virginia City reporters, (left to right) William Gillespie, Charles A. Parker, Robert Lowery and Alfred Doten. Meeker used a makeshift fishing rod to lower a stone into the water. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The tale continues: Meeker connected the dots and realized there was a hole in Lake Tahoe that led to the Comstock Lodes mines. Depending on who is telling the story, Cousteau either encountered a Loch Ness-type monster that locals have dubbed Tahoe Tessie or came upon a bunch of dead people. Your donation will help us continue to cover COVID-19 and our other vital local news. News reports at the time of Windeckers disappearance described him as a 44-year-old former city planner from Reno who set out for a dive on July 10, 1994. "The world isn't ready for what was down there," is the quote . posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:13 PM. When asked about his exploration he reportedly said, 'The world is not ready to know what is in Lake Tahoe.' But, according to sources, he never visited Lake Tahoe. Deceased (19101997) Mixed gas divers can safely descend to about 350 feet without suffering nitrogen narcosis, or rapture of the depths, among other problems. What did the Treaty of Greenville help us secure? Jacques Cousteau never, as rumor has it, investigated the waters of Lake Tahoe. According to the RGJ, independent filmmaker and explorer Jacques Cousteau, received some deep sea diving equipment and found the location where all these bodies supposedly were. Lake Tahoe expert and author Mark McLaughlin has his doubts. It DEFINITELY happened. He was probably not there to investigate the myriad histories and biology, was officially not there at all. Legend of Lake Titicaca: With Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Rod Serling. Turns out there are freshwater jellyfish across the United States. We normally dont fish past 300 feet., Gregory Crofton can be reached at (530) 542-8045 or by e-mail at But some of his stories never faded. Think of a box of copier paper. Down and down it slowly sank and then the swirl sucked it into the hole and it was gone, Davis wrote. He emerged from the water shaken, but not with cold. The other native crocodilian is the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). Some Tahoe locals insist that bodies of boaters and swimmers who drowned in Lake Tahoe have turned up Pyramid Lake and vice versa. You came across this, Nevada'a Mysteries, which I posted this past Monday. Just look at that blue sky, freshwater, green forest, and monstrous snake creature. The lake is 5 by 6 miles (8.0 by 9.7 km) across, with a caldera rim ranging in elevation from 7,000 to 8,000 feet (2,100 to 2,400 m) and an average lake depth of 1,148 feet (350 m). What he couldnt dispute is the possibility that the lake could be home to a giant sturgeon, the largest freshwater fish in North America. It had to do with a mythical, subterranean tunnel that linked the mines at Virginia City to the very bottom of Lake Tahoe. There is no exact number of bodies at the bottom of the lake but locals and experts estimate over 200 bodies are still preserved down below because of the cold temperatures. I Remember reading about Jacque Cousteau in the Montery Hearld in the early 70 s exploring Lake Tahoe ,but he could not find the bottom and rumors at the time were that he did see gold along the way down in rock strata. He didn't go deeper than anyone ever before. Jun 1, 2021. The story begins just after gold was discovered in California, and a large ore of silver in the mountains east of Tahoe lured miners to Virginia City in the 1860s and 1870s. It even throws in a video presentation about "sunken treasures" that are hidden beneath the water's surface. He was 87. At 1645 feet (depending on the level of water in the basin), Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the US. The victims were thrown in the lake and due to a special combination of pressure, temperature, altitude and current unique to Lake Tahoe, remain there today. Still in its wetsuit, the body was very well preserved. In previous years, mixing has occurred down to about 1500 feet. He returned to the surface . When asked about his exploration he reportedly said, The world is not ready to know what is in Lake Tahoe. But, according to sources, he never visited Lake Tahoe. Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau undertook a number of Lake Tahoe mini-submarine dives in the mid-1970s and when asked what he found, Cousteau reportedly said, The world isnt ready for what is down there.. Jacques Cousteau reportedly said, "The world is not ready for what is down there!" In 2006 a family vacationing near Tahoe sighted a large, black, scaly looking creature similar in appearance to a sturgeon with an upturned white nose. A few weeks ago, scuba divers in Lake Tahoe found the body of a man who had drowned in the lake 17 years ago. This means that not only are there hundreds of bodies tied together but that they are all preserved because of the cold temperatures. The clarity of the lake, and its invasive species, will be on the agenda today at the Lake Tahoe Environmental Summit. 1979 was most likely the worst of times for Captain Jacques Cousteau. It is said that Cousteau emerged from the dive and claimedthe world isnt ready for what was down there.. 3 Why are there dead bodies in Lake Tahoe? Rumor has it that Jacques Cousteau brought a special high altitude submarine to Lake Tahoe to explore the lake in the 1970s. Authorities at Lake Tahoe on Monday solved the mystery of a scuba diver who disappeared 17 years ago in the mountain lakes deep, frigid waters. The jellyfish are about the size of a human fist and have been spotted at Fallen Leaf Lake and Echo Lake in late summer and early fall, according to Murphy. Your financial contribution supports our efforts to deliver quality, locally relevant journalism. Cousteau completed his preparatory studies at the Collge Stanislas in Paris. They become inactive. It is not known exactly how many bodies are at the bottom or where they are specifically located, but it is widely believed that this vacation spot has had a past that many were not aware of and could be spooked by. Your email address will not be published. Tales tell that miners of the late 1800s and mobsters in the early 1900s were the perpetrators. During the more than 30 years Goldman has studied the lake, people have told him repeatedly theyve spotted something large and hard to identify in the lake. What did Jacques Cousteau find in the bottom of Lake Tahoe? According to the RGJ, independent filmmaker and explorer Jacques Cousteau, received some deep sea diving equipment and found the location where all these bodies supposedly were. In Virginia City, Clemens also adopted his own pen name: Mark Twain. the mid 1970's renowned french oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau, supposedly lead an expedition to explore the depths of Lake Tahoe. Four more divers remain missing in the same area, which is infamous for swallowing up victims. In Davis tale, a San Francisco stock investor named William Meeker was boating on Lake Tahoe, near Carnelian Bay, when he noticed circular movement in the water, like a whirlpool. McLaughlin also finds this rumor preposterous. Some say his grandson, Philippe Cousteau Jr., visited there, but only for a 2002 speaking engagement. Locals have said that there is a section of the lake near the South Lake casinoscalled The Grave and if you were to take a submarine down to the bottom you would find hundreds of bodies wearing clothes from the the early to mid-1900s. Resident Bob McCormick took advantage of the popular legend and nicknamed the creature Tahoe Tessie, a nod to the famed Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, of Scotland. When all was said and done, they didn't want to have to deal with paying them and giving them promised citizenship so they took the immigrants out to the middle of the lake and tied them together in big groups and weighed them down and dumped them in. The temperature at the surface of the lake varies, from a low of about 40 degrees in February or March to a high of about 75 degrees towards the end of the summer. What is even more unfortunate is that Philippe Cousteau's . Gabriela: Plus Dave says the idea that dead bodies could be preserved at the bottom of the . The Sierra Nevada mountains rose up on the west and the Carson Range rose up on the east. In the 1950s, two off-duty police officers cruising the lake reported a large creature swimming under their boat at a whopping 60 miles per hour. In 2004, an off-duty bartender on the Tahoe Queen took a picture of a black hump in the water, which he claims is the top of the creatures head. In the 1950s, two divers reported finding an underwater cave, and a creature shot out, leaving the silt stirred. In the winter, when the surface and the deep waters are relatively close in temperature, the wind blowing across the surface of the lake mixes the water. Tracking Tahoe Tessie Down. Conventional scuba divers have to stop at about 100 feet. Just beyond the ledge where Windeckers body was found, the lake plunges to a depth of 1,645 feet. The lake was formed about two million years ago as part of the Lake Tahoe Basin, and its modern extent was shaped during the ice ages. Thursday, September 27, 2007 Jacques Cousteau And Lake Tahoe Hey, that rhymes! Chinese immigrants in Truckee were targeted by the 601 vigilante group and the Caucasian League. Ive heard stories that people have seen a 5-foot-long fish, said Kombiz Farokhpour, who owns The Tahoe Fisherman. Jacques Cousteau/Sons The story was so compelling with eyeless fish, followed by greed, scandal and murder it became folklore, circulating across the United States for two decades, with multiple writers adding their own spin to the tale. Lake Tahoe is cold. Its been around a lot longer than that, and it definitely has at least some basis in fact. Its said that French Explorer Jacques Cousteau did a deepwater dive into Lake Tahoe in the 1970s, only to emerge with no documentation or photography. He was the first underwater archaeologist. Although El Dorado County authorities say he had no close relatives, those who counted him as a friend are thankful this mystery has been resolved. The next year, another down-and-out miner walked into the offices of the Territorial Enterprise named Samuel Clemens. While submerged in the lake Cousteau reportedly had an encounter with something so terrifying that he refused to reveal any information to the public on what he had seen. It is rumored that Jacques Cousteau dove to the bottom of Lake Tahoe, and he saw something so disturbing that he refused to speak about it. Then, Clair took an evil twist and murdered Meeker, dumping his body in Tahoe. Golmitz says its light shines about two to three feet wide. In 1876, long after Twain had left town, De Quille published one of his fictional stories, disguised as a news article, about five eyeless fish found in hot water at the bottom of one of the mines. The rumor (weve all heard it) is that there are layers of murdered people, who were dumped in the lake and remain there, floating in a thermocline, which keeps them perfectly preserved and awaiting discovery. Lake Tahoe is famous for its clear waters. Quora User Political Animal, Physician, Goofball, and All Around Nerd. A failure of a miner named William Wright wound up becoming a reporter at the Territorial Enterprise in 1862. The scuba gear bore a certification from 1994, officials with the El Dorado County Sheriffs Department said. It's deep, it's cold, it's hard to recover a body from.". He emerged from the water shaken, but not with cold. var obConfig = { footer: '' }; Bookmarks are saved to your account and can be accessed from any device. Underwater Discovery and Adventure: The Story of Jacques Cousteau Watch on Dixie II Emerald Bay Sightseeing Cruise that promises to share the fascinating history of Lake Tahoe. Sightings continued in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, including by a water-skier who swore he saw a 10-foot-long creature swimming beneath him and the owner of a local television station who spotted something with brown humps plodding through Zephyr Cove. According to the RGJ, independent filmmaker and explorer Jacques Cousteau,received some deep sea diving equipment and found the location where all these bodies supposedly were. The Student News Site of Novato High School. When he came to the suface he siad " the world is not ready for whats at the bottom." I have heard numerous storys of what it might be. Edited from the Snopes forum: "My whole life, I have heard rumors that there are a lot of human bodies that have been dumped in Lake Tahoe. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. 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Among those said to populate Lake Tahoes dark depths are Chinese laborers who helped build the railroad across the Sierra Nevada in the 1860s. He said, "The world is not ready for what I have seen." What did Cousteau see? Or maybe it was Tahoe Tessie, the Loch Ness likeness of the lake. Tessie, the Monster of Lake Tahoe The state's largest freshwater lake, Tahoe has long been rumored to be home to both an underwater Mob graveyard, and a huge, unknown creature. When he came back up, he said he would not film it because the world was not ready to see what the U.S government did to these poor people. Cousteau was hoping to make a documentary about it. In the 1950s, two off-duty officers claimed to see a large, black hump emerge from the water and keep speed with their boat going over 60 mph. His family said his death was due to a heart attack following a respiratory infection. 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