The thing is that if you sleep with him right away, he may not think that youre girlfriend material and will only think of you as a one-night stand. If you trust your own masculine, you can live most of your life from a feminine place I feel this as surrendering to life. These messages say, Youre valued for sex, but dont be too sexy. They say, Be agreeable, but also ask for what you want.. Now we will address polarity Never forget that youre incredibly valuable. Becoming aware of these blocks and exploring them is important, because otherwise youll struggle to drop into your feminine even when trying out the practices below. Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. This will not only make him feel more confident and powerful but will also help you to use your feminine energy effectively. Youll get really good at sensuality at experiencing the pleasures of life constantly through your senses. Home Blog How to stay true to your feminine energy in a relationship. So at the end of the day, you have to be the father and the mother to your children. Other people will do things for you, theyll smile when they see you, everyone will want to help you and be like you. One filled with your own friends, hobbies, interest, spiritual inclinations. You can effortlessly achieve it by simply being light, joyful, playful, and positive. WebLets chat about feminine energy and dating - how to be in your feminine energy in romantic relationships. Define what femininity means for you so that you can know what you want to work towards in your life. But thats a whole other topic for another day. Theyve tried to follow in the footsteps of men to prove that they can do anything men can do, even better and theyre left feeling a bit hardened and let down by it all. You dont want him to feel like he can say or do anything around you without consequences. You do this by listening to how you feel and boosting your emotional intelligence. By clicking Subscribe Now, you agree to our. Do you feel like its hard for you to drop into your feminine, or like you dont really know what that means? Most often, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man. RELATED: 9 Ways To Connect To The Divine Feminine (And Why You Want To). Trust you gut, and take the steps towards fulfilling what makes you thrive as a person, never towards what makes someone else happy. Most often, what my clients feel is AFRAID. If you want to be more in touch with your femininity, first you want to actually understand what kinds of trauma bondsthat could be a father bond, a mother trauma bondactually live in your house. Successfully sources and pipelines top talent to bring to the organization to meet the ever-changing business needs. Developing a sense of connection with trees, with plants around you, with birds all of these will connect you more to the pulse of the earth and to feeling supported by life. 1. Boosting his ego can make him feel appreciated as a man. You will find honest storytelling and our inspiring people tackle issues that so many of us face but are afraid to talk about. After all, we're changing all the time. This difference is what causes polarity. You have a right to express your feelings and every emotion you experience is valid. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. If they needed any help, I was the first to jump to their rescue. You want to see him whenever you can and youd much rather talk to him for hours on end without taking a minute for yourself. What things can you say no to? If you want to be more feminine in a relationship, Because of this, it can feel confusing to people, which is understandable. To the masculine, the feminine is like taking a big drink of water when youre thirsty. While this process of transformation can feel unruly and scary at times, it is necessary. Remember, while the masculine is super direct, the feminine is indirect. So, I tend to define as that which makes you feel powerful, creative, at your best, your most beautiful, and something that feels in sync and harmony with where youre trying to be. Even so, it wouldnt hurt to also take a look at things from a mans perspective either. But creation can occur in many waysartistic expression, writing, dance, painting, or dreaming up new ideas. Find ways to contribute to your relationship. It is important to remember that your feminine energy as a woman is always there even when you cannot feel it at all. Instead of pushing your feelings away, really try to connect to them. Passive. (I might run a course sometime in 2020 around healing wounding with men; make sure youre on my email list if you want to hear more about that!). Youre such a strong woman and you deserve to feel free. Dont let yourself go in the sense of not being there for yourself. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Its also okay for him to not be able to notice when you look beautiful. Be Open To Receiving. A good way to do this is by asking them things in a more feminine way. Balancing your masculine energy will remove the feeling of fear and lack of confidence. Many women who want to find their feminine side while in a relationship solely focus on their appearance. Love is so much more than physical pleasure, but you should definitely have a connection with your partner on a physical level as well. You can do that even while youre with someone because you both work on becoming the best versions of yourselves. By now you should have a better idea about how to use your feminine energy to attract a man. And its keeping us from forming deeply healing and incredible relationships with men. When she walks into a room, everyone appreciates the glow of her feminine If you love playing sports, for example, go out and play your favorite sport. Did you like our article? By all means, include how sweet he is, but focus mostly on compliments that accentuate his masculinity. Pleasure relaxes your nervous system and calms your body. The link is here on Spotify (click on those words) but you can find it anywhere you listen to podcasts. I have so much compassion for that version of me, but you can learn from my experiences. Youll be able to use your feminine to add pleasure, surrender, and magnetism into your life. Conversely, feminine energy is calm, nurturing, caring, and compassionate. Focus on one thing at a time. Men are the "outies"; women are the "innies." As the masculine gives, the feminine receives. Give your full attention to the music youre listening to, and notice how it makes your body feel. You can simply be soft and delicate to get your point across just as effectively. xo. Femininity to me means a womans For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Women create whole human beings and bring them into the world. Your masculine is creating the container for your feminine. Tell him how much you love to spoil him, because he spoils you, too. WebBeing a woman and understanding how to harness your feminine energy is a superpower.Use it to create optimal success. Many people throughout your life will try to bring you down. This also enhances your desirability factor, even positively influencing the man you do want. Letters from my heart to yours, landing directly in your inbox. In todays society, many women have taken on this energy in order to get ahead, or because weve been told that thats what we should want. So do different types of exercise every day. If you dont like something hes done, tell him so. Nurturing relationships is as much of your partners duty as it is yours, so do not put extra pressure on yourself. But if you are interested, I recorded a whole podcast episode about feminine energetics where I go through my past writing and explain where I was off. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As I mentioned above, if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Macbeth operates International Introduction Services for single, separated, divorced & widowed men and women aged predominantly over 27 years.". By embracing your feminine energy, you'll be deeply adored, wanted, loved, and romanced by your partner. You might even feel a bit of defensiveness like thats not for me, I dont get to have that.. Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. Take full responsibility for your life and your dreamsStudy femininity and womanhoodGet out of your head and drop into your heart and womb more oftenStop rationalizing everythingGive yourself permission to relax, to just be without doingMake creativity a habit in your lifeSchedule a boudoir photo shootWork on your worth and your valueMore items But that does not mean that your discernment goes out the window. Your man will want to put your needs and feelings Learn how your comment data is processed. When youre in your feminine, life feels easy. Youll learn that you deserve that loving and caring partner sitting right there next to you. WebNot respecting your feminine essence doesnt just come at a price for yourself, it also comes at a price in your relationships. He will do things like take you out on dates and gifts, invite you to social events he is hosting, send you flowers, and give you meaningful gifts he knows you will appreciate because he has taken the time to get to know you as a person. So many women have been harmed by the men in our lives. Feminine energy is constantly in a state of movement. Without the powerful movement of feminine energy, both soothing and unnerving, we would remain stagnant. Undefined cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Connect to your senses Most of us live our lives up in our minds, instead of in the rest From allowing him to pay for your parking, carry your gym bag, connect your DVD player to the television, choose the table at a restaurant, and drive thirty-five miles to your neighborhood for a date, all you need to do to play into your feminine is to say, Yes, thank you.. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. When you want to be a feminine partner, you should tell your partner why you love him. Trust yourself. Its keeping us from being able to live from our feminine; to feel free to be our fully expressed selves. If youre regularly ignoring your intuition, it will be super hard to connect to your feminine, because essentially your feminine is giving you guidance and youre constantly shutting her down, leaving you at war with yourself. Because when youre vulnerable, youre actually letting someone see your feminine side. Men love it when youre playful. Societys understanding of how a woman should look and act is inherently toxic. Afraid that, if they dont make a move, the man is never going to make a move himself. There are so many toxic belief systems in this world that are based on patriarchy and that dont really give you the freedom to express your unique femininity. But what many feminists got wrong was that they removed femininity in the process. Read on to find out three simple but fundamental ways in which you can access your Feminine Energy more deeply, in the dating process. This wont help you on your journey. 10 meanings behind this powerful experience. If you find yourself doing the above, you are in your Masculine Energy. If you love cooking, make some delicious food. So try to do something that he will thank you for and that will mean a lot to you both. Click here to watch James Bauers excellent video, 10 signs that someone is in a relationship, Looking into someones eyes and feeling a connection? A doormat. Its the natural result of a woman who has been forced into her masculine, when really all she wants to do, deep down, is to relax into her feminine. Feminine energy is not only important for attracting men but also for keeping them interested. Furthermore, when youre playful, you dont appear desperate or overly anxious to be in a relationship. Its endless chatter, music, song. When you work with a therapist to explore your thoughts and feelings, you're essentially diving into your deeper, internal, feminine side. Of course, giving to men and doing things for them is another attraction-killer. As a result, many women find themselves embodying more masculine traits than feminine, leading to an imbalance in their core energy. Because of that, you have to work on understanding which parts of your description of femininity are influenced by society. Your masculine side gets expressed when you're working toward a goal, making progress, getting things done, and pushing forward. Joyful receiving 2. Its okay for him to not have the ability to make you feel good about yourself. What Ive found is that its a sensual aliveness that connects me to my body. If you're wanting to get spiritual with it, consider exploring your connection to the Divine Feminine. When I tell you to take care of your appearance, I dont mean that you need to adjust your looks to fit certain standards. Point out the masculine things he does for you and that way hell help you to feel more feminine. Remember: A man in his healthy Masculine Energy wants to give to YOU. Home Strong Woman The power of femininity, Posted on Last updated: December 13, 2021. You have a stronger feelings of empathy and compassion for yourself and othersYou have a strong desire to connect with more femalesYou feel drawn to the arts as a way to express yourselfYou have no need for competing against and judging othersYou understand that your true power comes through self-love and self-careMore items There are different conceptions of what a woman should be, especially when it comes to behavior. That is a good thing. Don't wait that long! This is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. A woman of high value is a woman whos had to also learn how to be feminine in a relationship. You see, you can feel empowered in anything that you feel comfortable in! Your own relationship with him will have to go through a metamorphosis. The number one way of amplifying your Feminine Energy in dating is to stop controlling the relationship. WebIn this video, Im covering feminine energy and ma Lets chat about feminine energy and dating - how to be in your feminine energy in romantic relationships. Take a deep breath on your last deep inhale, and then scream and shake everything out. N0 wonder dating any of these men did not lead anywhere! As you get to know your feeling states, you'll automatically begin to feel more whole. WebIf you long for your dream life but feel trapped in mediocrity & disappointment then keep reading Are you sick and tired of missing out in life & seeing everyone around you succeed, while you're left behind: broke in a job you Connection and specifically connecting to other women 5. We all hate when someone tells us to smile more. God forbid they be anything other than productive, successful machines. Then both of you are living against your design. If you love reading, go to the bookstore and pick up some new books to read. Hi loves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When I was single and still struggling (read my story here), I was the sweet, nice woman who used to DO a lot of things for men. Feminine energy is radiant. is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. What Im most afraid of is that when figuring out how to be feminine in a relationship, you start to think about the toxic stereotypes. Click here to watch James Bauers excellent video. Instead of running after an ideal that has nothing to do with you, discover what it takes for you to embody your own femininity. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 relationship counseling can help some people work through factors Let him know that you appreciate that he is trying to win your attention and affection. WebConnection - Intuition - Harmony Step into your feminine Yin energy. The bottom line is that you should be available, but dont be too available. If you dont, then youll end up chasing something that will never make you genuinely happy. A woman or a man should see this as a trait of confidence and passion. In learning how to be feminine in a relationship, you really have to find a way to give your body a chance to lead you. MORE: 8 Mistakes Women Make to Destroy Sexual The way I think of it is that masculine and feminine are the umbrella terms that come first, and theyre both on one end of the same spectrum. Considerations of masculine and feminine energies have real-life consequences. Too many of us wait until our next vacation to feel relaxed and playful again. When you make a man feel important, he will treat you with respect and kindness. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You can have mini-vacations every day. 3 techniques to dial up your feminine energy 1) Get comfortable with your emotions! Your feminine energy will be so much stronger if you feel more confident in your own body. These cookies do not store any personal information. My passion is to empower you to create and live your most beautiful life and business by design. Ships from all corners of the sea are attracted towards the lighthouse and sail towards her. If youre a naturally feminine woman living mostly from your masculine, you will probably feel confused, annoyed, and youll end up resenting your relationships. (Ill also name here that I identify as and mainly serve cis-het women, so if the following doesnt fit your experience, my hope is that you take only what resonates with and feels true to you). For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Nurture the goddess you are within. Some of us think of the feminine as being quiet and rejuvenating, but that's only half the story. Let's be honest: We don't value vacation, connection, downtime, or rest as much as we should! It's easy to lose touch with your feminine side, but as you can see, it's a necessary aspect of who you are. If things in your life are no longer working for you, it is feminine energy that surges to make a change. WebThe key to balance your feminine energy is to keep in mind the things that you enjoy about who you truly are on the inside, so you can exteriorize those characteristics Feminine energy is also creative energy. This is a very old-fashioned way of dating, but its effective. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It will feel full of beauty. It helps us to connect the dots of our lives. Instead of getting told that a womans place is in the home, like women heard in the 1900s, most women of today receive confusing mixed messages. This is a very old-fashioned way of dating, but its effective. If there is something you disagree with, its okay to voice your opinion as long as you do so respectfully. There is nothing better for a relationship than giving yourself the space to express your emotions as they come, so do not be afraid to show how you feel on the inside to your significant other; claim your loving nature and have fun with it. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The same way you havent been taught how to embody your feminine, men havent been taught to embody their masculine in a healthy, integrated way. Show your vulnerability elegantly. Both parties need to understand the other on a deeper level than what is being said and how you Find a way to regain your femininity while youre in a relationship with a man. This may mean different things for different people. At a very basic level, this prevents you from directing all your energy to just one man. You can also take care of yourself emotionally by allowing yourself to feel your feelings. And then utilize your masculine to help you act on it! Does this include a mani-pedi? In the 1960s, the only way you could get birth control is if you were married and your husband signed for it. As you begin to use your feminine energy, you want to let him chase you a little bit. In my experience, men are drawn to women who are confident and comfortable in their own skin. No one can tell you what being feminine means, because you can redefine this entire concept to fit your own perception and description of it. If you want to be more feminine in a relationship, youre probably feeling that way because you dont feel as if youre fulfilling your duties in the relationship. This is the Implement these practices, and the feminine will bring you back to life. As part of being the woman who is choosing to embody For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. Youll be the nurturing partner for him and thats when your femininity will shine through. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Masculine energy is penetrative. How was your weekend? just to get the conversation flowing? This dark moon phase is linked to the dark feminine. Femininity is all about bringing that sense of mystery and special spark with you anywhere and everywhere you go. Removing yourself from situations that do not match your energy should be a high-priority for you, and nothing is more attractive than confidence in ones own decisions. All rights reserved. Feminine health care 7. Show your playful side by doing activities that you enjoy. It just might end up feeling more like a friendship than a romance. Youll realize your value and that you deserve good things to happen to you. Dr Donna Oriowo, a certified sex therapist, and Keli Pitts, the Femininity Doctor, joined ESSENCE Lifestyle Director Charli Penn during the 2021 ESSENCE Festival Of Culture Virtual Wellness House to dig into what it takes to reclaim our feminine energy. We want to attract a partner, so we try to get the most out of our God-given beauty. Feminine energy goes so much deeper than the physical. Youll also push men away from you which is not what most women want. Speaking from the feminine means speaking your feelings, offering an invitation to see if the masculine will meet it. Most of us live our lives up in our minds, instead of in the rest of our bodies. Set boundaries around emotions and your body in order to accomplish goals. Your own female energy will be the most obvious part of you. By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our What usually happens is that a couple starts out with polarity (because: sexual attraction), and then over time, one or both of them occupy a pole that isnt natural for them, and they end up feeling more like buddies than lovers. That way youll be much more open to expressing your femininity. Do not restrain yourself from cutting off certain people or evading a particular type of situation just because you do not wish to be that woman. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. WebBeing in your feminine allows you to experience the joy of synergy with a man, to demonstrate care and nurturing, and to set loving boundaries. It tells you that you need to be passive and always submit to a man. Its a body-centered exploration of what it means when you trust your own natural energy. While the masculine is defined by logic, the feminine is expressed through emotions. Try to look at your nurturing instincts as those who a well-rounded person should have, as they are nothing but an expression of endearment. The first step towards being the Lighthouse is having a busy life. When you make sure to stretch more and do more cardio, youll be releasing your femininity much quicker. This is attractive to most men because they dont want to be around someone who is harsh, aggressive, and angry all the time. Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do you have a question for our matchmaking team or our dating coach? In our culture, masculine energysince it's often about progress and moving forwardtend to be "valued" more than feminine energy. Have you ever heard it said that men love the chase? The most difficult piece of this is that most women dont really trust their own masculine because theyve never been modeled it in a way that feels good and they also arent practiced at embodying their feminine. You might feel your blocks and fears around feminine energy immediately arise. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. Tenaciously pursue what you wantDecide when/where/how a project growsFocus on the end result of a projectFocus on one thing at a timeRely on yourself and your individual achievementsSet boundaries around emotions and your body in order to accomplish goalsRelate through camaraderie, entertainment, and problem-solving It truly is a representation of the feminine: its feeling good simply for the sake of feeling good. At a deeper level, being the Lighthouse means keeping an open heart and allowing yourself to be seen as the prize for all kinds of men. He will see you as someone who he has to win over and this will make him want you more. Wearing clothes and fragrance that makes you feel sexy 6. Thank you I needed this. It's the feminine! Our entire world is made up of these dichotomies: dark and light, summer and winter, birth and death. But most women dont actually want to be more like men. Of course this is frustrating. It will show him that you are a woman who appreciates what others do for her. Finally, its important to remember that you dont have to be right all the time; you just have to be honest. Shes had to realize that there are certain boundaries a woman needs to create to let her femininity roam freely. Couples dont *have* to have polarity. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 relationship counseling can help some people work through factors Beauty is pleasurable to feel and witness, and it is created by the feminine. The Divine Feminine Energy is an Energy of receiving. But sometimes, women tend to over-give. It is dominant, logical, hard, direct, solid, and structured. Web3 Best Tips for Using Feminine Energy to Attract a Man 1. When youre filled with trauma and you continue to experience negative things, then you dont have the capacity to meet your full potential. Let it always be an equal amount. Youll also form a deep connection to your intuition. Sounds a bit poetic, but hear me out. And the antidote to this fear is to adopt the healthy mindset that, when a masculine man is really into you, he WILL step up, if you just create the space for him to do so by leaning back and relaxing in your Feminine Energy in dating. Being the Lighthouse becomes really easy to do if youre Rotational Dating. Perhaps a new haircut? Move your body daily. You will also be able to determine whether or not a man is right for you because youre independent and arent desperate to be with him. The consequences are: Depolarization of the relationship (spark goes out the window) The feminine craves fullness. 3. I can promise you that youll be much happier that way and youll reach your goals much faster. This will not only make you feel better about yourself but will also show that you are a confident and strong woman. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy his company. Femininity historically described women, and, of course, many women have bodies that are designed to create life. This will let him know that you are not going to be just another person who takes his efforts for granted. Another major thing that holds women back is the repressed anger many women have towards men, who are our external representations of the masculine. In a relationship, you always have to strive for this balance. She emits light for everyone around. You feel comfortable enough with them to show them your softest and most beautiful parts of yourself. Experts break it down. The essence, though, is that if you want your partner to step more into their masculine, you need to be able to be in your feminine when youre around them. The feminine is flowing energy. Sep 2016 - Jan 20225 years 5 months. As human beings, we all possess masculine and feminine energies. But it also shows him that you need him from time to time. You want to ask yourself, am I living a life full of forgiveness; thats forgiveness of others, thats forgiveness of self. Your email address will not be published. Even going for a walk where you wander and dont plan it out is great thats the feminine, permission to just aimlessly walk around and be. Envision what you want to create. Even though, to our minds, this appears to be the most harmless thing, it is not. Simply put, we want to amplify Feminine Energy in dating because its what attracts a high-value masculine man. Touch the fabric of your clothing. If you are constantly looking for a man to validate your existence, he may lose interest quickly. After you have children, your body doesnt look the same it did before. Youll know youre in a safe place where you can be yourself completely and you wont trigger any past trauma that may stand in the way of your own journey. Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play, and attune to your internal process. The woman who is putting her life on hold for a man is like a laser beam a concentrated, dense light going in only one direction. We lose touch with our deeper selves. This will ensure you are healthy and have enough stamina for all the things that you need to accomplish. The feminine is indirect getting things done, tell him so your children deserve to feel free to be valued... Strive for this balance it, consider exploring your connection to your Intuition at a price for yourself am... Of everything you missed during Wellness House at the end of the feminine as being and! Always have to be the father and the mother to your feminine someone! Feminine Yin energy when you 're wanting to get the most obvious part of you are constantly looking a... 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With a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships work towards in your life need him from time to.. Be too sexy most harmless thing, it is dominant, logical, hard direct. Is having a busy life of yourselves to relationships feminine way means for so... Him know that you deserve that loving and caring partner sitting right there next to you yourself to feel embracing... If youre Rotational dating you to drop into your internal energy is one of the things men. Entire world is made up of these dichotomies: dark and light, summer and winter, birth death... You have to be the most out of our bodies feelings away, try... Love him then scream and shake everything out everything you missed during Wellness House the! Masculine is creating the container for your feminine energy in romantic relationships relationships. Over and this will not only make him want you more pipelines top talent to bring you.! Romantic relationships only way you could get birth control is if you were married and your husband signed it! All corners of the day, you dont, then you dont have to work understanding. You with respect and kindness and scary at times, it is feminine as. And kindness life constantly through your senses getting things done, and positive tackle issues that so many us. Prevents you from directing all your energy to attract a man should see this a. Be very difficult to live from your feminine energy as a woman high! Feelings away, really try to bring you down be right all time. Just one man perceive value in, so do not control its accessibility features movement. Perspective either even positively influencing the man you do want both soothing and unnerving, 're! For using feminine energy, you dont appear desperate or overly anxious to be the harmless... Our minds, this takes the form of being hyper-focused on one man topic for day!

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