The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has identified and characterized nine major and 20 minor aquifers in the state based on the quantity of water supplied by each. These data delineate the areal extent of the alluvial and glacial aquifers as defined in The Ground Water Atlas of The United States. Aquifers can contain fresh, brackish, or saline water; or, usually, all three There are several types of aquifers with very different characteristics Michael Conner: Understanding Aquifers 7 All the "science" about aquifers is a simplification, and it is frequently quite controversial. The surficial aquifer in the Coastal Plain of these States should be included in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system. For a deeper dive into principal aquifers:TheGround Water Atlas of the United States(USGS Hydrologic Atlas 730,published inchapters from 1990 to2000) describes the location, hydrologic characteristics, and geologic characteristics of the principal aquifers throughout thefiftyStates, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Texas State Historical Association. Major Aquifers of Texas [Map] Author: Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Year: 2006: Document Number: 1295: HCP EIS Reference: . The availability of this water is critical to the economy of the region, as approximately 95 percent of groundwater pumped is used for irrigated agriculture. Water levels in several counties in this region are very low due to over-pumping. The Ogallala Aquifer provides significantly more water for users than any other aquifer in the state. Total ground-water withdrawals were 76,500 million gallons per day, or 85,800 thousand acre-feet per year for these three uses. the largest aquifer For the distance tool click points on the map to build line segments to measure and double click to complete the measurement. The first 62 editions of the Texas Almanac are fully searchable to aid researchers and students of Texas history. For the area tool click points on the map to begin building the polygon you want to measure and then double click to close the polygon. in Texas. Although referred to differently in different parts of the state, they include the Antlers, Glen Rose, Paluxy, Twin Mountains, Travis Peak, Hensell, and Hosston aquifers. The Ogallala aquifer extends through 48 counties of the Texas Panhandle and is the southernmost extension of the largest aquifer (High Plains aquifer) in North America. Major Aquifers; Minor Aquifers; BRACS Study Areas; Regional Water Planning Areas; Groundwater Management Areas; Groundwater Conservation Districts; River Basins; Texas Counties; 7.5' USGS Grid; 2.5' State Grid; Base Maps Search and browse the first 148 years of the Texas Almanac, hosted on the UNT Portal to Texas History. Irrigation pumpage accounted for 94 percent of the total use from the aquifer in 2008. Texas Water Development Board works best with JavaScript enabled. H2Oaks is Aprincipal aquiferis defined as a regionally extensive aquifer or aquifer system that has the potential to be used as a source of potable (drinkable) water. The largest area of groundwater-level decline in the Ogallala aquifer was found in Gaines County to the southwest of Denver City, Texas. It is absent in a broad area extending from the north central portion of the county continuing to the south, southwest part of Gillespie County. See more information on Water Issues and the Texas economy. Refer to the metadata for a complete description of the files and how they were generated. A poorly defined groundwater divide in Hays County hydrologically separates the aquifer into the San Antonio and Austin regions. The principal aquifers shown on the 2003 map above, with some additions, were used as the first National Aquifer reference list in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) in the Aggregate Water Use Data System (database released in August 2001). A two-dimensionalmap representation of the principal aquiferswas derived from this data and published as part of the National Atlas in 1998 (revised 2003). If you have any questions or concerns regarding the material on this page, please contact the Comptrollers Data Analysis and Transparency Division. Texas Water Development Board. Freshwater saturated thickness averages 95 feet. The Maverick Aquifer, as it's been named, lies more than a mile deep under parts of Maverick, Uvalde, Dimmit and Kinney Counties. The aquifer system is composed of the Catahoula, Oakville, Fleming, Goliad, Willis, Lissie, Bentley, Montgomery, and Beaumont formations. Historically, Texas has had a wealth of fresh to slightly saline water, which underlies more than 81 percent of the state. To learn more, visit theNational Aquifer Code Reference List. Water Quality Available. Water quality generally ranges from fresh to slightly saline. About 55 percent of all water used in Texas was sourced through aquifers in 2019. For the location tool click on the map to get coordinates for a particular location. Browse our curated list of helpful links for students and researchers. This map, which was derived fromGround Water Atlas of the United Statesdata (published as part of the National Atlas in 1998, revised 2003) indicates the areal extent of the uppermost principal aquifers on a national scale. In 2008, 72 percent of groundwater pumped from the aquifer was used for irrigation, and the rest is withdrawn for industrial uses, power supply, and municipal use. Footer Social Media Navigation The study area comprises about 2,000 square miles of out-crops of the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers in northwest Harris County, Montgomery County, and southern Walker County. Texas has numerous aquifers capable of producing groundwater for households, municipalities, industry, farms, and ranches. The Aggregate Water-Use Data System (AWUDS) is the database management system used to enter, store, and analyze state aggregate water-use data. The desired future conditions provide the foundation for estimating the amount of groundwater available to the region. Extending from the Rio Grande in South Texas northeastward into Arkansas and Louisiana, the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer provides water to all or parts of 66 counties. The aquifer is comprised of the Twin Mountains, Glen Rose, Paluxy, Hosston, and Hensell formations. This list of national principal aquifer codes and names are fixed values assigned by the National Water Information System (NWIS). Get your free copy of the 20202021 Texas Almanac eBook. The aquifer is comprised of the Twin Mountains, Glen Rose, Paluxy, Hosston, and Hensell formations. For the area tool click points on the map to begin building the polygon you want to measure and then double click to close the polygon. Excessive pumping has lowered the water level, particularly in the artesian portion of the Winter Garden District of Atascosa, Dimmit, Frio, LaSalle, and Zavala counties and in the municipal and industrial areas of Angelina, Nacogdoches, and Smith counties. New and Environmentally Improved. For study or mapping purposes, aquifers are often combined into aquifer systems. (March 2005), Surficial aquifer system: removed the following States from the valid list: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia. An official website of the United States government. Texas State Historical Association (TSHA). In general, groundwater is fresh but very hard in the outcrop of the aquifer. Such sites will not be retrieved using this search criteria. Sulfate and chloride concentrations also tend to increase with depth. Geology, Major and Minor Aquifers, BRACS Study Areas, Regional Water Planning Areas, Groundwater Management Areas, Groundwater Conservation Districts, River Basins, Counties, 7.5' United State Geological Survey Grid, 2.5' State Grid, Latitude, Longitude, and Land Elevation. Refer to the metadata for a complete description of the files and how they were generated. 1, Management plan information for Gateway GCD, Predictive simulations for the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity (High Plains) aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7, Predictive simulation for the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity (High Plains) aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 2, Management plan information for Llano Estacado UWCD, Management plan information for Garza County UWCD, Management plan information for Sandy Land UWCD, Predictive simulations for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 1, Predictive simulations for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area2, Initial and final water volumes for the simulations presented in GAM Run 08-085, Predictive simulation for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 2, Management plan information for Garza County Underground and FWCD, Management plan information for Mesa UWCD, Management plan information for Permian Basin UWCD, Management plan information for Panhandle GCD, Management plan information for Glasscock GCD, Management plan information for South Plains UWCD, Predictive simulations for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 2, Volume calculations for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 1, Volume calculations and pump rates for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 1, Analysis using specified depletions for districts in Groundwater Management Area 1, Management plan information for North Plains GCD, Water budget and GIS information for the Ogallala Aquifer in Hemphill County, Saturated thickness shapefile for the Ogallala Aquifer in Hemphill County, Saturated thickness shapefile for the Ogallala Aquifer in Hemphill County (zip file), Saturated thickness maps for the Ogallala Aquifer in Region A, Groundwater volumes for the Ogallala Aquifer in Randall and Oldham counties, Comparison of groundwater volumes between GR 04-13 and GR 05-09 for the Ogallala Aquifer in Region A, Saturated thickness, groundwater volumes, and water level maps for the Ogallala Aquifer in Region A, Various pumping scenarios for the Ogallala Aquifer in Hemphill County, Water budget and volume of water in storage for Hemphill County using a predictive simulation, Saturated thickness map for the Ogallala (north) Aquifer, Recharge rates per model cell in the Ogallala (north) Aquifer GAM, Groundwater in storage for Region A using a 1.25% annual depletion rate, Hydraulic conductivity data for the Ogallala Aquifer GAMs, Volumetric calculations for all counties in Llano Estacado Regional Water Planning Group, Groundwater volume in each county-basin zone of Region O (Llano Estacado), Determine pumping rate equivalent to a volume depletion rate of no more than 1% per year, Predictive run with Region O provided increase in irrigation pumping, Water table declines and water budget in South Plains UWCD, Groundwater volume in each county-basin zone of Region O (Llano Estacado) Clarification memo, Water budget and total available storage for the Ogallala Aquifer in Permian Basin UWCD, Volume of water in storage and recharge information for the Ogallala Aquifer in High Plains UWCD No. Igneous and metamorphic-rock aquifers can be grouped into two categories: crystalline-rock and volcanic-rock. The Edwards aquifer in the Balcones fault zone of southcentral Texas is one of the most permeable and most productive aquifers in the world. Aquifers are identified by a geohydrologic unit code-a three-digit number related to the age of the formation, followed by a 4 or 5 character abbreviation for the geologic unit or aquifer name. The EAA has an active program to educate the public on water conservation and also operates several active groundwater recharge sites. The water-yielding properties of carbonate rocks vary widely; some yield almost no water and are considered to be confining units, whereas others are among the most productive aquifers known. . January 31, 2023. In Texas, the Panhandle is the most extensive region irrigated with groundwater. Aquifers are identified by a geohydrologic unit code (a three-digit number related to the age of the formation, followed by a 4 or 5 character abbreviation for the geologic unit or aquifer name). Spaces in crystalline rocks are microscopically small, few, and generally unconnected. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) recognizes 9 major aquifers aquifers that produce large amounts of water over large areas (see major aquifers map) and 22 minor aquifers aquifers that produce minor amounts of water over large areas or large amounts of water over small areas (see minor aquifers map ). 600--Igneous and metamorphic-rock aquifers. About 60 percent of the approximately 16 million acre-feet of water used yearly in Texas is derived from underground formations that make up 9 major and 22 minor aquifers. Nearly 100 groundwater conservation districts work across the state to preserve Texas aquifers and their groundwater levels. Groundwater movement is generally toward the southeast. However, some individual aquifers serve mostly municipal purposes. This list of national principal aquifer codes and names are fixed values assigned by the National Water Information System(NWIS). Located in the upper Pecos River Valley of West Texas, this aquifer, formerly called the Cenozoic Pecos Alluvium, extends through 12 counties. Official websites use .gov Water-conservation measures by agricultural and municipal users are being promoted. The aquifer consists of sand, gravel, clay, and silt and has a maximum thickness of 800 feet. The recharge zone of the aquifer in Burnet County is approximately 18,011 acres. Delineations of the downdip boundaries of such aquifers as the Edwards (BFZ), Trinity, and Carrizo-Wilcox are based on chemical quality criteria. These aquifers, which are in rocks that range in age from Pleistocene to Cambrian, Center the map where you want the center of your print, enter a title in the textbox and choose a page size for your print using the drop down. Sandstone aquifers can be highly productive and provide large volumes of water. San Antonio Municpal water use in 2008 accounted for 87 percent of total use from the Hueco-Mesilla Bolson. Water-level declines are occurring in part of the region because of extensive pumping that far exceeds recharge. Most water from aquifers is used for irrigation. This system has been divided into three major water-producing components referred to as the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers. For Geophysical Well Log assistance contact. Would you like to submit an article, provide feedback, or just get in touch? Researchers have identified a previously undiscovered aquifer in southwest Texas. Proceeds benefit education in TX. In 2005,thenational aquiferinformationwas addedto NWIS, allowing users to search by national aquifer code and name from the reference list below. 9999--Areas that are not a national aquifer. Alluvial aquifers--consist of stream-valley aquifers and other aquifers of unconsolidated alluvial materials, not included in another named national aquifer, south of the limit ofQuarternarycontinental glaciation and east of the Rocky Mountains. The lower, more permeable part of the aquifer produces the greatest amount of groundwater. Nearly 80 percent of the groundwater produced in 2008 was used for irrigating crops, especially in the Panhandle region. Water quality is generally good northeast of the San Antonio River basin, but deteriorates to the southwest. Aquifers are identified by a geohydrologic unit code - a three-digit number related to the age of the formation, followed by a 4 or 5 character abbreviation for the geologic unit or aquifer name. Their combined freshwater saturated thickness averages about 600 feet in North Texas and about 1,900 feet in Central Texas. However, water quality diminishes to the south, where large areas contain total dissolved solids in excess of 1,000 milligrams per liter. 500--Sandstone and carbonate-rock aquifers. Texas has three ASR systems. However, the salinity has increased in many heavily pumped areas to the point where the water has become unsuitable for domestic and municipal use. Aquifers are shown in the States of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. El Paso and Fort Bliss also have built the worlds largest inland desalination plant in El Paso County, which uses brackish groundwater from the Hueco Bolson. Each PA was sampled across its lateral extent using an equal-area grid, typically with 60 wells. Water Tour | Aquifers Overview | Print Snapshot (PDF). In 2008, almost 96 percent of the water pumped from the Ogallala was used for irrigation. It consists of sandstone and limestone formations of the Trinity formations, and limestones and dolomites of the Edwards and associated limestone formations. Natural salt pollution in the upper reaches of the Red and Brazos river basins precludes the full utilization of these water resources. Surficial deposits which are not of glacial origin may be coded as Alluvial aquifers. Elsewhere, water from the Trinity Aquifer is used primarily for municipal and domestic supply. The aquifer is used for municipal, industrial, and irrigation purposes. Volcanic-rock aquifers have a wide range of chemical, mineralogic, structural, and hydraulic properties Aquifer maps often include large-to-small areas that are designated "minor aquifer," "not a principal aquifer," or "confining unit. These are usually areas are underlain by low-permeability deposits and rocks, unsaturated materials, or aquifers that supply little water because they are of local extent, poorly permeable, or both. This dataset documents the depth to groundwater measured in wells screened in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers in the Houston-Galveston region, Texas for 2019. The Ordovician age Ellenburger aquifer is a fractured limestone and dolomite and is present in the southeastern and northwestern portions of the county. Texas Water Development Board works best with JavaScript enabled. Select the area, distance or location tool below. Larry French, director of the groundwater division at the Texas Water Development Board, spoke to Texas Standard about its potential . In cooperation with Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, the City of Houston, Fort Bend County Subsidence District, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, and Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, the U.S. Geological Survey Texas Water Science Center Gulf Coast . geline aquifers near Houston, Texas. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. In 2008, about 72 percent of pumpage from the aquifer was for municipal use. Entriesinitalicsare no longer valid.To learn more about a specific aquifer, visit the Principal Aquifers websitefor an overview, or access more extensive information from theGround Water Atlas of the United States. Present in the outcrop of the alluvial and glacial aquifers as defined in Ogallala! Underlies more than 81 percent of all water used in Texas, the Panhandle is the most permeable and productive. Ranges from fresh to slightly saline water, which underlies more than 81 percent of pumpage from the Bolson. Clay, and Hensell formations salt pollution in the Ground water Atlas of the groundwater Division the! But deteriorates to the south, where large Areas contain total dissolved solids in excess of 1,000 milligrams per.! Surficial aquifer in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain of these water resources, provide,! Historically, Texas has numerous aquifers capable of producing groundwater for households, municipalities,,... 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