The shape of a triangle can be represented as a point on the sphere, and the distribution of all shapes can be thought of as a distribution over the sphere. Use your pendulum to also communicate with the spirits traveling the ley lines. When they did, they found it linked to many sacred sites. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration (SP4SE). Its in the Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. I made an educated guess and asked if the spirits were mad at the Spanish men who came from the water. UTS acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the Boorooberongal people of the Dharug Nation, In this way ley lines are surprisingly inclusive, connecting the sacred and crucial sites of ancient worship across the planet. I do not have facts but am very sensitive to enervy and believe that pip lines are attempting to be made illegally under our land which not only is in the middle of ley line crossings but we own our mineral rights.somethings not common anymore and somethimg of a problem for those pipliners that want to cross through our landit has been a tug of war I feel between energies from them and energies from the combined work of the land and I which so far has kept our heads above water..literally.the last year we had a hurricane which flooded most everywhere in the city I live in but we did not.also just a month ago another tropical storm flooded everyone again.wr did not. [43] Devereux pursued this approach in a series of further books. historic material loaned specifically for each venue, allowing new and distinct local narratives to come to light in context with the commissioned work. Alfred Watkins, an amateur . We are lucky to live so close to a ley line and such magical sites. Perform all or part of it at your local ley lines and see what happens! Gerard from Alice Springs. This basin bears the name of William Wharton (1843-1905), one of the first to discover it. Mr. Sanderson identified 12 areas he calls Vile Vortices. William Becker and Bethe Hagens placed Icosahedron on a map of the world. [34], It was only in the 1980s that professional archaeologists in Britain began to engage with the ley hunting movement. Blog/Posts Yes there is a small mountain or large hill about two hour drive from where I live where cars literally roll up hill I couldnt believe it till I saw it with my own eyes. In Britain and throughout Europe, theres something called a corpse road. So they must have had some compelling reasons to do so. Ley Lines are believed to carry high-vibrational energetic information around the Earth. Spirit Ways or Death Roads Spirit ways or Death Roads is the most mysterious theory of all. Now, you have the network of alignment used in Eastern thought and medicine. What Are Ley Lines? The work acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future. [7] To assist this growing body of enthusiasts who were looking for their own ley lines in the landscape, in 1927, Watkins published The Ley Hunter's Manual. [23], In the mid-1970s, Michell then published a detailed case study of the West Penwith district of Cornwall, laying out what he believed to be the ley lines in the area. A huge intersection of ley lines is found in northern Egypt. The Becker-Hagens gird (2) shows the pattern that aligns them. Following global patterns, sightings are more common in specific grid points and ley lines where the magnetics are strongest . I had a feeling it was built by the Natives on or close by a ley line. I saw a woman wearing a necklace of shells and tree fronds on her clothing. Stonehenge, the Great Pyramids of Giza, and Machu Picchu are sacred sites that connect to other sites via lines, including landmarks like Mount Everest. His critics noted that his ideas relied on drawing lines between sites established at different periods of the past. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Well examine twelve of these sites, which have some interesting points in common regarding their location on the grid and the properties these locations exhibit. Yet again we come across another mysterious force of nature known as the electro magnetic fields of the earth, Shuman Resonance or better known as ley lines. Geometry, in particular, is interesting because we can see it in action when we put sand on a flat surface. First thing I suggest is to think of your local area and if there are any significant historical landmarks. I guarantee youll find the pendulum swinging vigorously, as mine did. Is there a geometrical energy system that surrounds our planet? Folks, ley lines on maps simply mark out the tunnel system that exists underground. He explained the planetary grid as the synthesis of platonic solids. Williamson and Bellamy's book brought two different responses from the ley hunter community. A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. The first recorded contact was made in 1722 by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen. There are many tales in the British Isles and Ireland that point out fairy pathways leading into hills and traveling over fairy bridges. I would LOVE to see something that phenomenal! Powered by Interserver, Beautiful And Perfectly Flawed 2022 You Are Already Perfect, Easy Guided Meditation With The Shamanic Journey Script, The Best Spiritual Journal Prompts and Spiritual Journaling Exercises, The Best Proven Tactics For Navigating Crisis And Pandemic, Overcoming Spiritual Roadblocks And Spiritual Stagnation. Interestingly, there is a spiral [], [] Safety Harbor, Florida, stands the Tocobagan Indian Mound. there are 5 or 6 major nexuses in the would (i only know. [19], In his 1961 book Skyways and Landmarks, Tony Wedd published his idea that Watkins' leys were both real and served as ancient markers to guide alien spacecraft that were visiting Earth. [29] They also demonstrated that ley hunters had often said that certain markers were Neolithic, and thus roughly contemporary with each other, when often they were of widely different dates, such as being Iron Age or medieval. These ancient cultures possessed knowledge we lost with the rise of anti-intellectualism and organized religion. (1888). (3) Alexander Goncharov, Wikipedia As soon as they arrived I put them out on the Earth under the sun, to cleanse and energise them and also to imbue them with the frequency of the Australian Earth. Fairies, also known as the wee folk and sidhe, are known to travel along specified paths as well. But on a regional and . Ideally, youll take a pendulum with you. Imagine a fairy chain stretched from mountain peak to mountain peak as far as the eye could reach ~ Alfred Watkins, The Old Straight Track (1925). Ley lines (/le/) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks. Stand still for a while and feel the healing energy pulsing up from the earth. The beehive is an example of how this structure can connect living things. Which mound do you live close by? What about them all crossing in the Bermuda Triangle? Ley lines are made up of various kinds of energy; whatever kinds are more prominent in the line affects its properties. [28] In suggesting that prehistoric Britons were far more advanced in mathematics and astronomy than archaeologists had previously accepted, Thom's work was seen as giving additional credibility to the beliefs of ley hunters. (Root Chakra), Lake Titicaca, Peru (Sacral Chakra), Uluru, Australia (Solar Plexus Chakra), Stonehenge . It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. Its as simple as a Google search. This is a sacred journey and you should prepare as such. [1], From the 1940s through to the 1960s, the archaeological establishment blossomed in Britain due to the formation of various university courses on the subject. At ancient sites on ley lines, youll experience spiritual enlightenment, visions, feelings of peace, etc. Skeptics have also stressed that the esoteric idea of earth energies running through ley lines has not been scientifically verified, remaining an article of faith for its believers. Ley lines are mostly recorded in folklore and occult books, the comparative concept developed by a man named Alfred Watkins in 1921. Archaeologists and statisticians have demonstrated that a random distribution of a sufficient number of points on a plane will inevitably create alignments of random points purely by chance. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are points of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. The Seattle Arts Commission contributed $5,000 to the project, bringing criticisms from members of the public who regarded it as a waste of money. . It is famous for the statues of the giant alien-looking faces the Moai. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are pockets of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. They are known as "fairy paths" in Irish folklore. . My kids didnt believe water ran up hill until I managed to take them for a drive after a big rain. I live not far from you, and also near an Indian Mound in Central Florida. The idea that ancient sacred sites might have been constructed in alignment with one another was proposed in 1846 by the Reverend Edward Duke, who observed that some prehistoric monuments and medieval churches aligned with each other. [29] They highlighted that the British landscape was so highly covered in historic monuments that it was statistically unlikely that any straight line could be drawn across the landscape without passing through several such sites. So, today travelers still avoid these areas if possible. British archaeologists were then overwhelmingly committed to ideas of cultural diffusionism, and thus unwelcoming to ideas about ley lines being an independent British development. Tesla use ley line to produce free electricity. They also argued that in prehistory, as in the present, it was impractical to travel in a straight line across hilly or mountainous areas of Britain, rendering his leys unlikely as trade routes. Very interesting. Karachi is on southern Pakistans coastline in a natural harbor on the Arabian Sea. Please dont ask me to provide you with a map. Take a cleansing shower or bath before traveling to these sacred sites. Yes, ley lines can give off . It is truly amazing. There seems to be a correlation between the world grid ley lines map and the science behind sacred geometry vibrational energy. [18] The archaeoastronomer Clive Ruggles noted that after the 1920s, "ley lines soon faded into obscurity". Along this grid of straight ley lines can be found burial mounds, effigies, stone structures (standing stones, circles, pyramids, dolmans, Stonehenge, etc.) If you take a closer look at the world map then you can see that many important structures are at a straight line path from each. These include Sedona, Mount Shasta, Yellowstone Park, Lake Mojave, Lake Mead and Mount Rainier. all cathedrals, pyramid Stonehenge and so many other ancient sites and many government project are on ley lines STRANGE [1] There, Wilhelm Teudt had argued for the presence of linear alignments connecting various sites but suggested that they had a religious and astronomical function. [18] The Club survived him, although it became largely inactive at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and formally disbanded in 1948. Mathematics and geometry are subjects that intrigue many people. or is it an other coincidence. (1) Ivan T. Sanderson, Wikipedia from Parramatta Park, Western Sydney. The exception is the seven Ahu Akivi, which face outward toward the ocean, perhaps to greet or scare away travelers. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. Spirits travel the earth in straight lines ley lines. No lines are numbered no names. [43] In particular, it drew attention to ethnographically recorded beliefs in the importance of lines running through the landscape in various communities around the world, proposing these as ethnographic comparisons for what might have occurred in prehistoric Britain. A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates which science has not denied. Saga magazine published Sandersons grid in 1972. - - On the winter solstice, I trekked out to a cold and muddy Avebury Henge, out in Wiltshire, to talk about . For instance, the hexagon is the structure of beehives and the dragonflys eyes. I noticed one day driving the water running down the road side drains were going in different directions one side was normall running down hill the other side was running up hill. Have a ritual that needs a particularly strong amount of energy? . [7], Proponents of Watkins' ideas sent in letters to the archaeologist O. G. S. Crawford, then editor of the Antiquity journal. [31] Ley hunting welcomed those who had "a strong interest in the past but feel excluded from the narrow confines of orthodox academia". the priecise location of two.Ohio and Wales), and maybe a dozen major. Dont forget to cleanse the pendulum and yourself after any. Two Ley lines intersect at Lake Titicaca, these include the Male Great Dragon Ley Line which runs from Mt. [34] Ley hunters nevertheless often took an interest in the work of archaeo-astronomers like Alexander Thom and Euan Mackie, being attracted to their arguments about the existence of sophisticated astronomer-priests in British prehistory. [28] He presented this as a challenge to archaeologists, urging them to examine his ideas in detail and stating that he would donate a large sum of money to charity if they could disprove them. The St Michael's line is an invisible line drawn across the south of England connecting many historical churches, prehistoric monuments and sites of interest which have an affinity with Saint Michael. One such place is located at Avebury in England, where twelve lines meet and go down into the Earth. You see, on the same site there was turmoil between the Spanish seafarers who landed there in the sixteenth century and the natives who had been there for centuries before. They set up natural sanctuaries and called the intersections of ley lines their sacred sites. To further prove that the most important and powerful ley lines are between volcanic plugs/extinct volcanoes, have a look at this illustration in my book. The work acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country, and pays respect to Elders past, present and future. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. We vibrate the surface, and a shape appears in the sand. [6], He put forward his idea of ley lines in the 1922 book Early British Trackways and then again, in greater depth, in the 1925 book The Old Straight Track. Perhaps that is why ley lines and vibrational geometry draw our attention. These sites include the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, the stone heads at Easter Island, and Mexicos sun and moon pyramids. Independently of Watkins' ideas, a similar notionthat of Heilige Linien ('holy lines')was raised in 1920s Germany. Stop in places where you feel energy the strongest, then hold your pendulum out and still. It is amazing, and in my opinion, has much more powerful energy than the mound in Safety Harbor. Sanderson believed that electromagnetic disturbances from hot and cold airflow might cause these areas abnormal activity. The idea of "leys" as straight tracks across the landscape was put forward by the English antiquarian Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, particularly in his book The Old Straight Track. Ley lines affect our daily lives in many ways: After finding your local lines, its time to take a journey and confirm in person. Ley Lines The KEY To Unlocking The Matrix. In addition to speaking with spirits at local ley lines, the energy of ley lines can be harnessed to aid in manifestation. If you live in Europe, there are literally thousands. Ley lines have been found all over the world since Watkins originally put his ideas to paper, with some being found in India, China and even Australia. You can also, You can use a pendulum to dowse and find certain areas at the site that have a high energetic charge. Never go back. A corpse road was a path taken by a funerary procession to move the dead to its burial place a churchyard, typically. This view was promoted to a wider audience in the books of John Michell, particularly his 1969 work The View Over Atlantis. Today, people talk about how to raise your vibration. Pendulum out and still the Bermuda Triangle the surface, and a shape appears in the Bermuda Triangle lines /le/... Up hill until i managed to take them for a drive after a rain! Of peace, etc tectonic plates which science has not denied kinds are common. A woman wearing a necklace of shells and tree fronds on her clothing allowing new distinct... Of how this structure can connect living things, perhaps to greet or scare away travelers and should. ], [ ], it was only in the would ( i only know Florida. Wharton ( 1843-1905 ), Lake Mojave, Lake Mead and Mount Rainier travel the.. Made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours scare away travelers and pays respect to Elders past, present future... 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