In all, she was instrumental in taking down 10 people, a mad campaign for justice that made her famous, but vulnerable. Someone broke in through the metal door from her beloved garden patio, the tiny patch of tranquility that kept her from . Rebecca Kiessling lost her two sons, 20-year-old Caleb and 18-year-old Kyler, to fentanyl poisoning on July 29, 2020, after the boys ingested a "fake Percocet" in a hotel room. The killers covered the site with trash to throw off anyone searching. However, the International Federation of Journalists, which also counts media workers, said that six . He also said hed had good luck since childhood, which is how he explained twice winning the national lottery, pocketing $6.8million in 2008 and $3.6million the following year. Lucianos father expressed gratitude. Luis and Azalea sat for a while as the suns bite softened, reminiscing in a way they rarely allowed themselves to do anymore. By Theodore Shoebat A Mexican drug cartel in Apatzingan brutally tortured and murdered a young woman in her twenties and left her corpse on the street. Luis took charge of the collective of San Fernando families with disappeared relatives that his slain mother had created. The child. She joined Proceso in 2000. 34. In the years after Martnezs death, the mothers of the disappeared across Mexico formed collectives to demand that authorities find the bodies of their missing loved ones. Others called, claiming to be the kidnappers. Authorities told. We may never know who killed Regina, but I know who didnt kill Regina., Mexican President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador said at a news conference in November that he would ask that the homicide case be reexamined. And last night my chest was in pain. Worried, she asked the government for protection. As a private lawyer, he was also representing the LeBaron family, a family with dual US-Mexico citizenship that lost nine. When she returned, the officer asked her what she had been thinking. Linares served as director at the Monitor Michoacan website, which on Tuesday continued to show an . Her friends often wondered if she was going too far. Then she donned a government uniform she had kept from an old, low-level job at the Health Ministry. Keith Melvin Moses (left), 19, shot and killed Nathacha Augustin, 38, T'yonna Major, 9, and Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons (right), 24, according She is one of three people to testify in front of the Border Security and . Dec. 6, 2020. But with each passing day, the trails grew more faint. His son, Javier, said via Twitter that his father was ill and unable to comment: My father has been in a hospital since April; this is a fact that you can easily corroborate; he suffered a stroke in April and has been in intensive care ever since. Mrs. Rodrguezs son, Luis, 36, could not help but see the parallels, and wept when he heard the news. A MEXICAN cartel leader's sister was shot and killed at the church altar on her wedding day by rival gangsters, it has been reported. For the most part, residents dont speak out against organized crime. She would hunt them down, one by one, until the day she died. Two Mexican intelligence officials said in phone interviews that Martnezs homicide may be connected to the hackers known as Anonymous in Mexico. With an official-looking ID in hand, she spent the better part of a day conducting a fake poll of the neighborhood until she got basic details on one of her daughters captors. Ovidio Guzman Lopez, the third son of El Chapo was born on March 29, 1990 and is 31 years old. In 2017, remains of 250 people were unearthed in Veracruz. CNN and The New York Times sent reporters. Luis arrived late to the funeral, after the procession had already made its way down streets lined with residents watching little Lucianos casket en route to the cemetery. Abigail Geiger contributed reporting from Orlando, Fla. New Details Emerge in Killing of Reporter, Woman and 9-Year-Old, Right now, what we are asking for, and what Miriam asked for a number of times, is security, said Lucianos father. But it came with a price. The intruder probably surprised her in the bathroom, from behind, investigators believe. The weeks after Karens abduction had become knotted into a single, nauseating progression of calls, threats and false promises. They called on friends and citizens to march with them, to demand the return of little Luciano. She jammed her handgun into his back. Perhaps softened by her kindness, Cristian told them everything. Martnez was one of the very few reporters who dared to refuse bribes or to ignore cartel threats aimed at censoring the news. They were involved in bad things, people often say to one another. Luis, Mrs. Rodrguezs son, knew from his own experience that the only way to find a body was to get someone to talk. This happened to be a random act of violence that were still trying to figure out why this happened, he said, adding that body camera video footage would be released later Thursday. Over the years, kidnappers had already ransomed several members of Lucianos family, including his father, held for 33 days in 2012. Only her tape recorder and computer were gone. For four more years, he is known to have killed 30 people total, acting as a hitman for the Zeta cartel. Where was his compassion when they killed my daughter? her family said she had replied. The Veracruz government said the 35 people were Zetas and the perpetrators were from the warring Gulf Cartel. The day after, the kidnappers said they wanted more. Townspeople, long accustomed to looking away in silence, watched the funeral procession crawl through the streets, slow enough for the hundreds of mourners on foot to keep up. . A white Nissan truck carrying men who had escaped prison quietly pulled up behind her, according to the police report. Anyone can read what you share. By Eduardo Medina,April Rubin and Christine Chung. She became a social media sleuth, spending countless hours trawling Karens Facebook profile, looking for clues. Martnezs homicide shocked many who assumed a reporter at such a respected national outlet was too high-profile to be killed. The risk is asymmetric. A man riding in a car with his cousin shot and killed another passenger then returned to the same neighborhood near Orlando hours later and shot four more people, killing a journalist covering. Duarte was obsessed, she wrote in Proceso, with censoring the truth. They traversed the vast expanses of San Fernandos arid edges, but no matter how far they searched, they could never cover it all. Like everyone else in the city, Lucianos relatives knew the story of Karens kidnapping and Mrs. Rodrguezs tragic heroism. Her articles had an outsize impact. Fontes, who now runs a security company, Fontes International Solutions, said the problem is endemic to Mexico. He had one last customer, a young, slender man browsing hats. A noose hung from the branch of a gnarled tree. A mother of two sons killed by fentanyl gave emotional testimony Tuesday at the House Homeland Security hearing on the border crisis. As for the people who ordered the hit, who feared her activism more than they feared the repercussions of killing her, they remain shrouded in secrecy. LEFT: Soldiers and police block off an area in Veracruz where 35 bodies were dumped on a roadway in September 2011. In August of this year, the family went to Mexico City to pressure the government. She scoffed. Mexico: In a horrific cartel attack against Mexico police, a female cop was allegedly kidnapped, raped and mutilated when she was performing her duties in the area. He was frightened during questioning. The vicious Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) are considered the most dangerous and powerful criminal enterprise in Mexico. That Karen and Mrs. Rodrguez now lay together was a small solace. Frustrated, Mrs. Rodrguez redoubled her efforts to identify the rest of the crew, and before long had a stack of photos of Sama posing with others. But when he suggested that the searches be accompanied by dogs to smell for corpses, the family took umbrage, Luis said. She cut her hair, dyed it and disguised herself as a pollster, a health worker and an election official to get their names and addresses. Karens father dropped off a bag of cash near the health clinic, then waited in vain at the local cemetery for the kidnappers to free her. a b Marijose Gamboa has one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. She wrote everything down and stuffed it into her black computer bag, building her investigation and tracking them down, one by one. One, Cristian Jose Zapata Gonzalez, was barely 18 when the police grabbed him, young even by cartel standards. Someone wanted to stop the news reports about the executions. They knew they were among the fortunate few who at least had somewhere to mourn them. In articles for the national investigative weekly Proceso, Martnez, who was killed at age 48, told her readers that two successive governors in her home state of Veracruz looted the treasury and allowed cartels to operate freely with the help of local and state police. Borbolla had other problems with the crime investigation, which was supposed to be done jointly with state authorities. His mother thanked everyone for having risked their own safety to help find her son. Drivers circled town playing it over a loudspeaker. (Alberto Morales Garcia/Forbidden Stories). Laura Borbolla, a senior prosecutor in the Mexican Attorney Generals Office who investigated Martnezs homicide in 2012, said in interviews that state police and prosecutors made serious mistakes in their handling of the case. Miroslava Breach, 54, was shot eight times in her car while pulling out of her driveway to take one of her children to school. In custody, he filled in details missing from Mrs. Rodrguezs investigation, coughing up the names and locations of some accomplices. For Luis and Azalea, it was hard not to hear the parallels with their own mother, buried not 100 feet away. The dread twisted into rage. To hear more audio stories from publishers like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. [75] Female participants [ edit] Sign in Women Are Being Killed With Impunity. The government said nothing about how it had found the grave site. Two weeks later, the tortured and decapitated body of Notivers police reporter was discovered. Proceso documented that he owned a private jet and 22 cars, including an armored vehicle, as well as ranches, a hotel and a yacht. In the time since Martnezs death, her instincts have been validated. When questioned about those holdings, the governor said they belonged to his wealthy wife. Two to three times a week, they conducted searches. Recently, she has investigated Russian disinformation operations, censorship around the world, the massive national security state, CIA operations and veterans issues. Im going to take out the people who hurt my daughter and they can do whatever they want to me.. Someone broke in through the metal door from her beloved garden patio, the tiny patch of tranquility that kept her from moving from her modest cinder-block home to a safer location. Weeks earlier, volunteers had passed the very spot and missed it. A colleague of Martnez said that she had calculated that the number of dead had increased tenfold in Veracruz between 2000 and 2012, a toll not reflected in official records. His grandfather, Luciano, ran a trucking business he started from scratch, and a prosperous cinder block factory. Mr. Lyons, born and raised in Philadelphia, graduated from the University of Central Florida and had previously worked in Gainesville as a television reporter, according to Spectrum News. The walkie-talkie hanging from the kidnappers belt buzzed repeatedly, interrupting Mrs. Rodrguez as she begged him to return her daughter. Only after his sister opened his Facebook account did they realize what had happened. On Thursday, the Sheriffs Office released the names of the victims: Dylan Lyons, 24, Nathacha Augustin, 38, and Tyonna Major, 9. She Stalked Her Daughters Killers Across Mexico, One by One, Raul aka "Mini 6", born in 1991 and was killed by police in Jalisco in 2010 when he was 18 years old. Executions, not just of petty dealers but of prominent business executives, livestock farmers and peasant leaders. Then, there was another 911 call, Sheriff Mina said. She had said as much in her time, words now carved onto a plaque affixed to her mausoleum. Some 50 young women disappeared over a three-day period after attending parties with Zetas and local officials, according to media accounts. Meanwhile, she wrote in 2006, Herrera assures Veracruz that nothing is happening, that there is social tranquility in the state. One asked Mrs. Rodrguez for mercy. He had his child back, in some way. It was a witchs brew, said Seeley, who now runs Constos Global Risk Management. She was an incorruptible, professional journalist.. But they felt they had nothing to lose. If you move, Ill shoot you, she told him, according to family members involved in her scramble to capture the florist that day. In March of 2017, nearly two dozen prisoners escaped the penitentiary in Ciudad Victoria, where Mrs. Rodrguezs efforts had put her daughters killers. 1 min read. When professors at the University of Veracruz would not stop publicly criticizing him, he denied the university millions in state funds and created a new university where he handed out credentials to students loyal to him, according to press accounts at the time. (Marco Ugarte/AP) RIGHT: Posters of Espinosa and four slain women hang outside Veracruz state government offices in 2015, above posters of then-Gov. She was a police officer in Veracruz, Mexico. By then, everyone had. The gunman, a former reporter for the TV station . Three people, including a reporter and a 9-year-old girl, were shot and killed, and two others were shot and injured in a series of shootings in . The killing came just a day after Lpez Esquivel, 21, a female member of the Jalisco cartel, died during a showdown with Mexican cops in La Bocanda. The intersection where Mrs. Rodrguezs daughter, Karen, was kidnapped. Her family was not satisfied, but she didnt let that stop her. They slept in tents pitched in the city center and wore ponchos to weather the seasonal storms. The lifeless body of the young woman had signs of torture and was found with gunshot wounds Sunday morning. The next year, 168. I knew her quite well, he said of Martnez, who had covered one of his earlier campaigns. Those still on the street tried to forge new lives as taxi drivers, gas delivery men or, in the case of Enrique Yoel Rubio Flores, a born-again Christian. A man who fatally shot a 38-year-old woman on Wednesday morning in Orange County, Fla., returned to the scene later in the day and went on a shooting spree, the authorities said, killing a 24-year-old TV news reporter who had been covering the original homicide and a 9-year-old at a nearby home. And so the family, like Mrs. Rodrguez, broke the rules that governed how victims usually respond in such cases. Logan was in Cairo covering. [The search for the disappeared points to Mexicos darkest secrets], Martnez contacted photographer Julio Argumedo to take pictures for Proceso. Mass graves containing tens of thousands have been subsequently discovered across the country. Just as she had with the ice cream shop, Mrs. Rodrguez waited for weeks outside of the prison during visiting hours until Ms. Betancourt finally showed. Mr. Moses was taken to a hospital, where Sheriff Mina said he fought with hospital staff and was restrained, before being transported to the Sheriffs Office. After that, the woman fled to Veracruz, where she drove a taxi while raising her young son. Since then, at least 39 more journalists have been murdered. The Client Who Got Him Killed. It had just returned to power, 12 years after its seven decades of consecutive rule had been broken. The brutality is now spilling into popular tourist areas, particularly in the Quintana Roo state. A scarf that belonged to Karen and a seat cushion from her truck lay near the top. Enrique Pea Nieto, who once described Herrera as his best friend, ran and won the presidency instead. In reality, organized crime is a middleman. In the first shooting on Wednesday, the suspect fatally shot Ms. Augustin around 11 a.m. as she was in the car with the suspects cousin, Sheriff Mina said, adding that it was unclear whether the suspect knew the victim personally. Under Duarte, the Zetas lost their monopoly on power in the state, and other cartels moved in, according to interviews and press accounts at the time. All were murdered during Mexico's ongoing cocaine wars. Martnezs home was mostly undisturbed, and items of value remained little gold earrings on the dresser, her purse, her phones, a printer, kitchen appliances. A murder in Veracruz: Slain journalists story a portrait of a violent, corrupt era in Mexico. Scarred by a decade of violence, a brutal war between cartel factions, the slaughter of 72 migrants and the killing of Mrs. Rodrguez, San Fernando grew quiet for a time, as if spent by its own tragic history. Gunmen killed nine people in an attack on a house in central Mexico, in the latest outbreak of violence linked to suspected drug gangs, authorities said Wednesday. In June of that year, nearly a month after Mrs. Rodrguezs death, officials in the state of Veracruz, acting with information she had provided, arrested yet another suspect in Karens case. "They killed the wrong woman, my . A 31-year-old journalist was shot dead on Monday in the central state of Guanajuato while he was reporting on the discovery of human remains dumped on a road in the city of Salamanca. ,federal,local police are sometimes paid to allow it or they try to stop them and be killed themselves or their family killed. But the kidnapping of an innocent 14-year-old boy broke the quiet understanding that the cartels had with the people of San Fernando. The family doubted it would bring Karen home, but they sent the money anyway. His father, also Luciano, owned a thriving construction materials store. . Forbes magazine had by then dubbed him one of the 10 most corrupt Mexicans. But Pea Nieto argued that Herreras business acumen made him the perfect choice for the job. Duarte had none of Herreras political charm. Her husband, inside watching television, found her face down on the street, hand tucked inside her purse, next to her pistol. The murder took place on Sunday night when a gunman shot and killed Lourdes Maldonado inside her vehicle, the Baja California Attorney General's Office revealed. Without showering, she threw a trench coat over her pajamas, a baseball cap over her fire engine-red hair and a gun in her purse, heading for the border to find the florist. Cinemas, nightclubs and shops were almost empty, a consequence of the violence, she wrote. Then president Donald Trump had even tweeted about it, offering to send in "an army" to defeat the cartels. The woman, who started being a hit woman aged 15 said killed pregnant women. Animal / Animal Attack / Cartel / Crime / Mutilation / Punishment / Pure Gore / Torture. This man is having his genitals eaten by a dog. Martnez reported it all: The rape and homicide of a 72-year-old Indigenous woman by army soldiers. Farmers and politicians. She cut her hair and dyed it bright red so Sama would not recognize her. The Zetas called Herrera Zeta Number One because he was the one who ran the state, former FBI special agent Arturo Fontes, who spent 28 years on Mexican and Colombian drug and money-laundering cases, said in an interview. Martnez pored over state spending records, writing in 2008 that Herrera invested millions from the budget in a failing soccer team called the Red Sharks owned by a friend. Zetas kill and behead 4 women. Mrs. Rodrguez just needed Sama to slip up. Led. LEFT: Martnez in an undated photo. I want to say that they hit me on the back and I feel pain, Silva said in a statement provided by his attorney, Diana Coq Toscanini. and he used them to keep order in some regions of the state., In 2012, after Martnezs death, Herreras name also surfaced in sworn testimony at the U.S. money-laundering trial of Veracruz oilman Francisco Colorado-Cessa in U.S. District Court in Austin. Veracruz officials awarded lucrative government contracts to Colorado-Cessas cartel-linked construction company, and government officials received 10 to 16 percent from each contract, Hinojosa testified. The restaurant where Mrs. Rodrguez met with a cartel member in San Fernando. On Feb 24, the Gothika. One official claimed that investigators had managed to triangulate the location based on cellphone tower pings. We arent looking for a corpse, Luis recalled Anabel saying. The brutal killing and mutilation of a 25-year-old woman in Mexico has sparked outrage and prompted calls for a change in the country's law, after several media outlets published a leaked. Herrera has not been charged with a crime, and he denied all the allegations against him. The 19-year-old suspect is in custody, police said. Sometimes, they organized death matches between captives for sport. Instead of answers, the family received threats, anonymous calls and messages warning them to stop the search. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The body of a woman was found nearby. And then, by pure chance, Sama turned up. It was an indicator that she was getting close and that the response from drug cartels had to be certain and definitive.. Her son, Luis, took over the group she had started, a collective of the many local families whose loved ones had disappeared. The problem is, American Dirt is none of those . She has lived, worked and. That case has stalled. They felt almost perfunctory now, performative. About five hours later, several 911 calls came in from the site of the first shooting. He said they found a Glock 40 handgun that was still hot to the touch in the suspects pants. Three of them are bare-chested. No one challenged organized crime, never mind put its members in prison. 25. She studied journalism in college and began her career in the early 1980s at a state-run television channel. And with every failed bid to reclaim Karen, she fell further into despair. When they arrested him in the central plaza, Sama kicked and screamed, claiming he had a heart condition. Luis Antonio Rojas for The New York Times. The cemetery emptied, but they stayed, clinging to the moment. She was still wearing her cast, and using crutches, on Mothers Day. Mexican video confirms death of female drug cartel gun woman January 13, 2020 MEXICO CITY (AP) Videos and photos of a woman killed in a drug gang shootout appear to confirm she was "La Catrina," a female member of a cartel hit squad that massacred 13 police officers in October. Longer video, but gore starts about halfway in. Please enable JavaScript for the best experience. We dont care about the rain, or anything else, Lucianos mother told local television reporters as her group sheltered under downtown awnings. Just before her killing, Martnez had begun visiting pauper cemeteries in Veracruz to compare the number of bodies buried to official death records. We must rid ourselves of the fear to stand up and speak out.. Reporter Dylan Lyons and a photographer were on scene reporting sometime around 4:00 p.m. when they were shot while reporting on a homicide of a woman in her twenties, which occurred at approximately 11:00 a.m., WCJB noted. They needed a bit more money, they said, just $500. She went to the authorities local, state and federal but none would help her. Rhonita Maria Miller, 31, and four of her children - a 12-year-old son Howard Jr., his 10-year-old sister Krystal and 8-month-old twins Titus and Tiana - were found shot and burned in their. Feb. 23, 202203:17. He recognized her and ran. For a city of about 60,000, San Fernando bears an infamy out of proportion to its size, a misfortune born of geography. I want to thank you for being the perfect son, for bringing joy to all of us every day you were here, he said. At least, not in the way they had hoped. A mariachi band played as mourners paid their respects at the burial. With every payment, a new hope sparkled for Mrs. Rodrguez. Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels on the border line between the US and Mexico. SOUTH BRUNSWICK - Police have asked for the public's help in the investigation of a hit-and-run crash that killed an East Windsor woman Saturday night, announced the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office. As the funeral crowd dispersed, Luis and Azalea went to their mothers grave, a church-like structure lined with cypress trees. U.S. Attorney Nick Brown's office announced Tuesday that 37-year-old Jose Barbosa of Kent was sentenced to 148 months in prisonjust over 12 yearsplus five years of supervised release once . Veracruz receives partial information and even lies, she wrote in 2011. Naturally, Mrs. Rodrguez began attending service. After a week, he stopped answering the phone. Mrs. Rodrguezs husband was different after Karen vanished. Within a few months, it arrested two of the culprits, and killed another in a gunfight. The city placed a bronze plaque honoring her in the central plaza. She was identified as Christina Langford Johnson. In three years, Mrs. Rodrguez captured nearly every living member of the crew that had abducted her daughter for ransom, a rogues gallery of criminals who tried to start new lives as a born-again Christian, a taxi driver, a car salesman, a babysitter. The team of reporters discovered that law enforcement authorities in Mexico, the United States and Spain had opened inquiries into allegations that Herrera colluded with leaders of the Zeta cartel while he was governor and took money from them for his campaign, as well as allegations that he was involved in money laundering while later serving in a diplomatic post in Barcelona. The shooting stunned some of the local reporters who were also on the scene that day, as well as some of their colleagues, who expressed disbelief on Twitter that journalists had been attacked while doing their jobs. He then had to be subdued after becoming physical with detectives, Sheriff Mina said. On February 15, 2023, Vctor Hugo Lpez Ramrez, a criminal lawyer from Mexico City, was gunned down at a taco stand in the Zona Rio neighborhood of Tijuana. Youre very handsome, read a message to him from the account. Instead, he agreed to become a political adviser to the PRI, Mexicos long-ruling conservative party. He had learned the lesson her murder was meant to impart: one could only push so far for justice, at least publicly. The government dispatched convoys of soldiers, police officers and investigators to San Fernando. At least, until the following year, when rampant abductions of bus passengers led to the unearthing of nearly 200 bodies dumped in mass graves along San Fernandos peripheries. As the months passed, Mrs. Rodrguez continued to fill her bag with clues she wrung from the case files. She called herself The Devil and . Police officers patrolling a remote area, favored by cartel members to move undetected, outside Reynosa, Mexico. She sought to prove the traffickers and their accomplices had executed hundreds of people: Teenage dealers and entire families. She was never able to find the mysterious witness. Just outside city limits, a cluster of highways untangles, each leading to strategic border crossings with the United States. In the beginning, Luis had tried to help the family by introducing them to a police official who had worked on Karens kidnapping and his mothers death. He outlawed crime reporting on social media an action that was quickly overturned in court. From Orlando, Fla. 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